Directories of Chemung County, New York
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Hamilton Childs
Gazetteer & Business Directory
Chemung & Schuyler Counties NY
FOR 1868 - 69.

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[The following sketches of the lives of some of the early settlers of this County, and incidents in their personal history, are presented as reminiscences of the early times, not unworthy of a place in a work like this.]


Col. John Hendy, the first settler in the County, was born in Wyoming, Penn., September 3d, 1757, He enlisted in the army at the age of 17, and was in the battles at Bunker Hill, Princetown, Trenton, Monmouth and other places. He served the whole time under Washington, and rose to the rank of Captain. After leaving the army he returned to Wilkesbarre and engaged in farming, having married a Miss Baker. He subsequently removed to Tioga Point, where he remained until 1788, when he came to Chemung County, engaged in farming, and continued to reside here until his death, a period of more than 50 years. He removed the first shovel-ful of dirt in the excavation of the Chemung Canal, a work in which he was greatly interested. During the war of 1812-15 he raised several companies, but they were not called into the service. In 1789 he received a commission of Captain of a militia company, in the town of Chemung, and subsequently that of Second Major of a regiment in the County of Tioga. In 1803 he received a commission of Lieut.-Colonel of the same regiment, from Governor George Clinton. He was buried in the old cemetery, but his remains were subsequently removed to Woodlawn Cemetery, and a suitable monument erected over them. Col. Hendy was a man greatly respected and esteemed for his honesty, integrity and kindness of heart.


WILLIAM HOFFMAN was born in the town of Northumberland, Pennsylvania, about the year 1777. When about 19 years of age, he left his home to seek his fortune among the wilds of Chemung County. Embarking with his scanty effects in a boat, with his own strong arm he forced a passage up the Susquehanna and Chemung, penetrating the wilds and solitude of the primeval forests, with only here and there an indication of that spirit of improvement which subsequently became so marked a feature of this beautiful valley. In 1798 Newtown numbered 24 houses, with a cash value of about $6,000. He at first carried on the business of hatter, his shop standing where Hubbell’s furniture store now stands. Soon after he purchased a large tract of land, extending from Main street far above the old family homestead of Water street. This was the foundation of the wealth that subsequently surrounded his declining years, and afforded every comfort that wealth could procure. Though he bargained for his land at a higher price than many of his neighbors paid, he fulfilled to the letter every part of the contract. The greater portion of his life was devoted to farming pursuits, and to him more than to any other may be attributed the early success of the farming interests in the Chemung valley. Mr. Hoffman was scrupulously honest, kind and obliging to the poor, and lenient to those indebted to him. As a friend, kind and true; and as a citizen, faithful to every trust reposed in him. He died July 4th, 1867, nearly 90 years of age, greatly esteemed and lamented, not only by a large circle of relatives, but by the whole community in which he had lived so many years.


Another of the early settlers whose names are held in grateful remembrance by their posterity, is that of JOHN SUFFERN. He was born in the north of Ireland, his ancestors having emigrated from Scotland to escape the persecution that followed the Reformation of John Knox. In the 17th year of his age he came to America, and after remaining in New York city for a time, came to Chemung County, on horseback, accompanied by a single companion. This journey was made in 1804, through forests inhabited by wild beasts and Indians, through swamps and across streams, with very few indications of civilized life. At Chenango Forks, where Brainard had established a mission among the Indians, was a small tavern, where they met travelers going east, and exchanged letters with them, to their respective friends. On their arrival at Newtown, they put up at a tavern kept by John Davis, at the Ferry, now the corner of Lake and Water streets. After exploring the region, he settled on a lot, where he remained for 53 years. Possessing a vigorous constitution, and indomitable energy, he commenced his labors, and in a few years had the satisfaction of seeing the wilderness "blossom as the rose." In disposition he was frank and kind hearted, ever ready to lend a helping hand to the needy and the distressed. His life was an active and useful one, and its close peaceful and happy. His example is more to be prized than silver and gold, and one to which the rising generation may be pointed, as worthy of their imitation.


In the Lives of some of the Early Settlers.

MR. LEBEUS HAMMOND, one of the early settlers of the Chemung Valley, came from Luzerne Co., Penn. In the spring of 1781, he left his home near Wilkesbarre, in search of a horse which had strayed away. He directed his course up the river, about 10 miles, to where he had formerly lived. Here he found his horse, as he expected, and after making a bridle of hickory withes, started for home. When within about four miles of his home, he discovered several moccasin tracks in the road; fearing that a party of Indians were near, he listened for a few minutes and then started off at a brisk trot. He had proceeded but a short distance when two Indians sprang from behind a tree, seized his horse by the bridle, and dragged him to the ground. After a short consultation in the Indian language, they led him into the woods and tied him to a tree, with his hands made fast behind him. The Indians then left him for about an hour and then returned with two other prisoners, a Mr. Bennett and his son, with whom Mr. Hammond had conversed but a short time previous to his capture. They were accompanied by four other Indians, and immediately commenced their march up the Susquehanna River, compelling Mr. Bennett to carry their baggage. They traveled 13 miles that evening, and camped in an old building on the bank of the river. The prisoners, weary as they were, and faint and hungry, were compelled to lie down with nothing to eat. Previous to their lying down, an old Indian, who appeared to be their leader, cut three poles, and having compelled the prisoners to lie down, placed the poles across them, and three of the Indians lay down on each end of the poles, to prevent his escape of the prisoners. Here they remained all night and until 10 o’clock the next day, when a party of Indians came in canoes from the opposite side of the river and took them over. When they reached the shore, each of the prisoners was supplied with a large piece of jerked venison, which was eagerly devoured. They then proceeded up the river, and at night encamped upon its bank, being secured in the same manner as on the previous night. The next morning the march was continued up the river. The melting snow had raised the streams which they were compelled to cross, but still they pressed on, till they reached a creek which the Indians called Mashoppin; here they killed a deer and carried the meat with them.

The creek was very much swollen, and they were compelled to proceed up the stream some distance before they could cross. Having crossed, they proceeded down the opposite bank to within ½ a mile of its junction with the Susquehanna, where they encamped. While they were roasting their venison, the leader of the Indians, who spoke very good English, entered into conversation with Hammond, about the war; asked him if he knew Lieut. Boyd, and on receiving an affirmative answer, brought forward Boyd’s sword, saying, "Boyd a brave man, he as good a soldier as ever fought against the red men." This Indian commanded the party which massacred Lieut. B. and his party, only one of whom escaped. Boyd had been sent out by General Sullivan with a scouting party, when he was taken prisoner by the Indians and tortured in the most inhuman manner. Hammond knowing that it would be death to him to express the detestation which he felt at the account, restrained his wrath, and very soon lay down, secured as he had been on the two previous nights. During the night the wind changed, and it became so cold that the prisoners nearly perished. At daybreak the Indians ordered the prisoners to build a fire, and setting one of the Indians to guard, the others lay down and soon fell asleep.

The guard took the head of the deer which they had killed on the previous day, and with a spear held it in the fire to roast, and threw a blanket over his head and shoulders to shield him from the cold. After the prisoners had warmed themselves, they asked permission to go to the creek and wash; the request was granted. After they had washed, they determined to make an effort to escape, as it was the most favorable opportunity they would probably have. To deceive the old Indian who was on guard, Hammond was to place himself on the opposite side of the fire and engage him in earnest conversation, while Bennett and his son were to come up behind the Indian and seize the guns and spears. At a given signal, Bennett drove the spear through the body of the old Indian, who leaped across the fire, uttering a most terrific yell. Hammond sprang across the fire, seized a tomahawk and buried it in the brain of the Indian who had commanded the party which massacred Boyd and his men; another blow sent a second Indian into the fire; at a third blow he buried the tomahawk between the shoulders of another, who sprang away with it sticking in his shoulders. Bennett having lost his spear at the commencement of the affray, seized a gun and despatched one of the Indians by beating out his brains with the butt.

