Wills, Deeds, Penison Papers, Other documents of historical and genealogical interest in County area
Submitted by Site Guests
Do you have legal documents
you would like to submit for inclusion here?
This Library of Documents can
ONLY Grow with YOUR Help
Guests are encouraged to submit transcriptions for any County Wills,
Deeds, Bible Records or other documents that will help other researchers.
This site can only be its best if every one of the guests who use its resources
is also willing to contribute what they have to it. I can not say this
strongly enough - If you have such materials in your possession and can
type, then this DOES mean YOU and YOUR records. I hear all the time from
people who say they have this or that Bible record or will or whatever
and in spite of all the pleas and requests, they have not thought to type
it up and send it in. This is a two way street. If you are willing to use
resources from this all volunteer site, then you must be equally willing
to give back your own resources. This is a cooperative venture and we must
all chip in with what we have. Yes, we do know how busy you are,
but if you have time to come to the site to take what it offers, then you
should also make an effort to find the time to give what you have in the
way of historical documents.