Elmira City Continued from previous page
D. Daily, Ellen Miss, cloak and dress maker, 23 S. Water. Daly, P. C., grocery and provision store, 38 Hudson. Davenport, Ephraim P., (Gridley & Davenport). Davenport, Scott, gardener 4 acres, engineer and machinist, Church. Davidson, Adolph T., clothes renovator. Davidson, Jno. T., attorney and counselor at law and notary public, 137 Water. Davis Brothers, (John Jr. and J. W.), grocers, 115 Water. Davis, C. L., (Davis & Kane). Davis, E. H. Dr., physician and surgeon, 66 Baldwin. Davis, George L., attorney and counselor at law and justice of the peace, Arnot’s Block, Water. Davis, Henry E., carpenter and joiner, 147 Second. Davis, John Jr., (Davis Brothers). Davis, J. W., (Davis Brothers). Davis & Kane, (C. L. Davis and Patrick Kane), general blacksmiths, Fox. DAVIS, WILLIAM H., grocery and provision store, cor. Third and Davis. |
Dean, Hannah A. Mrs., homeop. physician, 30 Baldwin.
Decker, Casper S., (Palmer & Decker).
Decker, David, president 1st National Bank.
Decker, David Mrs., president Elmira Orphan’s Home.
DECKER, JOHN, (J. Decker & Co.).
DECKER, J. & CO., (John Decker and Robert Covell), dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, wholesale and retail, 106 Water.
Decker, Mary S. Miss, dress making, 133 Water.
Dempsey, B., (D. Murphy & Co.).
Densmore, Joseph D., sign painter, 236 Water.
Derby, A. L., dealer in boots and shoes, 153 Water.
Devoe, Martin, prop. of Farmers Home eating house, 190 Water.
DEWITT, A. M., (A. D. Slosson & Co.), grocer and dealer in wool, 19 Baldwin.
DEWITT, CHAS., prop. Arbour Hotel, billiard room attached, 173 Water.
DeWitt, James, lawyer over post office.
DEWITT, SUTHERLAND, agent U. S. Express Co., 16 Baldwin.
Dewitt, William P., gunsmith, 83 Water.
Dexter & Elmore, (John M. Dexter and T. W. Elmore), wholesale and retail dealers in crockery, china and glass ware, 8 Lake.
Dexter, John M., (Dexter & Elmore).
Dexter, Seymour, (Turner & Dexter).
Dickinson, Geo. S., dealer in family groceries, canned fruits, jellies &c., 26 Lake.
DICKINSON, HENRY B., (Merwin & Dickinson).
Dickinson, Louisa Mrs., dressmaker, Higgins Block, 2d floor.
Diedrick, William, grocery and provision store, cor. Church and High.
Diven, George M., counselor at law, 153 Water.
Doan, E. P., carpenter and builder, 134 Second.
Domaille, Thomas, prop. of saloon, cor. Market and Fox.
Domidion, Gustave A., barber, under Hathaway House.
Dormaul, E. H., dry goods, carpets, millinery and fancy goods, wholesale and retail, 134 Water and 4 Baldwin.
Dorr, David, (T. W. McKee & Dorr).
Dorr, John, vegetables and plants, 1 acre, 74 Sullivan.
Doty, C. V., general insurance agent, Opera Block.
Dounce, William J., dealer in Scotch and American pig metals, 48 Fifth.
Drew, Delia Mrs., dress maker, 172 Church.
DuBois, F. M. Madame, clairvoyant physician, h. 200 Water, 2d floor.
DUDLEY, JAMES T., (Preswick & Dudley).
Duncan, Howard, veterinary surgeon, h. Grove, cor. First.
Dundas, Wm., secretary and treasurer Clinton Woolen Mills.
Dunham, J. E., pump manufacturer, h. Southport Corners.
Dunning, J. B., (Kingsbury & Dunning).
Durland, Daniel T., (Durland & Pratt).
Durland & Pratt, (Daniel T. Durland and Timothy S. Pratt), wholesale and retail dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, 122 Water.
DYER, MORGAN, prop. of foundry, Market.
Eastep, R. T. Rev., Zion Church, h 35 Dickinson.
Eaton, Lewis, surgeon dentist, 5 and 7 Ely Hall.
ECKENBERGER, CHAS. A., farmer 4 ½ S. Lake.
Eckenberger, W. H., cor. Franklin and Fulton.
Eckstein, Kilian W., groceries and provisions, cor. John and Orchard.
Eddy, Lula Miss, teacher No. 3 school.
Edgerly, M. E. Mrs., music teacher, h 238 Water.
Edgerly, Wm., saloon, 238 Water.
Egelston, E. T., ice cream saloon, 45 Main.
ELDRIDGE, EDWIN, retired capitalist.
Ells & Labar, (Warren M. Ells and Freeman D. Labar), carpenters and builders, Market.
Ells, Warren M., (Ells & Labar).
*ELMENDORF & BEERS, (William Elmendorf and Johnson Beers), props. of Elmira Hotel, 182 Water.
*ELMENDORF, GEORGE, house, sign and decorative painting, 176 Church.
ELMENDORF, WILLIAM, (Elmendorf & Beers).
Elmira Agricultural Works, cor. Clinton and Conongue, John Arnot, Jr., president; S. T. Reynolds, secretary and treasurer.
Elmira Chrystalized Oil Co., (Wm. R. Loomis and S. G. Stryker), manufs. of crystallized oil, 6 Hemlock Row, Lake.
Elmira Commercial College, A. J. Warner, principal, cor. Water and Baldwin.
Elmira Cornet Band, Asa Lafrance, leader, 6 Conongue.
*ELMIRA DAILY AND WEEKLY ADVERTISER, Fairman, Caldwell & Thurston, publishers and proprietors, Advertiser Building, Baldwin and Cross, opp. post office.
*ELMIRA DAILY AND WEEKLY GAZETTE, L. A. & C. Hazard, editors and props., Opera House Block, Carroll.
Elmira Edge Tool Co., (H. S. Gilbert, S. O. Gleason, D. R. Pratt and H. W. Beadle), cor. Clinton and Baldwin.
Elmira Female College, Rev. Augustus W. Cowles, D. D., president.
Elmira Fire Department, Ambrose Wise, chief engineer; W. P. Sherman, 1st assistant; Jas. A. Van Dyne, 2d assistant; John Wormley, president; Col. E. L. Patrick, vice president; W. P. Sherman, secretary; John Wormley, treasurer.
Elmira Gas Light Co., office Water, below Lake, works cor. Conongue and Factory, Jas L. Woods, president; Stephen T. Arnot, secretary, treasurer and superintendent.
*ELMIRA HOTEL, 182 Water, Elmendorf & Beers, props.
Elmira Oil Refinery, Bedell, Cook & Co., proprietors.
ELMIRA ORPHANS’ HOME, cor. Fulton and Franklin, Mrs. David Decker, president; Mrs. P. A. LaFrance, vice president; Mrs. Luther Caldwell, secretary; Rev. A. G. Burlingame, superintendent; Mrs. A. G. Burlingame, matron; N. P. Fassett, treasurer.
ELMIRA ROLLING MILL CO., Asher Tyler, president; S. Benjamin, vice president; H. W. Rathbone, secretary and treasurer, and general superintendent, Canal, bet. Fifth and Washington Avenue.
Elmira Seamless Keg Co., at junction of N. Y. & E. and N. Y. C. R. R., S. S. Hamlin, president; H. C. Covell, secretary; E. H. Cook, treasurer.
Elmora, Thaddeus W., (Dexter & Elmore).
Enck, Charles H., barber, in Eagle Hotel.
Erlich, Barney, (Harris & Erlich).
Ernst, Daniel, prop. Shieden’s Hotel, 185 Water.
Esch, Frederick Rev., German Episcopal missionary.
Ettenberger, Frank, brick maker, Sullivan.
Evans, Warren E., artesian wells, bds. DeWitt, cor. John.
EVENDEN, GEORGE, nurseryman and florist, Church.
Everitt, J. L., druggist and physician, 157 Water, opp. Rathbun House.
Ewing, James, manuf. of carriages and sleighs, cor. Market and William.
Fairbanks, Danforth A., real estate dealer, River road, W. corporation line.
*FAIRMAN, CALDWELL & THURSTON, (Chas. G. Fairman, Luther Caldwell and James S. Thurston), props Elmira Advertiser, Advertiser Building, Baldwin and Cross, opp. post office.
FAIRMAN, CHAS. G., (Fairman, Caldwell & Thurston).
Fallihee & Bro., (John and Cornelius), groceries, provisions, wines and liquors, 189 R. R. Avenue, cor. Fifth.
Fallihee, Cornelius, (Fallihee & Bro.).
Fallihee, John, (Fallihee & Bro.).
Fancher, Sutherland, (S. Fancher & Co.).
Fancher, S. & Co., (Sutherland Fancher and B. P. Beardsley), dealers in hides, leather and findings, Water.
Farnham, James C., Rathbun House Billiard Rooms.
Farren, J. S. & Co., (J. S. and Wm.), oyster packers and dealers in all kinds of canned fruits, 4 Union Block, Water.
Farren, Wm., (J. S. Farren & Co.).
Farrington, James B., (Walter & Farrington).
Fassett, Newton P., (Smith, Robertson & Fassett), treasurer Elmira Orphans’ Home.
*FAY, C. W. & CO., (C. W. Fay, Robert and Edward Covell), merchant tailors and dealers in gents’ furnishing goods, cor. Water and Baldwin.
Fenner, Benj. P., carpenter and joiner, 1 Park Place.
Ferris, M. H., dealer in oil barrels, staves &c., 134 Church.
Ferris, Myron J., flour, feed, meal &c., 134 Church.
Field, A. Maj., prop. Delavan House, cor. Clinton and Wisner.
Finch, Martin J., patent rights, h 69 Gray.