Unfortunately three of the guns were empty or not one of the Indians could have escaped. This rendered the boy almost useless, he having made three attempts to shoot, but with an empty gun. One of the Indians escaped unhurt, and another with an ugly gash between his shoulders made by the tomahawk. Gathering up the blankets, guns and sword, they commenced their retreat. They proceeded up the Mashoppin about three miles, where they waded across, taking the boy between them to prevent his being swept away by the stream, which was very high and dangerous to cross. The morning was cold, and they had proceeded but a short distance before their clothes were frozen so stiff that it was with difficulty that they could travel. On their way they kept a considerable distance from the river, being able to travel upon the crust, and at the same time rendering it more difficult to track them. They arrived at home on the evening of the 6th day after their capture, to the great joy of their families and neighbors, having traveled three days without a mouthful of food.

Lieut. Boyd’s sword, which Hammond had taken from the Indian, was subsequently presented to Col. John Boyd, brother of the deceased.

HON. JOHN G. McDOWELL.--Another whose name is intimately connected with the early history of the County is John G. McDowell. He was born in Chemung, February 27th, 1784. During the active years of his life he was much engaged in public duties, was a member of the State Legislature for several years, and was the first President of the Chemung Bank; a man possessing a strong and energetic mind, a great fund of common sense, and was universally esteemed. His wit and humor made him a universal favorite wherever he went. Many amusing anecdotes are related of him, one of which we find related in the "Reminiscences of the Southern Tier," published in the Knickerbocker Magazine in 1856: "Soon after the New York and Erie Railroad Company commenced operations, the Judge had occasion to visit Binghamton on business, and took his passage on the railroad. When ready to return home, he took his seat on the train going west, which would pass through Chemung. The Conductor called for the fare, when the Judge handed him the amount required, stating that his destination was Chemung. It seems that some of the employees of the road, in preparing a list of stopping places and rates of fare, not possessing the love of ancient names which characterized the Judge, had left off the name of Chemung and substituted what to them seemed to sound better, that of Springville. The Conductor had but lately been placed upon this route, and the name of Chemung was as new to him as that of Springville was to the Judge. Looking over his list, he told the Judge there was no such place as Chemung. Imagine the surprise of the Judge at this announcement. ’No such place as Chemung! Why, sir, the name of Chemung was known, loved, honored and cherished by the early settlers, who now sleep in its soil, long years ago.’ The Conductor asked on which side of Waverly it was located. This made matters much worse. ’Young man, you have much to learn; Chemung was known and had become a part of the history of the country long before Waverly or the New York and Erie Railroad were ever thought of. You had better ask on which side of Chemung Waverly is. Sir, I will teach you and your employers that there is a religion in old names. What right have you to change this loved and honored name, rich in historic associations, for the unmeaning one of Springville? I will have it restored.’ He then paid his fare to Elmira, 12 miles beyond Chemung, which he said should be the place of his arrival and departure until the Erie Railroad Company had learned where Chemung was. It is needless to say that the energy and perseverance of the Judge soon restored the time-honored Chemung to its appropriate place on the roll."

CAPTAIN DANIEL McDOWELL, the father of the Judge, settled on the farm now known as McDowell’s Flats, upon which the son resided for many years. He was a Scotchman by birth, was taken prisoner at Shawnee by the Indians in 1782, and taken to Niagara, where he was compelled to run the gauntlet. He passed through that terrible ordeal and escaped death, and was subsequently banished to Quebec, where, after remaining in prison for a year, and enduring many cruelties, he was liberated. While on his way to Niagara as a prisoner, the route lay along the Chemung valley, near the present railroad depot in the town of Chemung. Here his captors halted at a spring to quench their thirst. Capt. McDowell was so impressed with the beauty of the scene, the broad flats, with here and there patches of corn, and the abundance of wild grapes, plums and other fruits, that he determined, if ever released, he would settle in this fertile and inviting location. This determination, as we have seen, was carried out. The Indians gave him a name very expressive of his character physically and mentally, Keto, meaning "man of iron."




Directory is arranged as follows: 1. Name of individual or firm. 2. Post office address in parentheses. 3. Business or occupation.

A Star (*) placed before a name, indicates an advertiser in this work. For such advertisement see Index.

Figures placed after the occupation of farmers, indicate the number of acres of land owned or leased by the parties.

Names set in CAPITALS indicate subscribers to this work.

The word street is implied in directory of Elmira City.

For additions and corrections see Errata following the Introduction.


(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.)

ABER, LEWIS L., (Wellsburgh), farmer, 50.

Barnes, David E., (Lowman), farmer leases 54.

Benedict, Nathan S., (Elmira), farmer 140.

Bentley, Wm., (Southport), farmer 153.

Brando, Nelson, (Lowman), miller.

Brown, Horace, (Wellsburgh), farmer 40.

Brown, John, (Wellsburgh), butcher and farmer 106.

Brown, Lewis, (Wellsburgh), carpenter.

Brown, Lyman C., (Wellsburgh), farmer 65.

Brown, Stephen T., (Elmira), farmer 60.

Brown, Timothy T., (Wellsburgh), assessor, blacksmith and farmer 68.

Bucklin, Anna Mrs., (Wellsburgh), farmer 50.

BURNHAM, BENJAMIN A., (Wellsburgh), farmer 60.

Burt, Mark A., (Wellsburgh), justice of the peace.

CARPENTER, GRANT G., (Wellsburgh), harness maker and carriage trimmer.

CARPENTER, JAMES, (Lowman), assessor and farmer 196.

Carpenter, John L., (Wellsburgh), carpenter.

CLARK, WM. J., (Wellsburgh), mechanic and farmer 54 ½.

COFFEY, FERDINAND, (Wellsburgh), farmer 85.

Coleman, Richard B., (Wellsburgh), farmer 188.

Collins, Ira H., (Wellsburgh), blacksmith.

COLWELL, SAMUEL W., (Wellsburgh), farmer 250.

COMFORT, OLIVER, (Wellsburgh), farmer 83.

COMFORT, OLIVER T., (Wellsburgh), farmer leases 83.

COMFORT, WM. R., (Wellsburgh), farmer 63.

Conklin, Wm., (Wellsburgh), farmer 2.

Crane, Robert C., (Wellsburgh), farmer 100.

Dean, Wm. M., (Wellsburgh), farmer leases 100.

Decker, Thomas, (Wellsburgh), farmer 100.

Devoe, John H., (Southport), blacksmith.

Dewey, Charles Jr., (Wellsburgh), farmer 26.

Dewey, Lyman, (Wellsburgh), farmer 75.

Dickson, Alfred Rev., (Wellsburgh), Baptist minister.

Doane, Royal, (Wellsburgh), carriage maker.

Earley, John A., (Wellsburgh), blacksmith.

Elston, Freeman A., (Wellsburgh), (Finch & Elston).

Evans, Horatio, (Wellsburgh), general merchant.

Farand, Henry, (Wellsburgh), farmer 70.

Finch, Andrew J., (Wellsburgh), (Finch & Elston).

Finch & Elston, (Wellsburgh), (Andrew J. Finch and Freeman A. Elston), butchers.

Finch, Lyman G., (Wellsburgh), farmer 190.

Fishler, Geo. Sr., (Wellsburgh), carpenter.

FISHLER, GEO W., (Wellsburgh), architect, house and bridge builder, contractor.

Fishler, John V., (Wellsburgh), proprietor of Fishler House.

French, Mahala, (Wellsburgh), farmer 4.

Gray, Alonzo W., (Wellsburgh), (O’Bryan & Gray).

Gustin, Jesse, (Southport), farmer 94.

Halstead, Wm. C., (Wellsburgh), town clerk and teacher.

Hammond, James D., (Wellsburgh), carpenter.

Hanmer, Wm. B., (Wellsburgh), carpenter and joiner.

Hanmor, Gertrude Mrs., (Wellsburgh), milliner and dress maker.

Herman, Benjamin, (Wellsburgh), proprietor of hotel.

Herrington, Williard, (Lowman), farmer 60.

Hetfield, Morris, (Wellsburgh), machinist.

Hunter, Myron A., (Lowman), cooper.

Jenkins, Jonathan H., (Elmira), farmer 148.

Jewell, Arah C., (Wellsburgh), mason.

Jewell, Sarah C., (Wellsburgh), teacher of select school.

Johnson, Barnett W., (Southport), farmer 160.

JOHNSON, BENJAMIN P., (Southport), blacksmith.

