acc?t accountant, al alley, av avenue, AME African Methodist Episcopal, Bap. Baptist, bd boards, bet between, c or cor corner, col?d colored, Cong. Congregational, D R Dutch Reformed, E east, e s east side, h house, la lane, M E Methodist Episcopal, mkr make, N North, n near, n a north side, opp opposite, Presb Presbyterian, P E Protestant Episcopal, P O Post Office, R C Roman Catholic, R P Reformed Protestant, S south, sq square, s s south side, W west, w a west side, W M Wesleyan Methodist
Abbey A. J. music dealer, h e s Mill bet Gray & Church Abbott ----, bootmaker, h w s Baldwin 1st house S of Fifth Adams William, refreshments, w s Wisner 5th door N or Second Advertiser Office, e s Lake n Water AHRENFELDT HENRY, feathers, bedding &c., 49 Vesey, N. Y. (see advertisement) Albrecht Joseph, shoemaker, h s s S Water n R R Alexander H. h s s John 3d house W of Conongue Alexander Jacob, pedler, h s s John 3d house W of Conongue Alexander John, tailor, bds n s Water n Columbia Allen E. Marshall, clerk, 5 Union block, Water st Allen John S. printer, h s s Cross n Sullivan Allen Joseph, carpenter, h n s Hudson n R R Allen Robert, fireman, W & E R R, bds Forest house Allerton George, machinist, h w s Dickinson 6th house S of Fourth Alliston Nathaniel, barrel maker, bds Forest house Alvord Hila, wid Nathan, h n s First 3d house W of Mill American Express Office, s s Water 1st door E of Lake American Hotel, w s Wisner c Third Anderson George (col?d), laborer, h n s E Third c Conongue |
ANDERSON HIRAM, carpets &c., 99 Bowery, N. Y. (see advertisement)
Anderson H. G. tinsmith, bds Forest house
Anderson John (?), (?), (M E), h e s Dickinson 6th house N of Fourth
Anderson W. boardinghouse, s s Second 2d house E of Main
Andrews Emanuel (Andrews, Burbage & Co.), saw manuf, w s Wisner n Water, h n s E
Union 1st house N of Third
Andrews John (Andrews, Burbage & Co.), saw manuf. w s Wisner n Water, h w s Cross
2nd house W of Wisner
Andrews William H. saw maker, h s s Cross n Wisner
ANDREWS, BURBAGE & CO. (Emanuel Andrews, Joseph Burbage & John Andrews),
saw manuf., w s Wisner n Water (see advertisement)
Andrus Sylvester G. lumber, h w s Main C First
Ansell Jane, wid Stephen, h n s Factory
Anthony Peer, axe maker, bds e s William 3d house N of Cross
Appleton Charles, laborer, h e s Baldwin c Fifth
Appleton David, h s s Jay 2d house W of Oak
Appleton R. K. carpenter, h e s Perry n Clinton
Appleton William, carrier, h w s Wisner N of Washington av
Arbor saloon, 9 lake
Arms George W. clerk, 22 Lake bds Haight?s hotel
Armstrong E. T. currier, h s s Water 2d house E of Elm
Armstrong Joseph, baggage master, N Y & E R R, h n s Third 1st door of Main
Armstrong Maria, dressmaker, h n Clinton 2d house E of Lake
Armstrong Reuben W. (col?d), h e s Baldwin c Fifth
Arnot John, cashier Chemung Canal Bank, h w s Lake 2d house S of Church
Arnot John jr., vice-pres and notary Chemung Canal Bank, h w s Lake n Church
ARNOT S. T. sec. and supt. Elmira Gas Light Co., n s Water n Lake, bds Haight?s hotel
Aspinwall Nathaniel P. h s s First n Columbia
Ashdown John, flour mill, on e s Basin n Water, h n s Cross 2d house W of Wisner
Assauer Christian, grocer, w s E Union c Clinton, h same
Atkins Christopher C. tailor, 19 Water, h n s Water n Columbia
Atwood Abner, h e s High c Church
Audenried Lewis (Audenried, Langdon & Co.), coal, Brainard block w s Baldwin, h Phila.