First National Bank, David Decker, president; M. H. Arnot, cashier; cor. Baldwin and Water.
First Presbyterian Church, cor. Church and Baldwin, Rev. Geo. C. Curtis, D.D., pastor.
Fitch, Albert B., (L. Fitch & Son).
Fitch, Lewis, (L. Fitch & Son), lumber dealer and farmer 14, cor. Walnut and North.
Fitch, L. & Son, (Lewis and Albert B.), general dealers in lumber, cor. R. R. Avenue and Gray.
Fitch, Mason P., owns 180 city lots, cor. Sixth and Davis.
Fleming, Otis, (Gallaher & Fleming).
Flett, J. C., (Friend & Flett).
Flood, Albert H., physician, bds. 44 Water.
Flood, J. W. Dr,. physician and surgeon, 69 Second.
Flood, P. H., physician and surgeon, 46 Water, h. 44 Water.
*FLOOD, THOS. S., druggist, 81 Water.
Ford, W. W., boot and shoemaker, Davis n. Second.
Foster & Hudson, (Myron H. Foster and Adelbert Hudson), manufs. and dealers in boots and shoes, 104 Water.
Foster, Myron H., (Foster & Hudson).
FOUNTAIN, JABEZ H., (J. H. Fountain & Co.).
*FOUNTAIN, J. H. & CO. (Jabez H. Fountain), flour and grist mill, R. R. Avenue bet. Third and Fourth.
Frank, Jacob H., physician, h 25 Mt. Zoar.
Frankenstine, A., ready made clothing, 51 R. R. Avenue.
FRASIER, FREDERICK A., dealer in drugs, medicines and fancy articles, American Block, cor R. R. Avenue and Third.
Free Academy, bet. Baldwin and Lake, J. Dorman Steele, principal.
Free School, Lake n. Canal, C. S. Brown, principal.
Freeman, Charles (Freeman & Shoemaker).
Freeman, Marcus, cabinet maker, 57 R. R. Avenue.
Freeman & Shoemaker, (Charles Freeman and J. H. Shoemaker), props. Delavan Saloon.
French, Asa, farmer 5 ½.
French, G. W., (Gerity & French).
Friend, John, (Friend & Flett).
Friend & Flett, (John Friend and J. C. Flett), meat market, 214 Water.
Frisbie, E. N., president of Pittston and Elmira Coal Co.
Frisbie, J. Austin, (Frisbie & Smith), (R. R. Soper & Co.).
Frisbie & Smith, (J. Austin Frisbie and Howard M. Smith), attorneys and counselors at law, Advertiser Buildings.
Frost & Bundy, blacksmiths, cor. Clinton and Conongue.
Fuller, Daniel, architect and builder, 73 Second.
Furman, Mary A. Mrs., boarding house, 82 Baldwin.
Fybush, Abram, manufacturer and dealer in hoop skirts, 161 Water.
Gabril, Benjamin, carpenter and joiner, and architect, cor. Clinton and Davis.
Gager. A. E. Miss, dressmaker, 4 Lake, h 2d floor.
Galatian, A. B., editor and publisher, h 249 Water.
Galatian, Cornelia Miss, (Misses F. & C. Galatian).
Galatian, F. & C. Misses, (Frances J. and Cornelia), boarding and day school, 56 Main.
Galatian, Frances J. Miss, (Misses F. & C. Galatian).
GALLAGHER, I. H., architect and builder, cor. Main and Sixth.
Gallaher, James H., architect and builder, 26 Lake, 2d floor.
Gallegher, James H., carpenter, W. Union, n. Canal.
Gamper, John A., groceries and provisions, 24 Sullivan.
Gamsey, F. W., telegraph operator, E. R. depot.
Gardiner, Curtis C., lawyer and assessor of internal revenue 27th district, 15 and 17 Lake.
Gardiner, Nelson W., dealer in hats and caps, robes and ladies furs, 117 Water.
Gardner, Lysander B., grocery and provision store, cor. Main and Clinton.
Garr, Mary E. Mrs., dress maker, 236 Church.
Geneva & Watkins Steamboat Co., John Arnot, president; S. T. Arnot, secretary, treasurer and agent; steamboats on Seneca Lake.
GEORGE, HENRY, groceries, provisions, flour and feed, 21 Water.
Georgie, G. F., carpenter, cor. Clinton and Conongue.
Gerity & French, (Thos. Gerity and G. W. French), masons and building contractors, 81 Baldwin.
Gerity, Thos., (Gerity & French).
Gibbs, E. N., patent sidewalk, h. Plank Road, cor. Elm.
Gibson, Allen S., millwright, h. 190 Church.
Gibson & Bixby, (G. L. Gibson and L. Bixby), ice dealers, W. end Hudson.
Gibson, G. L., (Gibson & Bixby).
Gibson, John, merchant tailor, 22 Lake.
Gibson, W. L., insurance agent, 26 Lake, 2d floor.
Gilbert, H. S., (Elmira Edge Tool Co.).
Gilbert, J. C. Rev., h. 17 Third.
Gilbert, William F., dealer in boots and shoes, 125 Water.
Giles, Chas. D., house painter and paper hanger, 7 Ann.
Gill Brothers, (James and Christopher), tobacconists, 198 Water.
Gill, Christopher, (Gill Bros.).
Gillett, Chas. E., agent Ural Silver Mining Co., bds. 151 Church.
Gillman, M., prop. Union House, n. N. C. Round House.
Gladke, J., dealer in clothing, wholesale and retail, 113 Water.
Gleason & Cross, (William Gleason and Elisha Cross), grocers and produce dealers, 20 Baldwin.
Gleason, S. O., (Elmira Edge Tool Co.).
Gleason, William, (Gleason & Cross).
GODDARD, EDMOND, (Stilson & Goddard).
Goldsmith, Joseph, merchant tailor, 242 Water.
GOODELL, DeBRUCE, supt. E. R. W. machine shop, opp. E. R. depot.
Goodman, Lewis K., (J. Harper & Co.).
GOODMAN, WM. F., physician and surgeon, (for location see Errata).
Goodsell, S. W. Mrs., confectionery and boarding, 182 Church.
Gorman, Edward, grocery and provision merchant, 111 R. R. Avenue.
Gorman, Patrick, grocery and provision store, 52 Fifth.
Gorman, Thomas, grocery and provision store, cor. Oak and Clinton.
Goss, Mrs., dressmaker, 236 Church.
Grandin, E. A., fruits and confectionery.
Graves, E. J. Mrs., dressmaker, 39 Fourth.
GRAVES, W. H., agent Salt Co., of Onondaga, office Magee’s Dock, Canal opp. E. R. W. depot.
Gray, Guy H., city marshall, 337 Water.
Gray, Hiram, counselor at law, 153 Water.
Gray, John H., (Hotckin, Ward & Co.).
Greatsinger, Christian Rev., h. 31 William.
GREGG, W. H. & CO., jobbers in drugs, essential oils, indigo &c., cor. Lake and Water.
GREEN, I. S., leader and director of Green’s Orchestra, 111 Church.
GREENBAUM, HENRY, (Strauss, Greenbaum & Co.).
GREENER, JACOB, piano manufactory, and dealer in all kinds of musical merchandise, 160 Church bet. the Canal and Baldwin.
GREEN’S ORCHESTRA, I. S. Green, leader and director, 111 Church.
GRIDLEY & DAVENPORT, (G. A. Gridley and Ephraim Davenport), dealers in hardware, 109 and 111 Water.
GRIDLEY, G. A., (Gridley & Davenport).
Griffes, W. G., (Waldron & Griffes).
Guernsey, Ira B., supt. bridges E. R. W.
Gulick, J. G. Rev., presiding elder of Elmira district, 58 Baldwin.
Gundel, Morris, grocery and provision store, 48 Sullivan.
Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & Co., (Leman Rosenbaum, Louis Holzheimer and Joseph Wittenberg), New City Dry Goods Store, 158 Water, Brainard Block.
Haase, Ferdinand, grocer and butcher, cor. Church and High.
Haase, H. Mrs. & Co., (Albert Wageman), variety store, 121 Water.
Hackett, John P., painter, cor. Powell and First.
Hagadorn, Mary Mrs., millinery, 137 Water.
Haggerty, H. A. Mrs., millinery store, 154 Water.
Haight, Maxwell, (DeWitt & Haight).
HAIGHT, SILAS, prop. Hathaway House, Lake.
HALL BROTHERS, (Frederick, Chas. C. and Robert A.), booksellers and stationers, 128 Water.
HALL, CHAS C., (Hall Brothers).
Hall, Francis, farmer 17 ¾, cor. Hoffman and Church.
Hall, Francis G., (Smith & Hall).
HALL, FREDERICK, (Hall Brothers).
HALL, J. A., (Hall & Weatherell), 6 Water.
Hall, J. C., bridge builder, Wellsburgh road.
HALL, ROBERT A., (Hall Brothers).
Hall, Samuel, farmer 100, h. Lake.
Hall, S. W., civil engineer and general mechanic and brick maker, owns farm 590.
HALL & WEATHERELL, (J. A. Hall and James Weatherell), masons, 6 Water.
Hall & Weyer, brickyard, Oak n. Hall.
*HALL, WILLIAM H., surgeon dentist, 118 Water, 2nd floor.
HAMER, WILLIAM F., fashionable tailor, 100 Water.
Hamilton, D. S., repairer of clocks, watches, &c., 25 Baldwin.
Hamilton, Susan Mrs., boarding house, 5 Ann.
HAMLIN, MARCUS L., (Hamlin & Nichols).
HAMLIN & NICHOLS, (Marcus L. Hamlin and Melvin C. Nichols), general insurance agents, Ely Hall Block.
Hamlin, S. S., president Elmira Seamless Keg Co.
Hankins, Z. T., (Cottrell & Hankins).
Hannon, Mathew, cartman, 46 College Avenue.
Hanyen, Cornelius B., (Hevener & Hanyen).