Kelsey, Abner, (Wellsburgh), carpenter.

KINSMAN, GEORGE, (Southport), proprietor sawmill and farmer 300.

KINSMAN, KELSEY B., (Southport), farmer leases 300.

KINSMAN, MARY, (Southport).

Kinsman, Merritt, (Southport), farmer 50.

KINSMAN, RYLAND E., (Southport), carpenter and farmer 30.

Knall, Elisha, (Wellsburgh), shoemaker.

Lain, Lawrence, (Wellsburgh), mechanic, commissioner of highways and farmer 63.

Leverich, Jesse, (Elmira), farmer 200.

Lewis, Horace S., (Southport), farmer leases 100.

LOCKWOOD, RICHARD C., (Wellsburgh), supervisor, proprietor of saw and planing mills and farmer 230.

Loomis, Lewis, (Wellsburgh), blacksmith.

LOWMAN, LYMAN L., (Lowman), justice of the peace, dealer in stock and farmer 350.

LOWMAN, WM., (Lowman), farmer 590.

Loziar, John H., (Wellsburgh), eclectic physician.

Mathews, Lawrence, (Wellsburgh), farmer 80.

Matthews, Hammond, (Wellsburgh), farmer 200.

Matthews, Joel, (Wellsburgh), farmer 80.

Matthews, Wm. Mrs., (Elmira), dairy and farmer leases 275.

McClain, John, (Wellsburgh), carpenter.

McCollon, Elizabeth H. Mrs., (Wellsburgh), farmer 1.

McHenry, Charles, (Wellsburgh), carpenter and farmer 69.

Merrian, Albert, (Wellsburgh), carpenter and joiner and farmer 62.

MERRIAM, AMOS B., (Wellsburgh), carpenter and farmer 29.

MERRIAM, CALEB S., (Wellsburgh), farmer 83.

Miller, Sylvester L., (Wellsburgh), farmer 170.

Mitchell, Samuel, (Wellsburgh), blacksmith.

Moore, Edwin, (Fassett’s P. O. Pa.), farmer 100.

Morehouse, Joel C., (Wellsburgh), mason.

Morley, Dwight, (Wellsburgh), grocer and constable.

Moss, Reuben E., (Elmira), dairyman, wool-grower and farmer 180.

Myers, John L., (Wellsburgh), cabinet maker.

O’Bryan & Gray, (Wellsburgh), (James P. O’Bryan and Alonzo W. Gray), proprietors of flouring mill.

O’Bryan, James P., (Wellsburgh), (O’Bryan & Gray).

Palmer, Carlos B., (Wellsburgh), general insurance agent and farmer 35.

Pierson, Joseph B., (Wellsburgh), farmer 14.

Rich, Ester, (Wellsburgh), blacksmith.

ROBBINS, JOB, (Wellsburgh), farmer 121.

Roberts, Addison P., (Wellsburgh), farmer 160.

Roberts, Amos, (Wellsburgh), farmer 121.

Roberts, Geo W., (Wellsburgh), farmer 160.

Roberts, Miles, (Wellsburgh), general merchant.

Roe, Horatio M., (Wellsburgh), tailor.

ROGERS, GEO W., (Southport), commissioner of highways and farmer 83.

ROUSHY, HIRAM, (Elmira), justice of the peace and farmer 400.

Roushy, Jacob, (Elmira), farmer 214.

ROUSHY, MICHAEL B., (Elmira), poor master, constable and farmer 128.

Salisbury, Lydia Mrs., (Wellsburgh), post-mistress.

SEARLES, ALFRED, (Lowman), millwright and farmer 95.

Searles, Mary F. Mrs., (Southport), farmer 62.

Scribner, Charles F., (Wellsburgh), ticket and express agent.

Scudder, Israel O., (Wellsburgh), farmer 195.

Shappee, Jerry B., (Wellsburgh), harness maker and carriage trimmer.

SLY, JEFFREY A., (Elmira), farmer 60 and leases 20.

Sly, Vincent M., (Elmira), farmer 112 ½.

Sly, Wm. H., (Elmira), farmer leases 51.

SMITH, JOHN F., (Wellsburgh), physician.

SMITH, JUD, (Wellsburgh), sheriff of county, lumber dealer and farmer 700.

Strader, Adaline Mrs., (Southport), farmer 44.

STRINGER, CHARLES M., (Wellsburgh), wagon maker.

SUFFERN, ELLIOT, (Southport), farmer 300.

Suffern, James W., (Wellsburgh), farmer 170.

SULLIVAN, JOHN C., (Wellsburgh), farmer leases 120.

Sweet, Wm. C., (Wellsburgh), jobber.

Tooker, Joseph, (Elmira), farmer 120.

Tubbs, Andrew, (Wellsburgh), cabinet maker and undertaker.

VANGORDER, ROBERT B., (Elmira), dairyman and farmer 150.

Weller, Samuel, (Elmira), farmer 115.

Wells, Benjamin F., (Wellsburgh), farmer 100.

Wells, James H., (Wellsburgh), grocer.

Wells, Orpah Mrs., (Wellsburgh), farmer 8.

West, Jane Mrs., (Wellsburgh), farmer 2.

White, Wm. A., (Wellsburgh), shoemaker.

WHITNEY, JULIA, (Southport).

WILLCOX, MARIA MRS., (Elmira), farmer 100.

Yeisley, Jacob F., (Wellsburgh), carpenter.

Young, Hiram W., (Wellsburgh), general merchant.


(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.)

Armstrong, Isaac, (North Chemung), farmer 25.

Bambfield, James, (Chemung Center), farmer 20.

Barns, Benjamin, (Chemung Center), farmer 70.

Beckhorn, Frederick, (North Chemung), farmer 3 ¾.

BECKHORN, GEORGE, (North Chemung), farmer 66.

Beckhorn, Stephen M., (North Chemung), blacksmith and farmer 80.

BECKHORN, WM. M., (North Chemung), laborer.

Bennett, James, (North Chemung), part owner of saw mill and farmer 26.

Besley, Oliver, (North Chemung), carpenter and farmer leases 2.

Besley, Stephen B., (North Chemung), constable and farmer 25.

Blauvelt, J. M., (Chemung), blacksmith and farmer 100.

Blavelt, Abraham, (North Chemung), farmer 70.

Boynton, Charles, (North Chemung), farmer 270.

Braybrook, Samuel, (Chemung), farmer 80.

Bright, John, (North Chemung), farmer 28.

Brooks, Norman C., (North Chemung) farmer 200.

BROWN, A. R., (North Chemung), farmer 240.

Brown, Geo. W., (North Chemung), carpenter and wagon maker.

Brown, Windsor Rev., (Chemung Center), Free Will Baptist clergyman and farmer 12.

Bunto, John T., (North Chemung), hotel proprietor and road commissioner.

Bunto, Matthew, (North Chemung), proprietor of saw mill and farmer 75.

BUNTO, PETER M., (North Chemung), farmer 187.

Butters, Wm., (North Chemung), farmer 33.

Butts, Chester J., (North Chemung), farmer leases 66.

Casady, Robert, (North Chemung), blacksmith and farmer 10.

Champers, Edward, (North Chemung), farmer 4.

CLARK, J. N., (North Chemung), cooper.

Collson, Abner, (North Chemung), farmer 50.

Collson, David, (North Chemung), carpenter and farmer 10.

Collson, J., (North Chemung), farmer 129.

COLLSON, J. Jr., (North Chemung), insurance agent and farmer 5.

Collson, John P., (North Chemung), farmer 110.

Collson, Paul, (North Chemung), (Tice & Collson).

Collson, Paul, (North Chemung), carpenter and post master.

Collson, Philander, (North Chemung), farmer 135.

COLLSON, WARREN M., (North Chemung), wagon maker and farmer 1.

COLLSON, WM., (North Chemung), assistant revenue assessor, insurance agent and farmer 35.

Cooper, Allen, (North Chemung), farmer 139.

Cooper, Charles, (North Chemung), farmer 160.

Cooper, Elisha, (North Chemung), farmer 25.

Cooper, John, (North Chemung), farmer 36.

Cooper, Joseph, (North Chemung), farmer 150.

Cooper, J. H., (North Chemung), physician.