Audenried, Langdon & Co. (Lewis Audenried, Jervis Langdon & Hale Remington), coal
dealers, Brainard block w s Baldwin st
Averill Talma F. painter, h s s First E of Davis
Avery Charles, stoves, h s s S Water n S Lake
Ayres John T. blacksmith, h w s E Union 1st door S of Third
Ayres Martha M. dressmaker, h s s Carroll n Lake
AYRES SOCRATES, watchmaker & jeweler, s s Water c Lake, h e s Lake c E Second
Babcock A. F. lawyer, bds Brainard house
Babcock Casper M. clerk, 34 Water, bds n s Church c Lake
Babcock George, R R, h w s Columbia 2d house N of Clinton
Bacon Calvin, refreshments, s s Water n Sucker lock
Bacon Henry, clerk, N Y & E R R, bds Delavan house
Bacon William, axe grinder, h s s Church 3d house E of Washington
Backus Clinton, h s s Water 3d house E of Elm
Badger Herwood, farmer, h n s Factory n wool factory
Badger R.M. h w s Mill c Fourth
Bagley William A. blacksmith, h s s Fourth bet Main & Columbia
Bailey Columbia, carpenter, h n s Gray 2d house W of Davis
Bailey Francis J. (col?d), barber & billiard saloon, 13 Lake, h s s Jay 3d house E of Oak
Bailey Newell, painter, h n s Gray 2d door W of Wisner
Bain B. H. lawyer, h e s Lake c Church
Baker ----, h e s Columbia 2d house W of First
Baker Benoni, butcher, n s Water n Wisner, h n s Hudson n S Main
Baker C. Hamilton, clerk, Co clerk?s office, bds Haight?s hotel
Baker Charles S. student, bds n s Church n Wisner
Baker James M. butcher, h s s Water 3d house W of Hoffman
Baker John T. ticket agent, E & C R R, h e s Main bet Second & Third
Baker Leroy A. clerk, Co clerk?s office, h s s Hudson n Main
Baker Nathan, marble worker, s s Water opp Chemung Canal Bank, h n s Water 3d house
E of Conongue
Baker Richard, county clerk, h s s Hudson c Harmon
Baker Samuel, butcher, bds Buckbee?s hotel
Baldwin Alexander, h e s Lake 3d door S of Church
Baldwin E. G. printer, h s s S Water bet Main & R R
Baldwin John D. (Baldwin & Post), coal, n s Cross c Wisner, h w s Main c Sixth
Baldwin L. jr., editor, e s Lake c Water, h s s S Water 5th house W of R R
Baldwin Patrick, laborer, h e s Erin n Franklin
Baldwin & Post (John D. Baldwin & William T. Post) coal dealers, n s Cross c Wisner
Ball J. h e s W Union c Fourth
Ballard William W. (Sampson & Ballard), lumber mer. Brainard block w s Baldwin st,
h s s Church c Baldwin
Baltimon Isaac N. (col?d), boatman, h s s Franklin
Baltz John F. cooper, h w s Lake c Clinton
Bank of Chemung, 32 Water
Baptist Church, s s Church bet Main & Wisner
Barber Abbott, mason, h s s First n Grove
Barber James W. mason, h w s Sullivan 2d house N of John
Barnes David, carpenter, h s s Water 4th house W of Walnut
Barnes W. S. oyster dealer, bds Brainard house
Barney J. H. student, h n s Broadway c Mill
Barrett ----, farmer, h n Water cure
Barock Obadiah, cartman, h n s Henry n S Lake
Barry David, laborer, h w s Hudson n Hine
Barry John, laborer, h n s Henry n R R
Barry Thomas, waiter, h n s Cross 2d house W of High
Bartholf H. P. livery, h s s Gray c Davis
Bartholomew Josiah, carpenter, s s Water opp Conongue, h s s Water 6th house W of
Battell F. bonnet bleacher, 31 Water, h s s Water opp Franklin house
Batz john F. cooper, h w s Lake 1st house N of Clinton
BEACH WILLIAM, clothier 22 Lake, h e s William 1st house N of Church (see
Beadle Tracy, cashier Bank of Chemung, 32 Water, h e s Lake c E Second
Beardsley Bononi P. (Beardsley & Tyler), axes &c. e s Lake c Cross, h n s Cross 2d
house E of Lake
Beardsley & Tyler (Bononi P. Beardsley & J. A. Tyler), axe & edge tool manufs., e s Lake
c Cross
Beckwith John G. painter, h n s Ann n S Lake
Beehan Michael, shoemaker, h n s Mount Zoar n S Lake
Beers William H. carpenter, h s s Water 1st house E of Elm
Behen John, laborer, h e s Washington 3d house S of Cross
BELKNAP CHAUNCEY, wholesale grocer & provision merchant, 173 West st. N. Y.