Hardy, James H., lawyer, 17 Lake.
Harper, Henry M., paymaster N. C. R. W.
Harper, Joseph, groceries and provisions, cor. Main and Third.
Harrington, Jane Miss, dressmaker, 8 Lake.
Harrington, J. D., saloon, 73 R. R. Avenue.
Harrington, Miles, toll gate keeper, Lake St. bridge.
Harris & Erlich, (Joseph Harris and Barney Erlich), dry goods and groceries, 4 Lake.
Harris, Joseph, (Harris & Erlich).
Harrison, T. Spencer Rev., pastor Central Baptist Church, h. 12 William.
Hart, A. P., photographer, 137 Water.
Hurt, Chas., saloon and billiard rooms, 131 Water.
Hart, Chas., (Kickbusch & Hart).
HART, E. L. DR., physician and surgeon, 78 Lake.
Hart, Erastus P., attorney and counselor at law, 22 Lake, up stairs.
HART, HENRY, shoemaker, 27 E. Union.
Hart, Ira F. Dr., editor, h. 147 Church.
HART, SOLOMON, baker and confectioner, 1 College Avenue.
HART, WM. E., dry goods, carpets and groceries, 110 Water.
Haskins, A., patent rights, h. R. R. Avenue.
Hatch, Harry, millwright, h. 38 Gray.
Hatch & Partridge, (Wm. S. Hatch and H. M. Partridge), lumber dealers and props. of planing mill, Church.
Hatch, Wm. S., (Hatch & Partridge).
HATHAWAY HOUSE, Lake, Silas Haight, prop.
Hathorn, Andrew, (A. Hathorn & Son).
Hathorn, A. & Son, (Andrew and John), commission and produce merchants, cor. Fourth and R. R. Avenue.
Hathorn, James P., farmer 130, 73 College Avenue.
Hathorn, John, (A. Hathorn & Son).
Hathorn, John W., farmer, Crystal Lake farm.
Hauenstein, Henry, meat market, 177 Water.
HAUPT, JOHN, groceries and provisions, 55 Water.
Hawkins, Annie Mrs., boarding house, 65 Market.
Hay, John, plumber, gas fitter and dealer in all kinds of gas pipes.
HAZARD, CHAS., (L. A. & C. Hazard).
Hazard, Josiah, boots and shoes, 143 Water.
HAZARD, LOUIS A., (L. A. & C. Hazard).
*HAZARD, L. A. & C., (Louis A. and Charles), editors and proprietors Elmira Daily and Weekly Gazette, Opera House Block, Carroll.
Hedding, M. E. Church, Church bet. College Avenue and Colombia, Rev. Chas. Z. Chase, pastor.
Helms, Morris, poormaster, collector and distributor, h. 2 Water.
HEMENWAY, GEORGE W., dealer in stone pumps, 227 Water.
Hemenway, Seth, manuf. of wood pumps, 227 Water.
Hendrick, Burr, (E. H. Cook & Co.).
Hennessy, Timothy, gardener, 71 Water.
Herden, Thomas, grocery, cor. Clinton and High.
Hern, John, (J. & W. B. Hern).
Hern, J. & W. B., (John and W. B.), wholesale bakers and confectioners, 107 R. R. Avenue.
Hern, W. B., (J. & W. B. Hern).
HERRICK, BENJ. F., (Herrick & Seeley).
HERRICK & SEELEY, (Benj. F. Herrick and John C. Seeley), carriage manufacturers, cor. Church and William.
Hersey, Edward W., (J. H. Loring & Co.).
Hevener & Hanyen, (Jacob Hevener and Cornelius B. Hanyen), wholesale and retail dealers in groceries and provisions, 129 Water.
Hevener, Jacob, (Hevener & Hanyen).
Higley, D. & Co., (P. T. Brownell, J. Q. A. Nichols and J. B. Thompson), manufacturers and wholesale dealers in boots and shoes, 87 Baldwin.
Hill, Chas. J., barber and hair dresser, under Rathbun House.
Hillabrant, John W., supt. supply store, E. R. W.
Hine, Jay, farmer 20, cor. Hine and Mt. Zoar.
Hintermister, J. H., music dealer, Holden Block, cor. Water and Baldwin.
Hisserich, George J., barber and fashionable hair dresser, 183 Water.
Hitchcock, Harmon, (Carpenter & Hitchcock).
Hoffman, Geo. W., dairyman and milk dealer, Hoffman n. Clinton.
Holden, Delos L., (D. L. Holden & Co.).
Holden, D. L., & Co., wholesale grocers and provision merchants, Church cor. R. R. Avenue.
*HOLDEN, H. B., sign painter and designer, 154 Water, up stairs.
Holly, David, painting and paper hanging, 16 E. Third.
HOLLY, FANNY MISS, dealer in patterns and millinery, also stamping and fluting, 113 Water.
*HOLMES, DANIEL, physician and surgeon, 41 Baldwin.
Holmes, Ezra F., flour broker and agent for the purchase and sale of produce, butter, cheese, &c., cor. Main and Third.
Holmes & Reid, insurance and real estate brokers, 8 Lake.
Holzheimer, Louis, (Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & Co.).
*HOMESTEAD HOTEL, C. G. Smith, prop., Water.
Hopkins, Patrick Rev., Catholic priest, h. 16 DeWitt.
Hopkins, Mrs., prop. boarding house, 21 Third.
Hoppe, Chas., barber and hair dresser, 10 Baldwin.
Hoppe, Louisa, manuf. and dealer in imported human hair, ladies’ and gents’ wigs, &c., 10 Baldwin.
Hotchkin, Samuel (Hotchkin, Ward & Co.).
Hotchkin, Ward & Co., (Samuel Hotchkin, William A. Ward and John H. Gray), props. of Elmira Mills, (flouring).
Houghton, O. A. Rev., pastor First M. E. Church of Elmira, 58 Baldwin.
Howard, Dennis, (Howard & McInerny).
Howard & McInerny, (Dennis Howard and John McInerny), grocers, 55 R. R. Avenue.
Howard, Thomas, gardener and farmer 24, cor. Hoffman and North.
Howe, J. B., (Sigison & Howe).
Howell, D. E., farmer 20.
Howell, Daniel E., (Howell & Platt).
Howell, E. W., (Howell & Krowl).
Howell, J. R., grocery and provision store, 78 Fifth.
Howell & Krowl, (E. W. Howell and A. Krowl), blacksmiths, Lake n. Market.
Howell & Platt, (Daniel E. Howell and H. L. Platt), meat market, 27 ½ E. Union.
HOWES, EPHRAIM W., (E. W. Howes & Co.).
HOWES, E. W., & CO., (Ephraim W. and Lorenzo), wholesale and retail liquor dealers, 3 Carroll.
HOWES, LORENZO, (E. W. Howes & Co.).
Hubbell, Samuel B., undertaker and dealer in all kinds of furniture, 174 Water.
Hudson, Adelbert, (Foster & Hudson).
Hughs, Edward Mrs., boarding house, 65 College Avenue.
Hull, David B., mason and builder, h. 30 John.
HUMEL, GOTTLIEB, prop. Washington Hotel, 127 R. R. Avenue.
*HUMPHREY, J., hot house, green house, and bedding out plants, 18 E. Second.
Humphrey, J. S., (L. A. Humphrey & Co.).
Humphrey, L. A. & Co., (L. A. and J. S.), dealers in boots and shoes, 182 Water.
Hunt, W. G., hair dresser, Central Hotel, Baldwin.
Huntley, E. S., book keeper and cashier of City Market.
Hutchinson, C. D., (Read & Hutchinson).
Hutchinson, Samuel S., dealer in boots and shoes, 126 Water.
Hylen, Robert F., asst. assessor internal revenue.
Ingraham, Clark, (Ingraham & Robinson).
Ingraham & Robinson, (Clark Ingraham and Richard W. Robinson), druggists, 28 Lake.
Irvin, William, farmer 7, College Avenue.
Irvine, Wm., lawyer, h. 103 College Avenue.
Jackson, John S., retailer of wood and lumber, 12 William.
Jacobs, Julius, (J. Jacobs & Co.).
Jacobs, J. & Co., (Julius Jacobs and Heman Lederman), Oak Hall Clothing Emporium, 139 Water.
*JEFFERS, WILLIAM, planing mill, saw mill and lumber dealer, sawings and mouldings of all kinds, n. the junction of William and Lake.
Johnson & Baskin, (Wm. Johnson & R. Baskin), meat market, 135 Lake.
Johnson, Catharine L. Mrs., boarding house, 31 Wisner.
Johnson, Jane Mrs., dressmaker, 18 Dickinson.
JOHNSON, J. C. MRS., prop. of boarding house, cor. Carroll and Fox.
Johnson, Thomas, practical and theoretical watch maker, also agent for Grover & Baker sewing machine, 15 Lake.
Johnson, William, (Johnson & Baskin).
Jones, Andrew, speculator, bds. 57 Hudson.
JONES, ELIJAH, (Jones & Webb).
Jones, E. Mrs., artist, cor. Clinton and Columbia.
Jones, H. E., dress and cloak making, 7 Elm.
Jones, James, lawyer, 107 Water, 2d floor.
JONES, JOHN R., wholesale dealer in butter and produce, 127 Water.
Jones, Richmond, wholesale lumber merchant, 26 Clinton.
JONES & WEBB, (Elijah Jones and William Webb), wholesale produce dealers, 18 Ely Block.
Jordan, Curtis, wagon maker, Water.
JUDSON, W. R., real estate and insurance agent, Dunn’s Block, 2nd floor, cor. Lake and Water.
Junction Canal Co., John Arnot, president; S. T. Arnot, secretary, treasurer and superintendent; office Water, below Lake.
Kane, Patrick, (Davis & Kane).
Kellogg & Converse, (Lovell Kellogg and M. S. Converse), druggists, stationers, blank books, &c., 145 Water.