Cooper, M., (North Chemung), carpenter and farmer 115.

Cooper, Thomas, (North Chemung), farmer 20.

Cooper, Wm., (North Chemung), farmer 160.

Daily, John, (North Chemung), farmer 25 and leases 25.

DEARBORN, CHARLES, (North Chemung), (M. & C. Dearborn).

DEARBORN, MARK, (North Chemung), (M. & C. Dearborn).

DEARBORN, M. & C., (North Chemung), (Mark and Charles), proprietors of steam saw mill.

Decker, Charles, (North Chemung), farmer 10.

Denn, Alfred, (Lowman), farmer 130.

Derry, Isaac, (Elmira), farmer 100.

Derry, Peter, (North Chemung), farmer 18.

DeWitt, Force Rev., (North Chemung), M. E. clergyman.

DeWitt, James, (North Chemung), proprietor of saw mill.

Doolittle, Sylvester, (Chemung), farmer 80.

Doolittle, Timothy, (Chemung), farmer 75.

Drake, James H., (North Chemung), farmer 50.

Drake, Wm. R., (Chemung Center), farmer 130.

Dunfee, Charles, (Elmira), farmer 56.

Elston, Martha M. Mrs., (North Chemung), farmer 99.

Elston, Samuel, (Elmira), farmer 105.

Elston, Samuel B., (Elmira), part owner of saw mill and farmer 170.

Ezeski, Joseph, (Chemung Center), shoemaker.

Fish, Geo., (Lowman), farmer 21 and leases 109.

Fitsword, Benoris, (North Chemung), farmer leases 100.

FOX, ALANSON, (North Chemung), farmer 165.

FOX, LORENZO, (North Chemung), farmer 153.

Garrabrant, Ennas, (North Chemung), farmer 50.

Garrabrant, James, (Lowman), farmer 117 ½.

Garrabrant, Wm., (Elmira), farmer 62 ½.

GARRABRONT, ISAAC, (North Chemung), school teacher.

Goldsmith, Mary A. Mrs., (Chemung Center), farmer 35.

Goldsmith, Washington, (Chemung Center), farmer 35.

GOULDSMITH, WILLIAM, (Chemung Center), farmer.

GREEN, DANIEL B., (North Chemung), farmer 157.

Green, L., (Chemung Center), farmer 25.

Gresbeck, Garret, (North Chemung), cooper.

Griswold, Israel P., (Chemung), farmer 226.

Hammond, Elisha, (North Chemung), farmer 245.

Hammond, John, (North Chemung), farmer 74 ¾.

Hammond, Robert R., (North Chemung), wagon maker and farmer 40.

Hammond, Uriah S., (North Chemung), farmer 18.

HARRINGTON, NORMAN, (Elmira), farmer 30.

Harris, Daniel R., (North Chemung), farmer 61.

Harris, Seth, (North Chemung), farmer 70.

Harris, Wm., (North Chemung), farmer 20.

Heath, Willard J., (Chemung Centre), farmer leases 80.

Herrington, Mark B., (North Chemung), farmer 60.

Herrington, Mason, (Lowman), farmer 180.

Herrington, Philander, (Lowman), farmer 80.

Herrington, Thomas, (North Chemung), farmer 58.

Hicks, Isaac, (Chemung Centre), farmer 60.

Hicks, Rozolva, (Chemung Centre), farmer 30.

Hoftale, James, (Chemung Center), farmer 70.

Houston, Albert, (Lowman), farmer 140.

Houston, Gilbert, (Lowman), farmer leases 120.

Inman, Charles D., (North Chemung), farmer 70.

Inman, Geo G., (North Chemung), farmer 25.

Inman, Geo S., (North Chemung), farmer 100.

Jenkins, Lewis, (North Chemung), farmer 26.

LATHROP, ALPHONZO, (North Chemung), farmer leases 70.

LATHROP, DANIEL B., (North Chemung), farmer 100 and leases 127.

Lathrop, John, (North Chemung), farmer 105.

Lemon, Nelson, (Chemung), farmer 70.

Little, Bros., (North Chemung), (John S. and Levi), general merchants and farmer 175.

Little, Davis, (North Chemung), farmer 40.

Little, John S., (North Chemung), (Little Bros.).

Little, Levi, (North Chemung), (Little Bros.), farmer 160.

LITTLE, WM. H., (North Chemung), farmer 96.

Little, Youngs, (North Chemung), farmer 335.

Loomas, Jesse, (Chemung Centre), farmer 50.

Loomas, Samuel, (Chemung Centre), farmer 200.

Manrow, E. A., (North Chemung), shoemaker.

Mauger, James D., (North Chemung), farmer 133.

McCarty, John, (Chemung), wagon maker.

McCuntyre, Martin, (Elmira), farmer 50.

Menchester, Henry, (Chemung Centre), proprietor of saw mill and farmer 28.

Miller, Nicholas, (Chemung), farmer leases 200.

Nieson, Joseph, (Lowman), farmer 180.

Nieson, Miles S., (Elmira), farmer 180.

Nixon, Harrison, (North Chemung), farmer 175.

Olin, Wm., (North Chemung), farmer 54.

Palmer, Isaac, (North Chemung), farmer 35.

Paster, Abner, (Chemung Centre), farmer 50.

Paster, L. P., (Chemung Centre), farmer 200.

Peterson, Nelson, (Elmira), farmer leases 10.

Ramsey, Leonard, (North Chemung), farmer 10.

RHOADES, GEO. H., (North Chemung), laborer.

Rhoades, N., (North Chemung), farmer 60.

Rhoades, Wm. G., (North Chemung), farmer 10.

Rumsey, John, (North Chemung), farmer 50.

Sanfier, John, (Chemung), farmer 150.

Savy, John, (North Chemung), sawyer and farmer 20.

Sharp, Simeon, (Elmira), farmer 20.

Shelford, Eli, (Chemung), farmer 160.

Shulingbargar, Lewis R., (Chemung Center), farmer 50.

Sincoe, George, (Chemung), farmer 31.

Sincoe, John, (Chemung), farmer 200.

Sincoe, John, (Chemung), farmer 53.

Slawson, Gabriel, (Lowman), farmer 201.

Slawson, James, (North Chemung), farmer 53.

Smith, David G., (North Chemung), farmer leases 28.

Smith, F., (Chemung), farmer 100.

Smith, John, (North Chemung), sawyer and farmer 96.

Smith, Schuyler, (North Chemung), proprietor saw mill and farmer 18.

Smith, Timothy J., (North Chemung), farmer 130.

STAGE, LEWIS, (North Chemung), laborer.

Stewart, G., (Chemung Centre), farmer 40.

Stight, Nelius, (Chemung), farmer 100.

SWEET, JACOB, (Chemung Centre), farmer 20.

Taple, Chancey, (North Chemung), farmer 12 ¼.

TICE, ARCHIBALD H., (North Chemung), sawyer and farmer 140.

Tice & Collson, (North Chemung), (Wm. H. Tice and Paul Collson), general merchants.

Tice, David, (North Chemung), farmer 180.

Tice, John, (North Chemung), farmer 40.

Tice, Wm. H., (North Chemung), (Tice & Collson).

Warren, George, (Chemung), farmer 114.

Warren, George H., (North Chemung), farmer 130.

WASHBURN, CHARLES H., (North Chemung), farmer leases 60.

Webb, Samuel, (Lowman), farmer 53.

Whitehead, Hiram E., (North Chemung), farmer 51.

Whittaker, Paul, (North Chemung), farmer 53.

Whittaker, Silas, (North Chemung), blacksmith.

Wood, Oliver, (Chemung), farmer 265.

Wood, Reuben, (Chemung), farmer 265.

Woodhouse, Arba, (North Chemung), shoemaker and farmer 2.

Woodhouse, Calvin R., (North Chemung), sawyer and farmer 30.

Woodhouse, George, (North Chemung), farmer 60.

Woodhouse, James, (North Chemung), farmer 40.

Woodhouse, Wm., (North Chemung), farmer leases 250.


(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.)

Atwood, William Rev., (Big Flats), pastor Presbyterian church.

Baker, John, (Big Flats), farmer 7 ½.

Banfield, O. F., (Elmira), farmer leases 200.

