A Pictorial Catalog of
Commemorative Flagholders & Plaques
of Organizations & Military
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen
Home Page
Flagholder Home Page
Warning on Sale of Cemetery Memorabilia

Commemorative Plaques & Flagholders
of Military and Organizations
as Photographed by Joyce M. Tice

Brotherhood of Locomotive
Firemen & Enginemen
B. L. F. & E. 

Flagholder Table of Contents

The above marker was found in Athens PA. I also found several more fancy ones in Oneonta NY.
B. of L.F.E. Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, Local Shop #39 Had a local in Sayre during the heyday of the Sayre Shops.  Believe it is now defunct.

See also Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers which may have been a parent organization to this one.

 Both the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainsmen and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, as well as other related organizations, merged in 1969 to become the United Transportation Union.

Wesley Childs 1894 Membership Card

This plain flagholder for Chapter 36 was found in 
Athens Pa. The fancier one at right for Chapter 71,
complete with train, shovels and clock or 
speedometer, was found in Oneonta NY.

Introduction on Flagholder Section Warning on Sale of Cemetery Memorabilia Obtaining Present Day Flagholders

Published On Site On 06/05/2003
By Joyce M. Tice

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