(see advertisement)
Bell Austin M. carpenter s s Water 3d house E of Main, h n s Church 3d house W of Mill
Belton Samuel, switchman, h e s High 2d h N of E Second
Bement William (Rev.) (Cong.), (Bement & Konkle), coal, e s Wisner c Gray, h n s
Washington av bet Main & Magee
Bement & Konkle (William Bement & William P. Konkle), coal dealers, e s Wisner c Gray
Bemmeham Michael, laborer, h w s Monroe on the river
Benedict G. R. engineer, E & C R R, bds Forest house
Benedict John, laborer, h w s Mill 1st house N of Water
Benedict Olive, wid Ezra, h n s Cross c Dewitt
Benjamin George, R R, h w s Main 3d house S of Sixth
Benjamin Simeon, pres. Bank of Chemung, 32 Water, h e s Lake c E Third
Benjamin William F. clerk, h e s Lake 1st door S of Clinton
Benn Erastus II. (Hart & Benn), lawyer, 20 Lake, h e s Lake c Church
Bennet Solomon (Bennet, Randall & Co.), lumber, on the canal N of Second, h w s Main
bet Second & Third
Bennet, Randall & Co. (Solomon Bennet & John M. & John Randall), lumber, on the
canal N of Second
Bennitt W. W. h w s Lake 4th door S of Second
Benson J. W. carpenter, h w s S Main c Hudson
Bently H. S. conductor, bds Brainard house
Benton George, axe maker, bds e s Fox n Cross
Benton Henry P. bookkeeper 2 Water, h s s Church 2d door W of Davis
Berhalter Joseph, boots & shoes, s s Water n R R bridge, bds Franklin house
Berner Adam, barber, h e s High c Water
Berner John, barber, American Hotel
Berry David, carpenter, h e s Sullivan 1st house N of John
Berry William B. shoemaker, h West hill
Berthol Elizabeth, h s s First 3d door W of Main
Bertrope George, refreshments, s s Second 2d house W of Wisner
Bessey Hiram, conductor, h n s E Second 2d house W of Sullivan
Bethel Church (AME), w s Dickinson n Fifth
Bigelow William A. boots & shoes, 29 Lake, h Orchard c Church
Biggs Peter (Kelly, Biggs & Co.), chandler, n s Fifth c Canal, h w s Baldwin 5th door S
of Clinton
Bignam George, late grocer, h s s Water 3d door W of Fox
Billette Joseph (Thompson & Billette), grocer 72 Water, bds w s Baldwin c Gray
Billette Theodore, moulder, h e s Wisner 2d door N of Church
Billings D. T. h w s W Union 1st house N of Clinton
Billings Rachel S. wid Silas, h n s Water n Main
Billings Silas X. farmer, h n s Water n Main
Billings & Walker (Charles F. Billings & William E. Walker), boots & shoes, 43 Water
Bingham Almerin, hatter, h w s Harmon n S Water
Birch ----, n s Fourth 1st house W of Mill
Brimingham John, laborer, h n s Fourth c Columbia
Birmingham Patrick, laborer, h s s E Third 3d house E of High
Bishop Mary, wid James M. h s s Factory n wool factory
Bishop Volney R. (V. R. Bishop & Co), wines & liquors, n s Carroll 2d door E of
Baldwin, h n s First 3d house W of Wisner
Bishop V. R. & Co. (Volney R Bishop & Richard Fitzgerald), wines & liquors, n s Carroll
2d door E of Baldwin
Bishop & Hudson (Volney R. Bishop & Adelbert Hudson), segars & tobacco, 23 Lake
Black W. H. mer, h s s S Water n S Lake
Blaisdell William, engineer, h s s Fifth 2d house E of Columbia