Barker, Hiram O., (Big Flats), tobacco grower and farmer leases 100.

Bayne, Peter, (Elmira), farmer 50.

Beckhorn, G. N., (Big Flats), tobacco grower and farmer leases 100.

Bennett, Horace, (Horseheads), farmer 130.

Bennett, M. D., (Horseheads), farmer 100.

BENNITT, M. C., (Big Flats), (M. C. Bennitt & Co.), farmer 90.

BENNITT, M. C. & CO., (Big Flats), (E. Gilbert), dealers in groceries, provisions, boots and shoes.

Birch, Erastus, (Big Flats), farmer 15.

BOTTCHER, HENRY, (Big Flats), tobacco grower and farmer 100.

Braan, Thomas, (Elmira), farmer 41.

Bradshaw, Joseph, (Big Flats), farmer 22.

Brant, Geo. W., (Big Flats), farmer 110.

Breed, Cephas, (Big Flats), justice of peace and (with James M.), farmer 350.

Breed, James M., (Big Flats), (with Cephas), farmer 350.

Breed, Paul W., (Big Flats), farmer 50.

BROUGHAM, DANIEL, (Big Flats), blacksmith.

BROWN, A. O., (Big Flats), grocery and provision dealer and constable.

Brown, Henry, (Elmira), (with Louis), farmer leases 300.

BROWN, JOHN N. REV., (Big Flats), pastor Free Will Baptist church.

Brown, Louis, (Elmira), (with Henry), farmer leases 300.

Brown, Oliver D., (Big Flats), carpenter.

BROWN, P. J., (Big Flats), groceries and provisions.

BURROUGHS, DAVID REV., (Big Flats), pastor of the Baptist church.

Butler, E. K., (Big Flats), carpenter.

BUTLER, E. Y., (Big Flats), inspector of elections and carpenter.

Butler, Rufus H., (Big Flats), carpenter.

Butler, Wm., (Big Flats), farmer 100.

Campbell, H. Mrs., (Big Flats), (with Miss M. A. Saunders), milliner and dress maker.

Canfield, Geo., (Big Flats), farmer 150.

Carpenter, W. S., (Big Flats), farmer 240.

Chamberlain, George, (Elmira), path master and farmer leases 180.

Chapman, Orin, (Elmira), road commissioner and farmer 270.

Chapman, S. P., (Elmira), farmer 73.

Churcher, David, (Big Flats), farmer 16.

Churcher, Riley, (Big Flats), farmer 23.

Clark, Silas, (Elmira), farmer 88.

Clark, Thomas, (Horseheads), farmer 30.

Cranmer, I. J., (Elmira), farmer leases 130.

Crans, William, (Elmira), farmer 150.

Culp, Harry, (Elmira), farmer 127.

Cummings, James, (Elmira), farmer 100.

Daily, Archibald, (Elmira), farmer 100.

Devenport, George, (Big Flats), farmer 100.

DONNELLY, OWEN, (Big Flats), boot and shoemaker and constable.

Dubois, G. J. Rev., (Big Flats), pastor M. E. church.

Eacker, Wm. R., (Big Flats), farmer 45.

Earl, Wm., (Big Flats), mason and farmer 100.

Easip, Richard T., (Elmira), farmer 9.

Edmister, George, (Big Flats), (with William), farmer 213.

Edmister, Louis, (Horseheads), farmer 100.

Edmister, R. K., (Big Flats), farmer 23.

Edmister, William, (Big Flats), inspector of elections and (with George), farmer 213.

ELWOOD, PATRICK, (Big Flats), miller and farmer 10.

Farr, Henry, (Big Flats), farmer 180.

FARR, J. E., (Big Flats), farmer 240.

Farr, R. H., (Big Flats), farmer 72.

Farr, Valentine, (Big Flats), farmer 154.

Farr, Wm. H., (Big Flats), farmer 120.

Fell, William, (Elmira), farmer 200.

Finley, Hugh, (Elmira), farmer 170.

Fitch, Austin, (Elmira), farmer 280.

Ford, Joseph K., (Big Flats), tobacco grower and farmer 150.

FORD, OLIVER, (Big Flats), tobacco grower and farmer 100.

FULLER, A. S., (Big Flats), agent for contracting repairs on Chemung Canal and Feeder.

Gannon, A. B., (Horseheads), carpenter.

Ganoung, S. J., (Big Flats), boot and shoemaker.

Gardner, Conrad, (Horseheads), farmer 110.

Gilbert, A. W., (Big Flats), farmer 80.

GILBERT, E., (Big Flats), (M. C. Bennitt & Co.), farmer 60.

Goff, Roswell, (Horseheads), hop grower and farmer 100.

GOODYEAR, HIRAM, (Horseheads), (with Martin), dairyman and farmer leases 200.

GOODYEAR, MARTIN, (Horseheads), (with Hiram), dairyman and farmer leases 200.

GRANT, ISRAEL P., (Horseheads), agent for the Cayuga Chief Manuf. Co., Titus & Bostwick’s drills and rakes, and farmer 125.

GRAY, GUY, (Elmira), farmer 53.

Gray, John O., (Elmira), farmer 70.

Grifen, David, (Big Flats), raiser of tobacco and farmer 50.

GROOM, ANDREW, (Big Flats), shingle mill.

Groom, Orlando, (Big Flats), (Schofield & Groom).

GROOM, VINCENT, (Big Flats), shingle mill.

HAINES, G. W., (Big Flats), harness making, carriage trimmings, whips, &c.

Hammond, Martin, (Big Flats), tobacco grower and farmer 200.

Hanchett, Nelson, (Big Flats), farmer leases 80.

HARRIS, GEO. E., (Elmira), dairyman and farmer 97.

Harrowar, D. P., (Big Flats), farmer leases 78.

Haskell, S. B., (Elmira), carpenter and farmer 12.

*HEATH, L. J., (Big Flats), blacksmith.

Hendy, John, (Elmira), toll gate keeper, Lumberman’s Bridge.

Herald, Elias, (Big Flats), farmer leases 120.

Hilton, John C., (Big Flats), groceries and provisions.

Hosley, I. W., (Elmira), farmer 60.

Howell, Harrison, (Elmira), (with S. A. Owen), farmer leases 480.

Hungerford, Peter, (Elmira), farmer 63.

Jacobs, David, (Big Flats), farmer 2 ½.

Johnson, Grove, (Big Flats), carriage ironer.

Johnson, Oliver, (Big Flats), farmer 16.

Johnson, O. H., (Big Flats), farmer 15.

Johnson, Wm., (Big Flats), farmer 100.

Jones, Albert, (Big Flats), hotel prop.

Kenyon, Samuel, (Big Flats), farmer 53.

Kimble, Louis J., (Big Flats), farmer leases 148.

KNEALE, CHARLES, (Big Flats), farmer leases 50.

Kneale, Phebe, (Elmira), farmer 75.

Kneale, Robert, (Elmira), farmer 175.

Kneale, William, (Big Flats), surveyor.

LeBarron, Joel, (Horseheads), (John LeBarron & Son).

LaBarron, John & Son, (Horseheads), (Joel), farmers lease 225.

Livesay, Joseph, (Big Flats), farmer 700.

*LOVELL, REUBEN, (Big Flats), justice of the peace, lumber, grain and tobacco leaf dealer, and farmer 190.

Lowe, J. R., (Big Flats), farmer 205.

Madigan, Patrick, (Elmira), farmer 50.

Manning, Oliver C., (Horseheads), hop grower and farmer 120.

Marks, John, (Big Flats), farmer 110.

Martin, Ruth A. Mrs., (Big Flats), farmer 113.

Mathews, Aaron K., (Elmira), farmer 100.

MATHEWS, KELSEY B., (Elmira), path master and farmer 90.

Mathews, P., (Big Flats), farmer 50.

McElroy, John, (Horseheads), farmer 71.

McNulty, John, (Big Flats), tobacco grower and farmer 75.

Mills, Artemas D., (Elmira), farmer 88.

Mills, Frederick F., (Elmira), pathmaster and farmer 85.

Mills, Joseph C., (Elmira), assessor and farmer 136.

MILLS, L. Z., (Big Flats), farmer 50.