Kellogg, Lovell, (Kellogg & Converse).
KELLOGG, W. W., sup’t. Noble’s Manufacturing Co., cor. R. R. Avenue and Fourth.
Kelly & Brown, (Chas. Kelly and Israel R. Brown), saloon, 233 Water.
Kelly, Chas., (Kelly & Brown).
KELLY, GEORGE H., houes and sign painter, and dealer in paints and oils, 6 Wisner.
Kemp, Christopher G., manuf. of fine boots, 133 Water.
Kendall, Harriet Mrs., millinery, 113 Water.
Kenfield, John, tinsmith, 11 Clinton.
Kenfield, L. D., tinsmith, cor. S. Main and Hudson.
Kenfield, L. D. Mrs., milliner 43 Hudson.
Kennedy, John, groceries, provisions and Yankee notions, cor. Fulton and Hudson.
Keough, Ann Mrs., saloon, 59 R. R. Avenue.
Keyser, Joseph, second hand clothing, 84 R. R. Avenue.
Kickbusch & Hart, (John M. Kickbusch and Chas. Hart), insurance agents, 131 Water.
Kickbusch, John M., (Kickbusch & Hart).
Kies, J. J. Rev., pastor 1st Baptist church.
*KIES, LOUIS, practical book binder and blank book manuf., Advertiser building.
Kindley, Adam, (Couch, Kindley & Co.).
Kindley, Jacob, (Couch, Kindley & Co.).
King & Davidson, lawyers, 137 Water, 2d floor.
King, Rufus, city recorder, City Hall, also lawyer, 137 Water.
King, William, builder of church and parlor organs, cor. Church and R. R. Avenue.
KINGMAN, WM. L., chief clerk E. R. W. freight office.
Kingsbury & Dunning, (O. C. Kingsbury and J. B. Dunning), dealers in butter and wool, 220 Water.
KINGSBURY, E., master builder, cor. Clinton and Baldwin.
Kingsbury, O. C., (Kingsbury & Dunning).
Kingsbury, William A., groceries, provisions, flour, feed, &c., 222 Water.
Kinney & Stilwell, (S. H. Kinney and Wm. M. Stilwell), groceries and provisions, cor. R. R. Avenue and Church.
Kinney, S. H., (Kinney & Stilwell).
Klapproth, August, saloon, 44 Lake.
Klein, Jacob, groceries, provisions and liquors, also canal stables, 89 Baldwin.
Klock, Geo. W., prop. Second Ward Hotel, 45 R. R. Avenue.
KNAPP, BROTHERS, (Edwin M. and Clarence H.), grocers, 13 Baldwin.
KNAPP, CLARENCE H., (Knapp Brothers).
KNAPP, EDWIN M., (Knapp Brothers).
Knapp, William B., harness maker, 75 Water.
Knowles, Marcus M., carpenter shop and box factory, manuf. of Knowles’ adjustable step ladder, r. 38 College Avenue.
KNOWLTON, WILLIS, photographer and frame dealer, 176 Water.
Kolb, Baldwin, prop. billiard saloon, 27 Lake.
Kolb, Jacob, prop. Exchange Hotel, 139 R. R. Avenue.
KROWL, ABRAHAM, horse shoer and veterinary surgeon, Lake.
Krowl, A., (Howell & Krowl).
Labar, Freeman D., (Ells & Labar).
Lacy, Barney, mason, 56 Park Place.
LA FEVER, N. R., (Thomas & LaFever).
Lafflin, Esther Miss, millinery, 102 Water.
LaFrance, Asa, leader of Elmira Cornet Band, 6 Conongue.
LaFrance, P. A., patent rights, h. 45 Hudson.
LAFRANCE, P. A. MRS., vice prest. Elmira Orphans Home.
LAMBERTON, H. B. & CO., (Eli Beard), wholesale dealers in teas, coffees and spices, 155 Water.
LANDERS, GARRETT, tailor, also dealer in provisions and groceries, 54 Hudson.
Langdon, Jervis, coal dealer, 6 Baldwin.
Lariew, Alson, carpenter and joiner, 190 Lake.
Larkin, John E., photographer, 118 Water.
Lawn, Wm., boots and shoes, 12 S. Main.
Lawrence, Eliza Mrs., tailoress and dressmaker, h. Third n. Davis.
Lazarus, Abraham, clothier, 65 R. R. Avenue.
Lederman, Heman, (J. Jacobs & Co.).
Levy, Joseph, cigar manuf. and dealer in leaf tobacco, 15 R. R. Avenue.
Levy, Maurice, tobacconist, 8 Baldwin.
Lewis, Edwin P., dealer in flour, meal, feed, &c., 25 R. R. Avenue.
Liddy, J., farmer 6, S. Lake.
Lienhart, Andrew, bakery and confectionery, 47 R. R. Avenue.
Linch, E. Sanford, carpenter and joiner, cor. Davis and Second.
Linch, Sanford, saloon, Hoffman’s Grove, Walnut n. Fourth.
Lindsey, Jennie Mrs., dress and cloakmaker, Main, cor. Third.
Locke, H. B., farmer 35 and 8 city lots, h. 68 Second.
Lockwood, Gideon, cartman, 22 Washington.
LOGGIE, JOHN H., prop. Mansion House, cor. R. R. Avenue and Second.
Loomis, Wm. R., (Elmira Chrystalized Oil Co.).
Loring, J. H. & Co., (E. W. Hersey), wholesale, 4 and 5 Union Block.
Lormore Bros. & Reid, (William J. and Thomas J. Lormore and James R. Reid), wholesale grocers, 37 and 39 Carroll.
Lormore, Thomas J., (Lormore Bros. & Reid).
Lormore, William J., (Lormore Bros. & Reid).
LOSEY, R. M., (S. C. Brownell & Co.).
Losie, J. M., vinegar manuf. 6 Broadway.
*LOSIE, T. M., agent, prop. of tin, copper and sheet iron works, cor. Baldwin and Market.
Lowe, Uriah S., counselor at law, 153 Water.
Lown, William, boot and shoe maker, 12 S. Main.
Luce, James R., (J. R. Luce & Co.).
Luce, J. R. & Co., (James R. and S. S.), oysters, fish, vegetables, fruit &c., 21 Baldwin.
Luce, S. S., (J. R. Luce & Co.).
Lutz, E. A. Mrs., manuf. and dealer in human hair, and agent for Madame Demorest’s manufactures, h. 33 Lake, 2d floor.
Lyke, John, prop. of Patterson House, cor. Baldwin and Market.
Lynch, P. J., supt. P. B. & B. R. R.
Lynch, Robert, veterinary surgeon, h. 133 Lake.
Lyon, J. D., physician, bds. Water Cure.
Lyon, Reuben, marble dealer, Lake n. Fifth.
Lyon, Silas, farmer 13.
Maas, Ferdinand, bakery and confectionery, 45 R. R. Avenue.
Machol, Lewis, boot and shoe store, 9 Baldwin.
Mackassey, P. J., boot and shoe maker, 49 R. R. Avenue.
Macneir, Andrew E., artist, Mt. Zoar.
Magowan, O., hardware dealer, h. 5 Hudson.
Maloney, John, merchant, bds. 6 High.
MANDER, ADAM, lager beer brewery and malt house, foot of Church.
Manning, A. F. Mrs., select school, 25 Gray.
MANSION HOUSE, cor. R. R. Avenue and Second, John H. Loggie, prop.
Marple, Samuel W., drugs and medicines, 110 Lake.
Marriott, J. R., grocery, 23 Third.
MARSH, WASHINGTON, house, sign, carriage and ornamental painter, 5 and 6 Union Block, up stairs.
MARTIN, CALVIN C., carpenter and joiner, 16 Elm.
Martin, Mary E. Mrs., milliner, 1 Fourth.
Martin, S. L., city market, h. 1 Fourth.
MARTIN, S. T., carpenter and joiner, and architect, Elm, bet. Second and Third.
Mathews, Fletcher, jeweler, 182 Water.
Mathews, J. B., grocer, 42 Hudson.
MATSON, D. B., machinist, architect and builder, 10 Third.
Maxwell, Z. Mrs., farmer 40, Lake above Washington Avenue.
McCallum, Joseph, prop. St. Charles Hotel, cor. R. R. Avenue and Clinton.
McCana, James, boots and shoes, cor. High and 2d Third.
McCann, George, farmer, Horseheads road, n. Carr’s Corners.
McCann, James S., farmer, Horseheads road n. Carr’s Corners.
McCARTHY, OWEN, dealer in cigars and tobacco, 192 Water.
McCoy, Thomas, prop. Eagle Hotel, 85 R. R. Avenue cor. Second.
McDonald, Stephen, mayor of Elmira city.
McDowell, Robert, surveyor, 47 William.
McDowell, Varnum, farmer, h. 66 College Avenue.
McDuffee, C. F., painter and paper hanger, 11 Sullivan.
McErny, Michael, custom blacksmithing, Water.
McGovoron, Michael, carpenter and joiner, cor. Second and College Avenue.
McGreevy, Owen, (McGreevy & Pickering).
McGreevy & Pickering, (Owen McGreevy and Daniel F. Pickering), props. of livery stable, cor. Lake and Market.
McHenry, G. P., farmer, h. Southport Corners.
McHenry, Miller, farmer, h. Southport Corners.
McInerny, John, (Howard & McInerny).
McIntire, H. W., prop. shingle machine, shop 31 R. R. Avenue.
McIntosh, Samuel, butcher, h 348 Water.
*McKAY, F. C. D., general agent for Elias Howe’s sewing machine, also manuf. and dealer in barometers, hydrometers, thermometers, electrical and school apparatus, 5 Union Block, Water, over J. H. Loring & Co’s store.
McKee, T. W. & Dorr, (David Dorr), carriage smiths, 63 Water.
McKibbins, Henry, milkman, h. 7 Mt. Zoar.