Blampied Joshua, tailor s s Water opp Chemung Canal Bank, h e s Fox 1st house N of
Blauvelt Samuel (A. J. Drake & Co.), carriage maker, s s Water 2d door E of R R, h e s
Mill c Fifth
Bliven Asa, Phoenix foundry, s s Church c Wisner, h w s Wisner 3d house N of Gray
BLYE NORMAN, teller & notary, Bank of Chemung, bds Brainard house
Boardley Catharine (col?d), h e s Perry n E Third
Bodine Daniel S. carriage maker, bds e s High c First
Booth Raymond, flour mill, ---Chemung, bds American hotel
Bosley George (Rev.) (M E), h w s Dickinson 2 d house N of Fifth
Botsford Augustus (Caleb, Bradshaw & Co.), provisions 31 Water, h Millport
Botts Adeline, wid Andrew, bds n s Ann n S Lake
Bouchet Caroline, dressmaker, h s s Gray 1st door E of Main
Bouchet Prospere, piano maker, h s s Gray 1st door E of Main
Bourcher Catharine, h n s John n Harriet
Bowen Abijah, shoemaker, h s s First n Davis
Bowers George, tailor, bds w s Columbia c Gray
Bowles L. conductor, h n s Fifth c Main
Bowman Henry, tanner s s Water opp Davis, h s s Water 1st house E of Davis
Boylan Catharine, wid Daniel, h e s Mill bet Third & Clinton
Boyle John (Rev.) (R C), h n s Cross c High
Boynton Austin, lumber dealer, h e s Sullivan 1st house N of E Second
Boynton Nathan, physician, h s s Water 3d house W of Walnut
Bradford A. G. bds Brainard house
Bradley John, mason, h w s S Lake c Hudson
Bradshaw Edwin D. (Caleb, Bradshaw & Co.), provisions, 31 Water, h s s Main 2d
house S of Fifth
Bradshaw Henry, laborer, h e s S Lake n tollgate
Brainard Block, n s Water W of Baldwin
BRAINARD HOUSE, n s Water c Baldwin
Brandt Sandy (col?d), laborer, h n s Clinton 2d house E of Baldwin
Bratt John B. (Dyer & Bratt), blacksmith, n s Water c Wisner, h n s Water n Wisner
Breckwedde F. tinsmith, bds Temperance house
Breckwedde Henry, tinsmith, bds Temperance house
Breen Thomas, laborer, h s s John c Conongue
Bretzner Otto, cutter, bds n s Carroll c Lake
Brewer Lucas, hotel, n s Water c Main
Briggs Isaac P. blacksmith s s Water n Mill, h opp Mill
Briggs Jesse, laborer, h w s Lake 6th house S of Fifth
Briggs Smith, foreman, h e s Magee 3d door S of Third
Brigham Phineas, clerk 5 Union block, h n s Gray 3d house W of Elm
Broader George, laborer, h e s Hoffman n Water
Brooklayer John, blacksmith, s s Cross c Fox
Brooks Caleb B. (C. B. Brooks & Bro.), grocer, s s Water 3d door W of Fox, bds e s
Mill n Water
Brooks Elijah P. (Brooks & Tomlinson), lawyer, 12 Water, h w s Mill 1st house W of
Brooks Henry B. (C. B. Brooks & Bro.), grocer, s s Water 3d door W of Fox, h s s
Church c Orchard
Brooks Roxanna, wid Theseus, h n s Water c Mill
Brooks C. B. & Brother (Caleb B. & Henry B. Brooks), grocers, s s Water 3d door W
of Fox
Brooks & Tomlinson (Elijah P. Brooks & S. B. Tomlinson), lawyers, 12 Water
Brophy Michael, axe maker, bds e s William 3d house N of Cross
Brosius Amos, miller, bds Buckbee?s hotel
Brower John, grocer, e s Wisner 1st door S of First
Brown ----, h s s Broadway n Hine
Brown ----, h e s Hatch 2d house N of Fifth
Brown Charles, miller, n s Water n Arnott?s mill