Minier, A. B., (Big Flats), (with Ira), farmer 13 and leases 300.

Minier, Henry, (Big Flats), justice of the peace.

MINIER, IRA, (Big Flats), pathmaster, and (with A. B.), farmer 13 and leases 300.

MINIER, JOHN, (Big Flats), assessor, tobacco grower and farmer 175.

Morse, Sylvester, (Horseheads), farmer 150.

MUNDY, N. S., (Big Flats), tobacco grower and farmer 475.

Nagle Bros., (Elmira), farmers 200.

Owen, A. G., (Big Flats), farmer leases 33.

Owen, S. A., (Big Flats), farmer leases 512.

Owen, Sylvester A., (Elmira), farmer leases 480.

Owen, S. T., (Big Flats), commissioner of excise and farmer 250.

Owens, Hector S,. (Big Flats), farmer 100.

Owens, Michael, (Elmira), farmer 70.

Palmer, Wm. H., (Big Flats), farmer 70.

PARK, GEORGE S., (Horseheads), works farm for J. P. Grant.

PARK, JOHN, (Big Flats), lumber dealer, grower of tobacco and farmer 170.

PARK, JONAS, (Horseheads), commissioner of highways, dairyman, farmer 166 and leases 102.

Parks, John, (Elmira), farmer 17.

Peebles, Corbett Dr., (Big Flats), physician and surgeon and farmer 130.

Pembroke, George, (Big Flats), butcher.

Quackenbush, A., (Big Flats), wagon maker.

Quackenbush, Augustus, (Big Flats), farmer 12.

Quackenbush, Sally Ann Mrs., (Big Flats), milliner.

Quick, D. W., (Elmira), farmer leases 160.

Read, T. W. Rev. Dr., (Big Flats), physician and surgeon, also chaplain of the American Bethel Society.

Reason, John, (Big Flats), farmer 80.

Reeder, Seeley, (Big Flats), wagon maker and grower of tobacco, 4 acres.

Rhinehart, Charles (Big Flats), tobacco grower and farmer 84.

Rhinehart, Edward, (Big Flats), tobacco grower and farmer 96.

RHODES, JOSEPH, (Big Flats), farmer 300.

RHODES, MARGARET MRS., (Elmira), dairy and farmer 126.

Rhodes, Mary Jane, (Big Flats), farmer 83.

Rhodes, Timothy, (Big Flats), farmer 67.

Rhyne, Ned, (Horseheads), farmer leases 83.

Rinhart, Peter, (Big Flats), farmer.

ROBLYER, CHARLES B., (Big Flats), shingle maker.

Roe, James, (Elmira), prop. of the Mountain House and farmer 130.

Rowley, Amelia A. Mrs., (Horseheads), farmer 69.

ROWLEY, ERASTUS, (Horseheads), farmer 40.

Rowley, Ezra, (Big Flats), pathmaster and farmer 50.

ROWLEY, JOHN B., (Big Flats), farmer leases 70.

Salmon, Patrick, (Big Flats), farmer 56.

Sample, Robert, (Horseheads), blacksmith.

Saunders, Charles, (Horseheads), farmer 46.

Saunders, Luke, (Horseheads), carpenter.

Saunders, M. A. Miss., (Big Flats), (with Mrs. H. Campbell), milliner and dressmaker.

Saunders, Nathan, (Horseheads), farmer 50.

Schofield & Groom, (Big Flats), (Joseph Schofield and Orlando Groom), blacksmiths.

Schofield, Joseph, (Big Flats), (Schofield & Groom).

SCHOFIELD, N. H., (Horseheads), farmer 78,

Seeley, Wm., (Big Flats), farmer 130.

SHAFF, F. S., (Elmira), farmer 85.

Shinlaefer, George, (Big Flats), farmer 60.

Shriver, Judah, (Horseheads), farmer 129.

SHRIVER, MORTON, (Horseheads), farmer 151.

Silley, A. G., (Big Flats), farmer 140.

Silsbee, Geo. L., (Big Flats), mechanic and farmer 4.

Skinner, John, (Horseheads), farmer leases 110.

SLAYTON, L. P., (Big Flats), carpenter and builder.

SLUITER, CHRISTIAN, (Elmira), farmer 200.

Smalley, Benjamin, (Big Flats), farmer 50.

SMITH, BENJAMIN D., (Horseheads), farmer 350.

Smith, B. W., (Big Flats), farmer 52.

SMITH, CHARLES, (Big Flats), (with William), tobacco grower and farmer 75.

Smith, E. & S. S., (Big Flats), tobacco growers and farmers 110.

Smith, Israel, (Horseheads), farmer 50.

Smith, James P., (Big Flats), farmer 100.

Smith, John, (Big Flats), boot and shoemaker.

Smith, S. H. Jr., (Big Flats), agent and telegraph operator E. R. R.

SMITH, WILLIAM H., (Big Flats), (with Charles), tobacco grower and farmer 75.

Snavely, John, (Big Flats), mason and farmer 40.

STEELE, AARON B., (Big Flats), farmer 107.

Stevens, Samuel S., (Big Flats), grist mill.

Steward, Thaddeus, (Big Flats), farmer 63.

Stickler, Peter, (Big Flats), farmer 20.

Storms, Otis, (Big Flats), carpenter, constable and farmer 9.

Storms, Uri, (Big Flats), farmer 50.

Strader, Frederick, (Elmira), pathmaster and farmer 200.

Strader, Jacob, (Elmira), pathmaster and farmer 56.

SWITZER, H. L., (Horseheads), carpenter.

Talbart, Samuel, (Elmira), farmer 145.

Titus, David, (Horseheads), farmer leases 157.

TREAT, THOMAS J., (Horseheads), farmer 196.

Trusdell, J. B., (Big Flats), grocer and overseer of the poor.

Tuttle, L. A., (Big Flats), farmer 10.

Tuttle, Mary, (Big Flats), (W. E. Tuttle & Co.).

Tuttle, Wm. E., (Big Flats), (W. E. Tuttle & Co.), postmaster.

Tuttle, W. E. & Co., (Big Flats), (W. E. and Mary), general merchants.

Tyler, Myron, (Elmira), farmer 3.

Vangorder, Sarah Mrs., (Big Flats), farmer 100.

Vaughan, Michael, (Elmira), farmer 175.

Vaughan, Wm. K., (Elmira), farmer 175.

Wallace, George, (Elmira), farmer leases 100.

Weaver, Michael, (Big Flats), farmer 110.

WEBBER, ALPHONZO, (Big Flats), farmer 90.

WEED, CHARLES T., (Horseheads), dairy and farmer leases 200.

Welch, John, (Big Flats), steam saw and shingle mill.

White, Byron, (Big Flats), carpenter.

WHITE, EDWIN, (Big Flats), carpenter.

WHITNEY, AARON, (Horseheads), farmer 125.

Whitney, Benjamin, (Horseheads), farmer 125.

WHITNEY, GEORGE G., (Horseheads), carpenter and builder.

WHITNEY, JAMES, (Horseheads), late 1st Lieutenant in Co. D., Fifth N. Y. heavy artillery, farmer 100.

Whitney, Louisa Mrs., (Horseheads), farmer 100.

WILLCOX, JOHNSON J., (Elmira), farmer 140.

Williams, Geo., (Big Flats), farmer 140.

Wing, Oren, (Big Flats), mechanic and farmer 6.

Wolcott, Charles, (Big Flats), farmer 161.

WOODS, HENRY, (Big Flats), boot and shoemaker.

WOODWARD, WM. DR., (Big Flats), physician, surgeon and farmer 86.

Wormley, John G., (Big Flats), farmer leases 117.

Wormley, Simeon, (Big Flats), farmer 20.

Wormley, Wm., (Big Flats), farmer leases 80.

Yauger, Francis, (Big Flats), farmer leases 120.

YEOMANS, A. C., (Big Flats), carpenter and farmer 27.


(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.)

Atwood, Betsey, (Pine Valley), farmer 60.

Atwood, David, (Horseheads), farmer 60.

Atwood, John, (Horseheads), farmer 64.

Backer, Henry, (Horseheads), farmer 288.

Backer, James, (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 110.

Backer, James R., (Pine Valley), farmer 50.