McKinney, C. C. Mrs., boarding house, 78 John.
McKirgan, Alexander, dentist, 114 Water.
McMahon, John, blacksmith.
McNamee, Andrew, cartman, h. 8 Franklin.
McNeil, P. S., grocery and provision store, Fourth, bet. Park Place and College Avenue.
McNevens, John, tailor, 63 R. R. Avenue.
McTaush, Parker, sidewalk maker, h. R. R. Avenue.
McWilliams, J. A., insurance agent, h. 56 Magee.
Mead, Frank, farmer, bds. 38 Orchard.
Mead, Geo. W., (Wells & Mead).
Mead, John, dealer in groceries and provisions, 246 Water.
MEAD, JOHN T., druggist and chemist, 242 Water.
Mead, Wm., farmer, bds. 44 John.
Mead, Wm., farmer, bds. 38 Orchard.
Meisel Brothers, (Dr. H. and M.), druggists, 35 Lake.
Meisel, H. Dr., (Meisel Brothers).
Meisel, M., (Meisel Brothers).
Meres, Walter F., milk dealer, h. Factory, cor. Tuttle Avenue.
MERRILL, EDGAR C., (Merrill & Willis).
MERRILL, E. E., carpenter and joiner, 7 Park Place.
MERRILL & WILLIS, (E. C. Merrill and C. A. Willis), wholesale and retail dealers in flour, grain, meal, &c., cor. Church and R. R.
MERWIN & DICKINSON, (Wakeman Merwin and Henry B. Dickinson), manufs. of harness and dealers in trunks, saddles, &c., 141 Water.
MERWIN, WAKEMAN, (Merwin & Dickinson).
Metzgar, Daniel, carpenter, joiner and architect, 52 S. Water.
Metzger, Xavier, (Clark & Metzger).
Meyer, Joseph, boot and shoe maker, 57 John.
Miles Brothers, (Nathan and Ransom P.), dealers in groceries and provisions, bakers and confectioners, 33 Lake.
Miles, Nathan, (Miles Brothers).
Miles, Ransom P., (Miles Brothers).
Milford, Henry A., ticket agent, E. R. W. depot.
MILLARD, CYPRIAN H., carriage maker, 81 Water.
Miller, Alvin, farmer, h. Southport Corners.
Miller, C. A. & Co., Chemung Bark Extract Works, 35 Baldwin.
Miller, Edwin, farmer, h. Wellsburg road.
Miller, Edwin Jr., farmer, h. Wellsburg road.
Miller, H. E. Mrs., dress maker, h. 1 Clinton.
Miller, J. D., farmer, h. Plank Road.
Miller, James M., farmer, h. Hoffman n. Carr’s Corners.
Miller, J. M., prop. American Hotel, cor. R. R. Avenue and Third.
Miller, Marcus, groceries and provisions, 12 S. Main.
Miller, Valentine, groceries and provisions, wines and liquors, cor, S. Main and Henry.
Miller, William, prop. Buffalo House, 125 R. R. Avenue.
Miller, William, saloon, 221 Water.
Millius, Henry E., (Millius & Taylor).
Millius & Taylor, (Henry E. Millius and Samuel Taylor), dealers in coal and lumber, 8 Gray.
MILLS, J. H., (Thro, Mills & Co.).
MILLS, ROBERT N., homeop. physician and surgeon, 30 Baldwin.
MILLS, URI, (Thro, Mills & Co.).
Minch, Cutliep, gardener, h. Buttonwood.
Minier, William A., farmer, h. Southport Corners.
Mitchel, E. W., division supt. U. S. Express Co., h. 57 College Avenue.
Mitchell, James, (Mitchell & Mosher).
Mitchell & Mosher, (James Mitchell and Humphrey Mosher), props. of meat market, 244 Water.
Moe, Benjamin, livery, trade and sale barn, r. of American Hotel.
Moe, Theodore M., teacher, bds. 19 College Avenue.
MONITOR HOTEL, J. L. Sherwood, prop., 96 Baldwin.
Monks, J., groceries and provisions, cor. Fourth and Baldwin.
Monks, James R., teacher, bds. 2 College Avenue.
Monroe, Josiah, Jr., (Terry & Monroe).
Moonan, James, dealer in groceries and provisions, also boot and shoe maker, cor. Seventh and Hatch.
Mooney, Margaret Mrs., grocery, 49 R. R. Avenue.
Moore, Alexander, mason and grocer, Second, cor. Davis.
*MOORE, HUGH M., prop. of the Cottage Green House, 1 Fulton, cor. S. Water.
Moore, Samuel, grocery, cor. Clinton and Conongue.
Moran, William, mail carrier, h. Washington, n. Water.
More, Mike, farmer 5.
Morgin, William, saloon, 180 Church.
Morrell, Alfred, farmer, h. Wellsburg road.
Morris, John, merchant tailor, 102 Water.
MORRIS, RICHARD, grocer and provision dealer, 102 Water.
MORSE, HENRY C., (Owen & Morse).
Morse, R. Dr., physician and surgeon, cor. Main and First.
Mosher, George, general dealer in flour, feed, groceries, provisions, &c., 216 Water.
Mosher, Humphrey, (Mitchell & Mosher).
Moulton & Stowell, (Wm. J. Moulton and Frank A. Stowell), hardware, stoves, &c., 27 Carroll.
Moulton, Wm. J., (Moulton & Stowell).
Mowry, T. G. Mrs., cloak and dress making, opp. Brainard House, Water.
Mudrack, Mrs., boarding house, 3 and 5 S. Lake.
MULLER, WILLIAM L., attorney and counselor at law and justice of the peace, 101 Water.
Mungovon, Anthony, blacksmith.
Murdoch, John, (Murdoch & Stephens).
Murdoch & Stephens, (John Murdoch and Robert Stephens), attorneys and counselors at law, 101 Water.
Murdock, Luther N., dealer in sash, blinds, doors, furniture, &c., 253 Water.
Murphy, Daniel, dealer in groceries and provisions, and wholesale dealer in liquors, 200 Water.
Murphy, Sarah Miss, milliner, dress and cloak maker, 2 Lake cor. Water.
Murray, Amanda Mrs., dress maker, h. 49 Main.
Murray, Patrick, mason, cor. First and R. R. Avenue.
Murray, Walter, butcher, bds. Market Hotel.
National Bank of Chemung, Tracy Beadle, president; H. W. Beadle, cashier; 130 Water.
Neish, Wm. H., inspector of coal oil and distilled spirits, cor. Baldwin and Water.
Nelson, Alex, manufacturer of cigars and plug tobacco, for wholesale trade.
Nichols, Amelia Miss, dress maker, 51 Water.
Nichols, J. K. Mrs., millinery and fancy goods, Water.
Nichols, J. Q. A. (D. Higley & Co.).
NICHOLS, MELVIN C., (Hamlin & Nichols).
Nichols, William & Co., (Elisha H. Cook), iron founders and machinists, r. E. R. R. machine shop.
NICKS, JOHN I., State senator, dealer in tobacco, &c., 1 Union Block, water.
NOBLES MANUF. CO., cor R. R. Avenue and Fourth, W. W. Kellogg, supt.
Nobles, Milton V., (Nobles Manuf. Co.).
Noonan, John, shoemaker, 63 R. R. Avenue.
Norman, J. G., blacksmithing and carriage ironing.
Normil, John, boots and shoes, 128 Lake.
Northern Central R. R. Freight Depot, cor. Fifth and R. R. Avenue.
Northrup, John, agent for Singer sewing machines, 6 Lake.
Northrup, O. B., (Northrup & Shearman).
Northrup & Shearman, (O. B. Northrup and John Shearman, Jr.), manufs. of boots and shoes, 152 Water.
Nye, G. M., fancy articles and variety store, 133 Water.
O’Brine, Charles, cartman, cor. First and Davis.
O’Connor, John, groceries and provisions, 238 Water.
O’DEA, ANDREW, grocery and provision store, High, n. cor. of E. Second.
O’Donnell, John, groceries and provisions, wines and liquors, 62 S. Main.
OGDEN, WILLIAM, druggist and pharmaceutist, 116 Water.
O’Maher, James, prop. Sherman House, 58 R. R. Avenue.
Osborn, John V., (Brown, Osborn & Parmenter).
Osburn, Levi S., prop. boarding house, 28 Baldwin.
OWEN, GEORGE H., (Owen & Morse).
OWEN & MORSE, (George H. Owen and Henry C. Morse), druggists, 11 Baldwin.
Palmer, A. M., milk dealer and farmer 10, Southport.
Palmer & Decker, (Edward H. Palmer and C. S. Decker), tanners, cor. Ann and S. Lake.
Palmer, Edward H., (Palmer & Decker).
Palmer, Erastus S., deputy collector internal revenue, cor. Baldwin and Water.
Palmer & Fenner, (Geo. W. Palmer and Benj. P. Fenner), carpenters and joiners, on Canal, bet. Gray and Church.
Palmer, Geo. W., (Palmer & Fenner).
Palmer, M. S., manager of Western Union Telegraph office, Rathbun House.
Palmer, Orson W., general agent for Manhattan Life and Fire Insurance Co., 135 Water.
Paret, William Rev., D.D., rector Trinity Church, 22 Main.
PARKER, RICHARD T., general carriage manuf., 250 Water.
PARKER, SAMUEL, carpenter and builder, W. Union, n. the canal, entrance by the wood yard, on Church.
Parkhurst, G. H. Dr., homeopathic physician, 230 Church.
Parks & Silsbee, (S. Parks and T. B. Silsbee), groceries and canal stables, 33 Fifth.
Parks, S., (Parks & Silsbee).
Parmenter, Chas. H., (Brown, Osborn & Parmenter).
Partridge, H. M., (Hatch & Partridge).
Patrick, E. L., attorney and counselor at law, vice president of Elmira Fire Department, over 20 Lake.