Brown Daniel, boatman, h w s Dickson c Fifth
BROWN DAVID B. grocer 6 Union block, Water st, h n s Water c Columbia
Brown Ebenezer G. clerk 24 Water, h w s Lake c Second
Brown Guy, butcher, bds n s Ann n S Lake
Brown G. P. butcher, b --Washington
Brown Henrietta, wid Silas, h e s Mill bet Water & Gray
Brown Isaac M. clerk, 6 Union block, h n s Water c Columbia
Brown Jefferson (col?d), h e s Perry c E Second
Brown John, hatter, h w s Monroe 2d house E of Water
Brown John (col?d), boatman, h e s Dickinson 2d house N of Fourth
Brown John M. (Noyes & Brown), drygoods, 34 Water, bds Brainard house
Brown Josiah, flour & feed, 29 Water, h n s Water n Arnott?s mills
Brown Lewis M. carpenter, h w s William 4th door S of Clinton
Brown Samuel, h e s Columbia 3d house S of Gray
Brown Silas C. books & newspapers, 28 Lake, h Orange co.
Brown Sophia A. wid John M. h w s William 2d door N of Church
Brown William, telegraph operator, W & E R R, h w s Baldwin 2d house S of Second
Brown William (col?d), boatman, h w s Lake 3d house S of Fifth
Brown William H. (col?d), laborer, h s s Fourth 1st house W of Lake
Brownall Charlotte S. h e s Lake c Sly
Brune Charles, wagonmaker, e s Baldwin n Clinton, h w s Dickinson c Fifth
Brush George A. lawyer, 61 Water
Buck George, engineer, W & E R R, bds Forest house
Buck Jerome, sashmaker, h s s Cross 2d house W of Orchard
Buckbee Daniel, bds Buckbee?s hotel
Buckbee J. M. hackman, h 72 Water
BUCKBEE SAMUEL P. hotel, w s Baldwin c Cross
BUCKBEE?S HOTEL, w s Baldwin c Cross
Buckley Mary, wid James, h e s Fulton n S Water
Bullock Robert, h n s Church c Mill
Bulmer David, dry goods, 10 Water, bds Brainard house
Bulmer George A. clerk, 10 Water, bds n s Church bet Baldwin & Wisner
Bunnell ---, widow, h s s Clinton c W Union
Burbage Joseph (Andrews, Burbage & Co.), saw manufacturer, w s Wisner n Water,
h s s Cross 1st h W of Wisner
Burchard Arthur, laborer, h e s Washington c E Second
BURDICK O. R. editor, 28 Lake, h s s Church c Orchard
Burgess Barzillai, barrel maker, h n s Washington av 1st h E R R
Burgess Benjamin S. machinist, h s s Cross c Sullivan
Burns Patrick, laborer, h e s Spring n Water
Burns Phillip, laborer, h w s Wisner 2d h N of Seventh
Burns Thomas, clerk, 24 Lake, h S Water
Burt G. A. (S. B. Hubbell & Co.), furniture, 8 Union block Water st, bds Elmira hotel
Bush Dewitt C. engineer, h w s Wisner c Gray
Bushnell Anna, wid William, h n s Church c William
Butcher ---, shoemaker, h w s Gregg 3d h S of Church
Butcher Thomas, carpenter, h n s Hudson n Harmon
Butler Barzillai, late hatter, h e s Sullivan 2d h N of Church
Butler John, laborer, h e s Davis, 1st h S of Willow
Butler Martin, hackman, h n s Hudson n R R
Butler Thomas, laborer, h w s Monroe 4th h S of Water
Butterly Michael, laborer, h e s Main N of the College
Cahill Thomas, laborer, h w s Wisner 6th h N of Fifth
Caleb Elijah H. (Caleb, Bradshaw & Co.), provisions, 31 Water, h n s Second 3d h W of
Caleb, Bradshaw & Co. (Elijah H. Caleb, Edwin D. Bradshaw & Augustus Botsford).