Bailey, Harvey, (Pine Valley), farmer 80.

Bailey, John, (Post Creek), shoemaker.

Bailey, Martin, (Millport), farmer 50.

Bailey, Minor, (Millport), farmer 72.

Bailey, William, (Post Creek), farmer 60.

Bailey, William L., (Post Creek), farmer leases 44.

Barber, James Jr., (Millport), farmer 20.

Barber, Samuel, (Millport), farmer leases 20.

Barbour, C. J., (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer leases 140.

Bechtle, Frederick, (Millport), (with David Wakeman), props. steam saw mill and farmer 40.

Bedford, John H., (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 55.

Bentley, R. R., (Pine Valley), farmer 96.

Bidler, William, (Millport), farmer 50.

Boor, Milo, (Post Creek), farmer 50.

Bronson, H. L., (Millport), saw mill and farmer 181.

Brown, I. B., (Horseheads), farmer 120.

Brown, Nathaniel, (Millport), farmer 50.

Brunson, Henry, (Millport), saw mill and farmer 181.

Bucher, Jacob, (Post Creek), inn keeper and farmer 80.

Bucher, Mary, (Post Creek), farmer 2.

Bucher, Robert T., (Post Creek), farmer 57.

Bucher, Samuel, (Post Creek), farmer 250.

Buck, Daniel S., (Beaver Dams, Schuyler Co.), farmer 70.

Buckley, Eli P., (Horseheads), farmer 50.

Bump, Franklin, (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 87.

Calkins, Reuben, (Millport), farmer 100.

Canfield, Wm., (Post Creek), farmer 100.

Carter, Wm. J., (Post Creek), farmer 183.

Clark, B. B., (Millport), farmer 60.

Clark, Henry, (Pine Valley), farmer 67.

Cleveland, Ephraim, (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 77.

Cole, George, (Beaver Dams, Schuyler Co.), farmer 50.

Cole, Ira, (Beaver Dams, Schuyler Co.), farmer 180.

Cole, Mary Mrs., (Beaver Dams, Schuyler Co.), farmer 74.

Cole, Peter, (Horseheads), farmer 50.

Colegroves, Nelson, (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 86.

Collier, Perry, (Big Flats), farmer leases 26.

Commins, James, (Pine Valley), farmer 150.

Compton, Wm., (Post Creek), millwright and miller.

Comstock, John, (Big Flats), farmer 50 and leases 50.

COOPER, J. J., (Catlin Center), farmer 96.

Cuffman, John W., (Post Creek), farmer 60.

Culver, Samuel N., (Big Flats), farmer 80.

Culver, Wallace W., (Pine Valley), assessor and farmer 100.

Curry, A. F., (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 100.

Dailey, Zebulon, (Post Creek), farmer 46.

Dalmore, William, (Pine Valley), farmer 48.

Davison, John, (Millport), farmer 71.

Dayton, Erastus, (Horseheads), farmer 100.

Dean, Richard, (Pine Valley), farmer 96.

Decay, John, (Horseheads), farmer 125.

Deming, David, (Post Creek), shoemaker.

Demund, Asher D., (Beaver Dams, Schuyler Co.), farmer 160.

Demund, John, (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 82.

Denson, Joseph, (Millport), farmer 50.

Dillmore, William, (Pine Valley), assessor and farmer 40.

Dunn, Albert, (Millport), farmer 116.

EACHOR, JOSIAH, (Millport), farmer leases 100.

EDMISTER, L. B., (Horseheads), farmer 140.

Edmister, Morris, (Horseheads), farmer 85.

Elliott, A. D., (Horseheads), farmer 100.

Extill, John, (Pine Valley), farmer 100.

Farr, Alvin, (Pine Valley), farmer 21.

Fero, Aaron, (Post Creek), farmer 50.

Fero, Geo., (Post Creek), blacksmith.

Fero, Joseph, (Catlin Center), farmer 50.

Ferris, Cornelius, (Millport), farmer 2 and leases 200.

Fields, Aaron, (Post Creek), farmer 50.

FLETCHER, GEO. M., (Horseheads), farmer 130.

Frost, Thomas S., (Millport), farmer 156.

Gardener, Abram, (Horseheads), farmer 25.

Gardener, George, (Horseheads), farmer 50.

Gardner, Benjamin, (Pine Valley), farmer leases 100.

Gardner, Elisha, (Horseheads), farmer 90.

Gemun, Mathias, (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 115.

Gould, Jacob, (Horseheads), farmer 165.

Griffin, D. C., (Horseheads), farmer 20.

Griffin, James, (Horseheads), farmer 20.

GRIFFITHS, JOHN T., (Millport), farmer 50 and leases 80.

Hall, Edward, (Millport), farmer leases 135.

Hamilton, Walter, (Beaver Dams, Schuyler Co.), farmer 47.

Hamlin, John A., (Millport), constable and farmer 70.

Harvey, Samuel W., (Post Creek), farmer 31.

Henyan, Stephen, (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 40.

Hicks, John, (Post Creek), farmer 58.

Hopkins, Lazarus, (Horseheads), farmer 50.

Hovey, Wm., (Post Creek), farmer 41.

Ide, Geo. E., (Post Creek), commissioner of highways and farmer 81.

Jackson, John, (Big Flats), farmer leases 60.

Jackson, Lewis B., (Pine Valley), farmer 80.

Jennings, Absalom, (Horseheads), farmer 24.

Jennings, Cornelius, (Horseheads), farmer 40.

Johnson, Caroline, (Millport), farmer 54.

Johnson, Cornelius, (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 200.

Johnson, Daniel (Catlin Center), farmer 58.

JOHNSON, ELMER E., (Millport), dealer in fruit trees and farmer 25.

Johnson, Elmira V., (Millport), farmer 6.

Johnson, Ezekiel, (Millport), farmer 50.

Johnson, James, (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 52.

Johnson, John B., (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 25.

Johnson, Phoebe, (Post Creek), farmer 50.

Johnson, Riley, (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 35.

JOHNSON, SELECK, (Millport), farmer 50.

June, H. R., (Millport), shoemaker and farmer 111.

Kendall, Joshua, (Millport), farmer 100.

Kent, Albert E., (Horseheads), farmer 20 and leases 96.

Kent, Ambrose, (Horseheads), (with Marcia), farmer 50.

Kent, Marcia, (Horseheads), (with Ambrose), farmer 50.

Kimbal, Brant, (Big Flats), farmer 86.

Kimble, Amos, (Post Creek), farmer 150.

Kimble, John, (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 112.

King, Charles R., (Havana, Schuyler & Co.), farmer 55.

King, Milo P., (Havana, Schuyler Co.), farmer 120.

Kniffin, J. L., (Post Creek), carpenter and farmer 75.

Lane, Charles, (Post Creek), constable.

Lane, William, (Beaver Dams, Schuyler Co.), farmer 100.

Lane, W. S., (Beaver Dams, Schuyler Co.), wagon maker and farmer 33 ½.

Latten, Hiram, (Pine Valley), farmer 70.

Lattin, John S., (Pine Valley), lock tender and farmer 1 ½.

Lawhead, John, (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 55.

Loomace, Laura, (Beaver Dams, Schuyler Co.), farmer 23.

Masters, Wm., (Horseheads), farmer 400.

Mather, Abram, (Big Flats), farmer 20.

Mathews, Daniel S., (Pine Valley), farmer 90.

Mathews, John N., (Pine Valley), farmer 100.

Matson, A., (Horseheads), farmer 80.

Matson, Isaac, (Horseheads), prop. of saw mill and farmer 133.

MATSON, LEWIS B., (Horseheads), (with M. H. Matson), millwright and farmer 133.

MATSON, M. H., (Horseheads), (with L. B. Matson), millwright and farmer 133.

Matthews, Isaac, (Pine Valley), farmer 90.

McCarty, Almon, (Millport), farmer 30.

Meaddow, John, (Big Flats), farmer 80.

Merick, John S., (Post Creek), blacksmith and farmer leases 1 ½.

Merick, Silas B., (Beaver Dams, Schuyler Co.), blacksmith.

Miles, Henry, (Pine Valley), saw mill and farmer 26.

Miller, Clark, (Horseheads), carpenter and farmer 1.

