Barker, Dounce, Rose&Co., Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice, Water cor Lake St
Curtis, Lawrence L., postmaster, Hanover Square |
Curtis M.D., lawyer, Main cor Franklin |
DAGGETT S.O., proprietor Ryant House, Main n John |
Dailey & Bentley, lawyers, Main cor Franklin |
Davis W.H., physician, Steuben n Avenue |
Dean S.R. & G.W., dentists, Franklin |
DeVoe Michael, restaurant, Franklin n Main |
Dorn William, groceries, Franklin cor Church |
Dunn Anna, milliner, Main n John |
Gardner & Compton, furniture, Main n Franklin |
Greenman O.S., physician, Broad n Main |
GROOM ORLANDO, homoeopathic physician, Bennett ave cor Mill |
Gue John D., grocer, Main n Franklin |
Haines W. E., harness, Main n Franklin |
HATHAWAY & BENNITT, wholesale dealers in grain, hay & coal, Main bel Franklin |
Herrick Orrin, grocer, Franklin cor Avenue |
Hetfield Charles K., school commissioner, Main |
Hill Henry, shoemaker, Avenue n Franklin |
Holtz Z& Still, dressmakers, John n Avenue |
Horseheads Independent (Weekly), A.G. Wales, Main n Franklin |
Jones Henry B., restaurant, John n Main |
Kline, McDanolds & Hall, grist mill, Mill n Main |
Lockerby W.H., barber, Franklin n Main |
Lovell & Hibbard, hardware, Franklin n Main |
Mather F.C. Mrs. milliner, Main n Orchard |
McConnell H.H., ticket agent, also agent U.S. express and N. C.R.R. Depot |
McConnell H.S., ticket agent U.I. & E.R.R. Depot |
McCumber Andrew C., tanner, Franklin n Main |
McNISH J.F., books and stationery, also general insurance agent, Main cor Franklin |
Morgan Squire M., shoemaker, Franklin cor Avenue |
Mosher Herman, groceries, 2 Ryant Block |
Mosher W.W., dry Goods, 1 Mosher’s Block |
Park A., Mrs., milliner, Main n Franklin |
Peester Ira & Son, meat market, Avenue n Franklin |
Platt Rufus, Platt House, Main cor Franklin |
Reed George E, jeweler, Franklin n Main |
Reynolds & Tuttle, saw and planning mill, Adams n Main |
Rockwell George W., stoves and tinware, Main |
Rockwell E.S., blacksmith, Main n Franklin |
Root H.M., grocer, Franklin n Main |
Rose William J., carriage builder, John n Main |
Royce Simeon, tailor, Main n Franklin |
RYANT HOUSE, S. O. Daggett, proprietor, Main n John |
Seaman Parmelia, dressmaker, Franklin cor Railroad |
YOUNG & ALLENT, Tin and Slate Roofers, 307 E. Water
Shoots James D., job printer, Franklin n Main |
Sixby Brothers, painters, E Franklin n Main |
Southern Tier Greenbacker and Horseheads Journal (weekly) Thomas J. Taylor, editor,
John cor Main |
States A., Mrs., dressmaker, Main n Orchard |
Stow D.F., pump manufacturer, Main cor John |
Taber Charles EF., flour and feed, Franklin n R.R. |
Tallmadge S.A., druggist, Main n Franklin |
Thompson, J.B., coal, Main cor John |
Thorne C.E., coal, Franklin cor R.R. |
Tiffany W.B., boots and shoes, Main n Franklin |
Tunis D.R. & Co., grocers, Franklin n Church |
Updike Edward L., druggist, Hanover sq |
Van Dusen N., livery, Main cor John |
Van Dusen, R.A., wines and liquors |
Ward P.J., photographer, Main n Franklin |
Wellar T.V., justice of the peace, Main cor Franklin |
WESTLAKE BENJAMIN, brick manufacturer, North and Westlake (see adv.) |
PENMANSHIP, Practical & Ornamental at Allen Business College, Advertiser Bldg.
Whitaker P., dry goods, Main n Franklin |
Whitenack A.B., shoemaker, Franklin n Main |
Wilcox M.M., Mrs. sewing machines, Main n Franklin |
Wintermute T.J., dry goods, Hanover sq |
Wright L.L., grocer and shoe, Main n Franklin |
All orders Promptly Attended To.
Estimates Furnished by J.J.Mayott, for SLATE & TIN ROOFING, 202 E. GRAY