Pattinson, Thos. S., butcher, packer and city market man, office city market.
Pattinson, T. S. Mrs., farmer 130, Washington.
Pautz, Albert, grocery and provision store, cor. Jay and High.
Pautz, Augustus, Park Hotel, 31 Jay, cor. High.
Pautz, Carl, hotel and grocery store, 124 Lake.
Pelbrough, Thomas, groceries and provisions, wines and liquors, 33 Fourth.
Pelham, Isaac, carpenter and joiner, 25 Davis.
PELHAM, JAMES H., (H. Pelham & Son).
PELHAM, HENRY, (H. Pelham & Son).
*PELHAM, H. & SON, (Henry and James H.), props. of box factory, cor. Fox and Market.
Pelter, Joseph, second hand clothing, 39 R. R. Avenue.
Perine, R. S. Mrs., boarding house, N. end Miller.
Perry, John K., wholesale and retail dealer in drugs, medicines and perfumery, also agent for the American Tea Co., 118 Water.
PERRY & SCOTT, (Thomas Perry and Edwin A. Scott), insurance, real estate and claim agents, 103 Water.
PERRY, THOMAS, (Perry & Scott).
Petrie, James, overseer water works.
*PETTIT, S. J. MRS., millinery, 129 Water.
Petty, Ellen Mrs., Cottage Saloon, 17 Fifth.
Phelps, Mary Mrs., (Phelps & Murphy).
Phelps & Murphy, (Mrs. Mary Phelps and Miss Sarah Murphy), milliners, 2 Lake, 2d floor.
Pickering, Daniel F., (McGreevy and Pickering).
Pickering, John, (Pickering & Sackett).
Pickering & Sackett, (John Pickering and John H. Sackett), carpenters and builders, bet. Church and Market.
Pittston and Elmira Coal Co., E. N. Frisbie, president; F. H. Atkinson, secretary and treasurer; office 10 and 12 Baldwin.
Platt, H. L., (Howell & Platt).
Platt, H. L., meat market, 27 ½ E. Union.
Plum, H. A., carpenter and joiner, cor. Elm and First.
POST, WILLIAM T., postmaster and dealer in real estate.
Potter, C. T., livery, Carroll.
*POTTER, G. FRED, general agent for the Great Western Life Insurance Co. of New York, 8 Baldwin.
Prall, Frederick G., (P. T. Brownell & Co.).
Pratt, Daniel, (D. & R. Pratt).
Pratt, D. R., (Elmira Edge Tool Co.), president Second National Bank.
Pratt, D. & R., (Daniel and Ransom), agents Clinton woolen mills, factory, bet. Sullivan and Tuttle Avenue.
Pratt, H. D., superintendent, Susquehanna division, E. R. W., office E. R. W. depot.
Pratt, Ransom, (D. & R. Pratt), president Clinton woolen mills.
Pratt, Timothy S., (Durland & Pratt).
Prescott, W. H., agent, dealer in all kinds of liquors, 40 Carroll.
PRESWICK, C., (Preswick & Dudley).
PRESWICK & DUDLEY, (C. Preswick and James T. Dudley), booksellers and stationers, 114 Water.
Price, John P., barber and hair dresser, 248 Water.
Purcell, J. P., groceries, provisions and liquors, cor. Clinton and E. Union.
Purdy, Henry H., physician and surgeon, 31 and 33 Baldwin, cor. Market.
PUTNAM, E. A. MRS., dress and cloak maker, 123 Water.
Quick, S. P., dealer in hats, caps, boots and shoes, wholesale and retail, 135 Water.
Radin, Joseph, tobacconist, 248 Water.
Rae, James H., agent U. S. Express, office in E. R. W. depot.
Ramp, William, cigar maker, 236 Church.
RANSOM, R. H., attorney and counselor at law, and justice of the peace, 139 Water.
Ransom, Rastus S., (Tomlinson & Ransom), city attorney.
RATHBONE, H. W., sec’y and treas and general supt. Elmira Rolling Mill Co.
RATHBUN HOUSE, H. P. Stevens, prop. Water, corner Baldwin.
Rathbun, J. T., dealer in real estate, and president of Chemung R. R. Co., over post office, Baldwin.
Rathburn, Benj. J. T., banker, owns farm 20.
Read & Hutchinson, (Jesse H. Read and C. D. Hutchinson), dealers in ladies’ furnishing goods, 31 Lake.
Read, Jesse H., (Read & Hutchinson).
Read, V. B., fordwarder and dealer in grain, salt, and all kinds of cement, Basin.
Redfield, D. S., general freight agent, N. C. R. R.
Redfield, Jared A., asst. supt, N. C. R. R., freight depot.
REED, THOMAS, prop. of Reed’s Hotel and livery, 215 and 217 Water.
Reeder, W. T., city inspector, Market.
Reedy, Patrick, grocer, R. R. Avenue.
Reid, James R., (Lormore Bros. & Reid).
Reid, ----, (Holmes & Reid).
Reidinger, Jacob, grocery and provision store, cor. Lake and Fourth.
Reilly, Edmund, bakery, 132 Lake.
REISINGER, ANDREW, farmer 30, grape grower and wine maker.
Relyea, Phebe Mrs., tailoring and plain sewing, Partridge n. R. R.
REYNOLDS, G. G., wholesale dealer in teas, coffee and spices, 13 and 15 Carroll.
Reynolds, John A., lawyer, bds. 80 Lake.
REYNOLDS, S. C., retired lawyer, 38 Main.
Reynolds, S. T., secretary and treasurer of Elmira Agricultural Works.
Rhodes, C. W., (Rhodes, Son & Co.).
Rhodes, J. P., (Rhodes, Son & Son).
Rhodes, Son & Co., (J. P. and C. W.), jobbers and retailers of dry goods, 34 Lake.
Rice, Aaron, physician and surgeon, 7 S. Main.
Rice, D. O., groceries and provisions, cor. R. R. Avenue and Church.
Rice, Leman, dealer in drugs and medicines, 156 Water.
Richardson, Jackson, boots and shoes, 105 Water.
Richardson, John W. Dr., botanic physician, h. 29 Orchard.
*RICHARDSON, M., importer and jobber of Yankee notions, hosiery, &c., 6 Lake, 2nd floor.
RICHARDT, GEO. H., prop. of United States Hotel, also agent for the Knickerbocker Life Insurance Co., 135 R. R. Avenue.
Ridley, Barzellay, bridge inspector, h. 38 Park Place.
Riley, E. Mrs., milliner, 48 S. Water, cor. Harmon.
Riley, E. Mrs., tailoress, 81 Fifth.
*RISDON, J. C., plastic slate and slate roofing, 8 Baldwin, up stairs.
Roberts, William & Co., manufs. of all kinds of inks and dyeing, 69 Water.
Robertson, Archibald, (Smith, Robertson & Fassett).
ROBBINS, BENJAMIN V., grocery and provision merchant, 1st door N. Elmira Rolling Mill office.
ROBINSON, DAVID C., (L. & D. C. Robinson).
ROBINSON, I. M., manuf. and dealer in all kinds of furniture, also undertaking, 41 and 43 Lake.
ROBINSON, LUCIUS, (L. & D. C. Robinson), owns farm 43.
ROBINSON, L. & D. C., (Lucius and David C.), attorneys and counselors at law, 34 Lake.
Robinson, O., general insurance agent, 34 Lake.
Robinson, Richard W., (Ingraham & Robinson).
Robinson, Isaac, milk and butter dealer, 39 and 41 city market.
Rodbourn, Ezra, lawyer, h. 5 Conongue.
Roe, D. E., manuf. wire cloth, foundry-riddles, coal, sand and grain screens, 11 Carroll.
Roe, E. D., farmer 50, College Avenue, North.
Roe, F. A., Capt. U. S. N., College Avenue, North, owns farm 30.
Roe, W. F. Prof., farmer 40, College Avenue, North.
Rohan, Martin, cartman, S. Lake.
Roll, M. L., prop. National Garden and Summer Resort, Carroll.
Romer, Anthony, (Bower & Romer).
RONAN, PATRICK, prop. of grocery and livery stable, 32 Water.
ROOF, JOHN, (Strauss, Greenbaum & Co.).
Roosa, A. P., gilder and manuf. of looking glass and picture frames, 6 Lake.
Root, E., carpenter and joiner, 9 Mt. Zoar.
Roper, Fordyce, milk dealer, h. Harriet, n. Market.
Rose, Francis Mrs., dressmaking, cor. Water and College Avenue.
ROSE, STEPHEN, (Ayrault, Rose & Co.).
ROSEBROOK, FRANK, (Rosebrook & Seely).
ROSEBROOK & SEELY, (Frank Rosebrook and S. T. Seely), dry goods, 36 Lake.
Rosenbaum, Leman, (Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & Co.).
Rowe, M. A., (J. A. Fountain & Co.).
*ROWLAND & BEADLE, (Chas. H. Rowland and Chauncey M. Beadle), dealers in hardware and manufs. of wire cloth and wire goods, 130 Water.
ROWLAND, CHAS. H., (Rowland & Beadle).
Ruff, John, (Friend, Flett & Co.).
Ruppersberger, Koonrad, saloon keeper, 77 Water.
RUSSELL, WILLIAM C., boot and shoe maker, 19 Baldwin.
Rutter, William E., supt. E. R. W. car shop, office opp. freight depot.
Ryan, Edward, (Ryan & Toole).
Ryan, Francis A., (Ryan & Son).
Ryan, George W., (Ryan & Son).
Ryan & Son, (George W. and Francis A.), dealers in paper rags and old metals, 79 Water.
Ryan & Toole, (Edward Ryan and John B. Toole), groceries and provisions, 167 Water.
Sackett, John H., (Pickering & Sackett).
Sackett, Richard, artesian well sinker, 61 Water.
Saddler, Timothy, cattle dealer, h. Washington.