Miller, Wesley, (Horseheads), farmer 50.

Mix, Jasher, (Horseheads), farmer leases 100.

Morgan, Wm., (Post Creek), farmer 60.

Morse, James, (Beaver Dams, Schuyler Co.), farmer leases 65.

Mosher, Allen, (Horseheads), constable, collector, mason and farmer 30.

MOSHER, JOHN T., (Pine Valley), justice of the peace, school teacher, carpenter and farmer 50.

Moshier, Oliver P., (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 28.

Newman, Charles (Havana, Schuyler Co.), farmer 70.

Nolan, Edward, (Beaver Dams, Schuyler Co.), farmer 5.

Northrup, W. G., (Post Creek), general merchant, postmaster, miller and farmer 58.

Ostrander, Abraham, (Beaver Dams, Schuyler Co.), farmer 47.

OSTRANDER, CORNELIUS, (Post Creek), farmer 133.

Ostrander, Peter, (Post Creek), farmer 48.

Ostrander, Solomon, (Beaver Dams, Schuyler Co.), farmer 116.

Owens, Nathaniel, (Pine Valley), farmer leases 140.

Page, Lewis, (Millport), farmer 50.

Pain, Marcus, (Beaver Dams, Schuyler Co.), farmer 43 and leases 96.

Palmer, Chancy, (Havana, Schuyler Co.), farmer 50.

Palmer, Luther, (Horseheads), farmer 86.

Parmer, S. A., (Pine Valley), justice of the peace and farmer 40.

Parsons, Samuel, (Millport), farmer 120.

Patchen, Ira, (Horseheads), farmer 100.

Payne, Wm. M., (Post Creek), farmer 92.

Peck, Henry, (Post Creek), school teacher and farmer 54.

Perrigo, John, (Moreland, Schuyler & Co.), farmer 15.

Perrigo, Wm., (Post Creek), farmer 78.

Perry, Jacob, (Millport), farmer leases 57.

Personius, Abram, (Millport), farmer 58.

Personius, Daniel, (Millport), farmer 93.

Personius, Eli, (Millport), farmer leases 128.

Personius, Elnathan, (Millport), farmer 91.

Personius, Ephraim, (Millport), farmer 1.

Personius, Evert, (Millport), farmer 166.

Personius, Hannah, (Millport), farmer 99.

Personius, John, (Millport), farmer 105.

Personius, Richard, (Millport), farmer 50.

Personius, Thompson, (Millport), farmer 124.

Phillips, Betsey, (Horseheads), farmer leases 75.

Pike, Nelson, (Millport), farmer 100.

POND, ANDREW, (Pine Valley), farmer 130.

Price, James B., (Horseheads), farmer 40.

Price, Joseph H., (Horseheads), millwright and farmer 62.

Quigley, Thomas, (Beaver Dams, Schuyler Co.), farmer 20.

Ranson, Hezekiah, (Beaver Dams, Schuyler Co.), farmer 9.

Raymond, D. M., (Millport), farmer 66 2/3.

Raynor, Justus, (Horseheads), farmer 125.

Reason, George, (Big Flats), farmer 45 and leases 40.

Reavs, John, (Pine Valley), farmer 1.

Redner, Arvilla, (Millport), farmer 25.

Richards, George F., (Pine Valley), farmer 30.

Rickey, Joseph, (Horseheads), farmer 108.

Riley, Barnard, (Pine Valley), farmer 180.

Robinson, Freeman, (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 55.

Rockwell, Jonathan, (Pine Valley), farmer 96.

Rogers, Charles, (Millport), farmer 33.

Rosekrans, Harvey, (Millport) farmer 31.

Ross, James, (Big Flats), justice of the peace and farmer 85.

Rowley, Wm., (Big Flats), farmer 130.

Rutan, David C., (Big Flats), farmer 238.

Sabins, Almerian, (Millport), farmer 26.

SAYLER, ANDREW M., (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 240.

Sloughter, Isaac, (Millport), farmer leases 300.

Small, Polly, (Horseheads), farmer 63.

Smalley, James, (Post Creek), farmer 50.

Smith, D. L., (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 100.

Smith, G. W., (Horseheads), farmer 70.

Smith, George, (Beaver Dams, Schuyler Co.), farmer 40.

Smith, Humphrey, (Horseheads), farmer 58.

Smith, Isaac, (Horseheads), farmer leases 45.

SMITH, JAMES, (Post Creek), farmer 152.

Smith, Laney, (Post Creek), farmer 88.

Smith, Michael, (Pine Valley), farmer 75.

Smith, Nathaniel, (Post Creek), farmer 52.

Smith, Philip, (Post Creek), assessor, constable and farmer 168.

Smith, Philip Jr., (Horseheads), farmer 51.

Smith, Sanford, (Post Creek), farmer 252.

Smith, S. M., (Horseheads), farmer 45.

Smith, T. C., (Pine Valley), farmer 125.

Spencer, Caroline, (Horseheads), (with John), farmer 50.

Spencer, John, (Horseheads), (with Caroline), farmer 50.

Stephens, Mary, (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 63.

Stinson, Joseph, (Millport), farmer 50.

Stitt, William H., (Pine Valley), farmer 110.

Stoll, James, (Pine Valley), farmer 170.

Strait, M. V., (Beaver Dams, Schuyler Co.), prop. of grist mill and farmer 60.

Sturdefant, Eaden, (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 26.

Sturdefant, Nelson, (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 26.

Sturdevant, David, (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 15.

Sturdevant, Sabins, (Beaver Dams, Schuyler Co.), farmer leases 23.

Sturdefant, Charles, (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 90.

Sturtefant, Nichols, (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 30.

SWEET, D. H., (Horseheads), farmer 230.

Tenbrook, C. L., (Pine Valley), farmer 52.

Thayer, Clark, (Post Creek), carpenter and farmer 10.

Thayer, Warren, (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 109.

Thomas, Susan M., (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 116.

Thomson, Elijah, (Millport), farmer 53.

Thomson, I. V., (Millport), farmer 100.

Thorn, John, (Pine Valley), farmer 57 and leases 150.

Tompkins, Hiram, (Millport), farmer 22.

Tompkins, John, (Big Flats), farmer 126.

TOMPKINS, NATHANIEL, (Horseheads), dairyman and farmer 50.

Tong, Oring, (Pine Valley), farmer 45.

Townsend, Ansel, (Millport), farmer 50.

Upson, Caleb, (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 75.

Vanderhoof, Albert, (Millport), farmer 130.

Vandermark, Justin, (Millport), farmer 103.

Vangorder, Jacob, (Post Creek), farmer leases 50.

Vanorder, Horace, (Big Flats), (with Morris), farmer 40.

Vanorder, Morris, (Big Flats), (with Horace), farmer 40.

Vaoider, Henry, (Post Creek), farmer 87.

Varian, A. C., (Horseheads), farmer 325.

Waid, John, (Horseheads), farmer leases 30.

Wakeman, David, (Millport), (with Frederic Bechtle), prop. steam saw mill and farmer 40.

Ward, Thomas, (Pine Valley), farmer leases 2.

Weaver, Henry, (Horseheads), farmer leases 260.

Weaver, Lewis, (Big Flats), farmer 25.

Webb, E. W., (Moreland, Schuyler Co.), farmer 91.

Webber, John, (Big Flats), farmer 106.

West, John H., (Pine Valley), farmer 30.

Wetherby, Martha, (Pine Valley), farmer 48.

Whyley, A., (Millport), farmer 190.

Wightman, Anson B., (Beaver Dams, Schuyler Co.), farmer 40.

WILKINS, WM. E., (Post Creek), shingle maker and farmer 79.

Willcox, John S., (Pine Valley), farmer leases 100.

Willcox, Joseph, (Pine Valley), farmer 97.

Winfield, Stephen, (Horseheads), farmer 55.

Winters, Wilson, (Horseheads), farmer 200.

Wixsen, Silas, (Pine Valley), farmer 50.

Woolsey, John, (Millport), farmer 106.

Wright, A. D., (Horseheads), farmer 45 and leases 135.

Wright, Philip M., (Beaver Dams, Schuyler Co.), farmer 70.

Youmans, George, (Pine Valley), farmer 37.