Sampson, Joseph C., (W. W. Ballard & Co.).
Samuel, Albert, (Strauss & Samuel).
Samuels, David W., manager Elmira Rolling Mill.
Sanders, W. M., music teacher, h. 47 Baldwin.
Satterlee, Albert S., (E. B. Satterlee & Co.).
Satterlee, E. B. & Co., (E. B. and A. S.), wholesale and retail dealers in dry goods, also merchant tailors, 21 Lake.
Sayles, Henry, homeop. physician and surgeon, 35 Baldwin.
Sayles, Henry, (Peter Biggs & Co.).
Schlosser, J. Jacob, (Trout, Schlosser & Co.).
Schlutter, E. Mrs., saloon and boarding house, cor. Market and R. R. Avenue.
Schoeneman, Louis, prop. of Gambrinus Saloon, 93 Water.
Schuszler, T. C. Mrs., matron Orphans’ Home, cor. Fulton and Franklin.
Schuyler, Lizzie Miss, millinery, 104 Water.
Schwenke, Frederick W., confectioner, 240 Water.
Schwenke, G. W., prop. Eagle Hotel, 117 R. R. Avenue.
SCOTT, EDWIN A., (Perry & Scott).
SCOTT, VINCENT, barber and hair dresser, 1st door W. of Elmira Hotel, Water.
Sebersky, Abram, merchant tailor, 169 Water.
Seeley, C. H., prop. Avenue House, cor. R. R. Avenue and Second.
SEELEY, JOHN C., (Herrick & Seeley).
Seeley, N. Dr., physician and surgeon, 132 Church.
Seely, Absalom, manufacturer soda water, 30 South Lake.
SEELY, S. T., (Rosebrook & Seely).
Sellen, Amos S., physician and dentist, cor. Main and Water.
Sellner, Israel, new and second hand clothing, 67 R. R. Avenue.
*SEMPLE, JAMES, plumber, gas and steam fitter, 15 Baldwin, over post office.
Shaft, Mrs., boarding house, 10 Third.
Shearman, John Jr., (Northrup & Shearman).
*SHECKELS, RICHARD L. S., hair dresser, 6 Union Block.
Sheidlen, Ernst, (Shiedlen & Walzer).
Sheidlen & Walzer, (Ernst Sheidlen and Peter N. Walzer), dealers in furniture, 179 and 181 Water.
Sheive, George, dealer in houses and lots, 16 S. Main.
Shepherd, Wm. R., deputy post master.
Sherman, Wright P., secretary and 1st assistant engineer of Elmira Fire Department.
SHERWOOD, JOSEPH L., prop. Monitor Hotel, 96 Baldwin.
Shoemaker, J. H., (Bedell, Cook & Co.) (Freeman & Shoemaker).
Shumway, James C., machinist, 249 Water, 2d floor.
SHUMWAY, STEPHEN W., manuf. and wholesale dealer in children’s shoes, Webber Block, Main.
Sigison, William R., prop. billiard room, Baldwin.
Silsbee, T. B., (Parks & Silsbee).
Simmer, Jacob, (Trout, Schlosser & Co.).
Sittenfield, Solomon, dealer in wool, hides, &c., 199 Water.
Slosson, A. D. & Co., (A. M. DeWitt), canal stores, groceries and provisions, 105 Baldwin.
Sly, Catherine M. Mrs., farmer 290, h. cor. Sly and Ann.
Sly, John H., farmer leases 19, Mt. Zoar.
Smalley, Wm. O., boots and shoes, 180 Water.
SMITH & BALDWIN, (Darius B. Smith and A. H. Baldwin), contractors, 127 Water.
*SMITH, C. G., prop. of Homestead Hotel, Water.
SMITH, DARIUS B., (Smith & Baldwin).
Smith, Gabriel L., (Smith & Hill), county judge and surrogate.
SMITH, GEORGE S., groceries and fruits, 194 Water.
Smith & Hall, (Lewis M. Smith and Francis G. Hall), bankers, 12 Baldwin.
Smith, Harvey, house painter, bet. Second and R. R. Avenue.
Smith, Henry B., freight agent E. R. W.
Smith, H. Bordman, (Smith, Robertson & Fassett), owns 2 ½ acres.
Smith & Hill, (Gabriel L. Smith and David B. Hill), attorneys at law, 149 Water, 2nd floor.
Smith, Howard M., (Frisbie & Smith), city clerk.
Smith, I. S. Mrs., dress making, 13 Hudson.
SMITH, JUD, sheriff of Chemung county and farmer 800.
Smith, Lewis M., (Smith & Hall).
Smith, O. N., general insurance agent, 174 Water.
Smith, Roberton & Fassett, (H. Bordman Smith, Archibald Robertson and Newton P. Fassett), attorneys and counselors at law, rooms 4 and 5 Opera Block.
Snyder, Jacob, proprietor Eastern Hotel, 137 R. R. Avenue.
Snyder, Louis, prop. Exchange saloon.
Soper, Royal R., (R. R. Soper & Co.).
Soper, R. R. & Co., (Royal R. Soper and J. Austin Frisbie), props. Elmira Brewery, Water.
SPAULDING, CHAS. H., (H. C. Spaulding & Son).
SPAULDING, HENRY C., (H. C. Spaulding & Son).
SPAULDING, H. C. & SON, (Henry C. and Chas H.), proprietors Elmira Planing Mill, dealers in lumber and coal, manuf’rs of sash, blinds and doors, 38 Fifth.
SPAULDING, I. P., grocery and provision store, cor. Fourth and Dickinson.
Spaulding, T. S., (Brooks & Spaulding).
Spillan, John, shoemaker and keeps boarding house, 211 Water.
Squire, T. H. Dr., physician and surgeon, 136 Church.
*STAGG, WILLIAM E. JR., prop. E. R. W. Depot Dining Rooms.
Stahl, Jacob, Jewish Rabbi, h. 10 High.
Stauchfield, J. K., physician and surgeon, 3 Main.
Steele, J. Dorman, principal Free Academy.
Steger, Michael, prop. Union Hotel, 133 R. R. Avenue.
Steger, Michael, meat market, Carroll.
Stephens, Robert, (Murdoch & Stephens).
STEPHENS, H. P., prop. of Rathbun House, Water, cor. Baldwin.
Stewart, Robert, patent rights, h. 62 Fifth.
Stewart, Robert F., county clerk.
Stiles, Isaac, manuf. and dealer in boots and shoes, 87 Water.
STILSON & GODDARD, (Lyman Stilson and Edmond Goddard), surgeons and mechanical dentists, 133 Water.
STILSON, LYMAN, (Stilson & Goddard).
Stilwell, Wm. M., (Kinney & Stilwell).
Stobo, John, retail dealer in boots and shoes, 152 Water.
Stoll, Joseph C., groceries and provisions, 97 Water.
Stone, D. J., farmer 6 ¾ cor. Broadway and Mt. Zoar.
Stowell, Alexander, builder, h. Stowell n. oil refinery.
Stowell, Frank A., (Moulton & Stowell).
STRACHEN, JOHN, blacksmith, Baldwin, opp. Elmira Edge Tool Co.
STRAUS, GREENBAUM & CO., (H. D. Straus, Henry Greenbaum and John Roof), sole manufs. of the improved iron spring mattress, cor. Lake and Market.
STRAUS, H. D., (Strauss, Greenbaum & Co.).
Strauss, Louis, (Strauss & Samuel).
Strauss & Samuel, (Louis Strauss and Albert Samuel), dry and fancy goods, 3 Union Block.
Striker, S. G., (Crystalized Oil Co.).
Strong, C. D. Mrs., cloak and dress maker, 2 Hudson.
Strang, H. W., (Collingwood & Strang).
Struppler, G. A., prop. Globe Hotel, 129 R. R. Avenue.
Stryker, S. G., (Elmira Chrystalized Oil Co.).
Stuart, Chas. B., (Stuart & Ufford).
Stuart & Ufford, (Chas. B. Stuart and Daniel E. Ufford), merchant tailors and dealers in hats, caps, furs, &c., 17 Lake.
Sturges, William R. & Co., wholesale and retail grocers, 246 Water.
Sullivan, Cornelius, canal grocery, Dickinson, next Junction canal.
Sullivan, E. L. Miss, millinery, 158 Water.
SULLIVAN, FLORENCE, stationery, book and city news room, in post office, Baldwin.
SURBRIDGE, F. G., city missionary for Young Men’s Christian Association, Opera Building, Lake.
*SURGANTY, JOSEPH, grocery and provision store, cor. Church and Sullivan.
Swan, Charles, insurance agent, office over post office.
Swartz, F., speculator, h. 45 Market.
Swartz & Sittenfield, dealers in wool, hides, beeswax, and all kinds of furs, 201 Water.
Sykes, Jesse F., harness maker, 73 Water.
Symonds, Alonzo, hop grower, 3 acres, Tuttle Avenue.
Taylor, E. W., prop. of boarding and sale stables, and of Hambletonian Stallion, Lafayette.
Taylor, Samuel, (Millius & Taylor).
Taylor, Samuel B., auctioneer, h. 63 First.
Terry, E. C., dentist, 117 Water.
Terry & Monroe, carpenters, bet. Baldwin and the Canal.
Terry, O. P., (Terry & Monroe).
*THE COTTAGE GREEN HOUSE, 1 Fulton cor S. Water, Hugh M. Moore, prop.
Third Ward Hotel, Lake, Jacob Amann, prop.
THOMAS, A. A., (Thomas & LaFever).
Thomas, David, foundry and machine shop, Washington Avenue, n. the Junction.
THOMAS & LAFEVER, (A. A. Thomas and N. R. LaFever), retail grocers and commission merchants, 21 Baldwin.
Thompson, David, ice cream saloon, cor. Dickinson and Fifth.
Thompson, Henry, farmer 1 ¼, S. Lake.
Thompson, Jeremiah, cartman, 14 First.
Thompson, J. B., (D. Higley & Co.).
Thro, Chas. T., (C. J. Thro).
Thro, C. & J., (Chas. T. and Francis J.), props. Western Hotel, 140 R. R. Avenue.
Thro, Francis J., (C. & J. Thro).
THRO, John J., (Thro, Mills & Co.), city treasurer.
THRO, MILLS & CO., (John J. Thro, Uri and J. H. Mills), wholesale and retail dealers in groceries and provisions, 19 Lake.
Throp, John, cartman, 125 Second.
Thurston, A. S., attorney at law, 15 and 17 Lake, 2nd floor.
THURSTON, JAMES S., (Fairman, Caldwell & Thurston).
Tice, S. A. Miss, (Budd & Tice).
Tidd, Charles, boat builder, Washington Avenue, n. the Junction.
Tillman, John M., saddle and harness maker, 9 Carroll.
Tillson, Lewis, Indian doctor, bds. 11 Dickinson.
Todtman, Julia Mrs., grocery, 87 Church.
Tomlinson & Ransom, (S. C. Tomlinson and Rastus S. Ransom), attorneys and counselors at law, 143 Water.
Tomlinson, S. B., (Tomlinson & Ransom), alderman.
Toole, John B., (Ryan & Toole).
Trinity Church, cor. Main and Church, Rev. William Paret, rector.
Trout, Frank, ticket agent, E. R. W. depot.
Trout, Miles, (Trout, Schlosser & Co.).
Trout, Schlosser & Co., (Miles Trout and Jacob Schlosser), carriage maker, 253 Water.
Truman, Harriet A. Mrs., music teacher, bds. 15 William.
Tuch, Morris, custom and ready made clothing, 83 R. R. Avenue.
Tunison, Lagrange, boarding house, cor. Third and Magee.
Turner & Dexter, (Robert T. Turner and Seymour Dexter), attorneys and counselors at law, 151 Water.
Turner, Robert T., (Turner & Dexter).
Tuthill, D. H., wholesale and retail dry goods merchant, 132 Water.
TYLER, ASHER, prest. Elmira Rolling Mill Co.
Ufford, Daniel E., (Stuart & Ufford).
Union House, n. N. C. Round House, M. Gillman, proprietor.
UNITED STATES HOTEL, 135 R. R. Avenue, G. H. Richardt, prop.
UPDEGRAFF, THAD S., M.D., oculist, aurist and general surgeon, 151, 153 and 155 Water, h. 32 S. Water.
U. S. EXPRESS OFFICE, 16 Baldwin, Sutherland Dewitt, agent, also E. R. W. depot, Jas. H. Rae, clerk.
U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE COLLECTOR’S OFFICE, cor. Baldwin and Water, Oscar I. Averell, collector; Erastus S. Palmer, deputy collector; DeWitt C. Alden, revenue inspector; Wm. H. Neish, inspector of coal oil and distilled spirits.
Ustick, W., (T. Briggs & Co.).
Vail, Benjamin, manuf. and dealer in all kinds of furniture, 241 Water.
Valentine, H. C. Mrs., grocery store, E. Third, cor. DeWitt.
VAN BUSKIRK, DERMONT, house, sign and carriage painting, Clinton, bet. Conongue and Dewitt.
Van Dyne, Jas. A., 2nd assistant engineer of Elmira Fire Department.
VAN KLEECK, JOHN H., painter with G. H. Kelly.
Van Lew, George, dealer in doors, sash, blinds and glass, 245 Water.
Van Orsdall, E., grocery and provision store, 28 E. Second.
Velder, Lewis Dr., physician, cor. Lake and Clinton, h. 38 Water.
Viall, William, dealer in doors, sash, blinds, &c., foreman with Thos. Young.
Vinton, Charles E., general dealer in wines and liquors, cor. R. R. Avenue and Market.
Wageman, Albert, (H. Haase & Co.).
Waldron, D. T., (Waldron & Griffes).
Waldron & Griffes, (D. T. Waldron and W. G. Griffes), dealers in gents’ furnishing goods and agents for Eliptic Lock Stitch sewing machine, 7 Baldwin.
Wallace, George, restaurant, cor. Baldwin and Clinton.
*WALLACE, RICHARD K., carriage painter, 250 Water.
Wallheim, Simon, second hand clothing, 69 R. R. Avenue.
Walter & Farrington, (Orin C. Walter and James B. Farrington), props. of Elmira Fire Brick and Drain Pipe Works, cor. Church and Junction Canal.
Walter, Orin C., (Walter & Farrington).
Walzer, Peter N., (Sheidlen & Walzer).
Wanamaker, Maning F., butcher, S. end Lake St. bridge.
WARD, J. ROUSE, attorney and counselor at law, 135 Water.
Ward, William A., (Hotchkin, Ward & Co.).
Warner, A. J., principal of Elmira Commercial College, cor. Water and Baldwin.
WASHINGTON HOTEL, 127 R. R. Avenue, Gottlieb Hummel, prop.
Waters, G. W., artist, portrait and landscape, 6 Baldwin.
WATROUS, RIGGS, dealer in hardware, wholesale and retail, 112 Water.
Watts, Robert M., (Wheeler & Watts).
Waugh, John, machinist and manufacturer of circular shears for tinners’ use.
WEATHERELL, JAMES, (Hall & Weatherell), 11 Orchard.
WEAVER, ERASTUS K., general tanner, dealer in wool, and pulls pelts, 295 Water.
Webb, Sarah Miss, teacher, No. 3 school.
WEBB, WILLIAM, (Jones & Webb).
Wehnes, Michael, beer saloon, 77 R. R. Avenue.
Weidemer, M. Mrs., prop. Waverly House, R. R. Avenue, n. depot.
Welch, Alexander, speculator, h. 248 Church.
WELCH, JULIA A. MISS, dressmaker, Webber Block.
Weldner, George, boot and shoemaker, 73 Water.
WELLS, H. F., tanner and dealer in leather, owns farm 275, Opera House Block, Carroll.
Wells, J. H., props. 5th Ward Hotel, 16 S. Lake.
Wells & Mead, (Nelson Wells and Geo. W. Mead), manufs. and jobbers in ladies’ and misses’ fine shoes, Balmorals, &c., 29 Lake.
Wells, Nelson, (Wells & Mead).
West, Charles F., prop. Arnot Mills, foot of Water.
Western Union Telegraph Office, M. S. Palmer, manager, Rathbun House.
WESTLAKE, STODDARD C., prop. of Blade’s Euphonial Lubricators, Blade’s Constitution Pills and Westlake’s Eye Salve, cor. Water and Baldwin.
WEY, WILLIAM C., physician and surgeon, 68 Water.
Weyer Bros., (J. Philip and Jacob), groceries and liquors, 110 Lake.
Weyer, Jacob, (Weyer Bros.).
*WEYER, J. PHILIP, (Weyer Bros.), brick maker, Oak, n. city line.
Weyer, ----, (Hall & Weyer).
*WHEELER, E. R. & CO., slate dealers, 10 Baldwin.
Wheeler, E. R. Dr., (E. R. Wheeler & Co.), physician, h. 250 Water.
Wheeler, Orrin H., (Wheeler & Watts).
Wheeler & Watts, (Orrin H. Wheeler and Robert M. Watts), book and job printers, also manufs. and dealers in all kinds of paper and cotton bags and sacks, 26 and 28 Lake, cor. Carroll.
White & Barron, (Spencer H. White and J. H. Barron), boot and shoe dealers, cor. Third and Magee.
White, Jerome B., attorney and counselor at law, 4 Opera Block.
White, Margaret Mrs., cigar manuf., 109 R. R. Avenue.
White, Spencer H., (White & Barron).
Whitkowskie, Simon, ready-made clothing, also repairing and cleaning, 75 R. R. Avenue.
Whitley, J. H., photographer, 158 Water.
Wilbur, William E., manuf. and wholesale dealer in boots and shoes, 107 Water.
WILCOX, F. H., grocery, cor. Water and R. R. Avenue.
Wilcox, F. M., prop. Park Hotel, W. end Hudson.
Wilkesbarre & Pittston Coal Co., office Dickinson, n. Canal.
WILLIS, C. A., (Merrill & Willis).
Wilson, Chas., (Barton & Wilson).
Wilson, H., (Southport), carpenter and joiner, and wagon maker, Judsonville.
Winslow, John T., (Corbett & Winslow).
Wise, Ambrose, chief engineer of Elmira Fire Department.
Wisner, W. H., leader of Silver Cornet Band, cor. Church and Washington.
Wittenberg, Joseph, (Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & Co.).
Wolverton, W. G., meat market, 48 Main.
Woodruff, Albert, carpenter and joiner, Water, above Main.
Woods, Jas. L., lawyer, president of Elmira Gas Light Co., and U. S. Commissioner.
Wormley, John, cooper, cor. Sly and Ann.
Wormley, John, treasurer of Elmira Fire Department.
Wright, Allen M., carriage trimmer, 59 Water.
Wright, Peter, blacksmithing and wagon making, 251 Water.
Wyckoff, A., (Wyckoff Bros. & Co.).
Wyckoff Bros. & Co., (A. Chas. W. and Geo. W.), manufs. wooden water pipe, eave troughs, pump tubing, and Wyckoff’s Imperishable Water and Gas Pipe, 10, 12 and 14 Wisner.
Wyckoff, Chas. W., (Wyckoff Bros. & Co.).
Wyckoff, Geo. W., (Wyckoff Bros. & Co.).
YOUMANS, MILTON, master builder, 56 S. Water, office, Kingsbury’s shop, n. cor Clinton and Baldwin.
Young, Peter C., city inspector, h. 33 High.
Young, Thomas, dealer in lumber, sash, doors, blinds and glass, cor. Church and Canal.
Youngs, Charles, barber, 131 R. R. Avenue.
Youngs, L. M., (G. W. Cook & Co.).