flour & provisions, 31 Water
CALHOUN ANDREW H. proprietor & editor Elmira Republican, e s Lake c Water, h n
s E Second c Oak
Calhoun William B. printer, h n s E Second c Oak
Call Purinten, carriage trimmer, bds e s High c Church
Callahan Cornelius, laborer, h s s Water n Fox
Callahan Daniel, laborer, h e s Erin n Franklin
Campbell C. A. teacher, h w s Orchard c Church
Campbell Gabriel, laborer, h s s Water 2d h W of High
Campbell Gabriel, laborer, h e s Perry n Clinton
Campbell Henry, laborer, h s s Clinton c Cross
Campbell James, cabinet maker, h w s E Union 3d door S of Clinton
Campbell James B. boiler maker, h s s Gray 3d door W of Wisner
Campbell John, laborer, h w s Canal 6th h N of Fifth
Campbell John, shoemaker, h e s Sullivan 1st h N of John
Campbell Mary, wid. Pearl, h w s Orchard c Church
Campbell Michael, laborer, h n s Jay 5th h W of Oak
Campbell Michael, laborer, h n s S Water n S Main
Canada David, boat builder, h s s Fifth 1st h W of Lake
Canada Sarah, wid. Daniel, h s s Fifth 1st h W of Lake
Canney Thomas, laborer, h s s Elm n S Lake
Carl Edward A. printer, h s s S Water n S Lake
Carl Rebecca, widow (col?d), h n s Cross c Sullivan
Carpenter Bononi G. (B. G. Carpenter & Co.), dry goods, 3 Union block Water st, h e s
Main bet Second & Third
Carpenter Calvin, lawyer & justice, 11 Water, h w s Columbia 2 doors N of Clinton
Carpenter Delos, builder, h n s River n S. Main
Carpenter G. E. h e s William c E. Second
Carpenter Hiram W. watchman, bds Delavan house
CARPENTER B. G. & CO. (Bononi G. Carpenter & James Reed), dry goods 3 Union
block Water st
Carr Barney, laborer, h e s Hatch 3d h S of Sixth
Carr Elizabeth, wid Austin, h w s Baldwin 2d door S of Third
Carr James laborer, h w s Canal n Washington av
Carr Peter, laborer, h e s Hatch 2d h S of Sixth
Carr Silas T. carriage maker, n s Water n Wisner, h s s First 1st h W of Main
Carr Stephen, laborer, h w s Hatch 6th h S of Washington av
Carrier Joseph, carpenter, h e s Lake 2d door S of Clinton
Carrigan James, laborer, h w s Canal 3d h N of Fifth
Carroll Joseph, cutter, h e s Conongue 3d h N of Cross
Carroll William, tailor, w s Lake next Haight?s hotel, bds Haight?s hotel
Carter Alvah S. printer, bds w s Baldwin c Gray
Carter Eilhu, printer, bds w s Baldwin c Gray
Carter Levi (col?d), h e s Baldwin c Fifth
Carter Sarah, wid E. P. h n s Gray 2d h W of Mill
Cass John (Dunn & Cass), dry goods, e s Lake c Water, h n s Water 5th h W of Columbus
Casson Martin, laborer, h w s Sullivan 2d h S of Clinton
Casterline James, carpenter, h e s Mill n Third
Catchpole Rachel, wid William, washing &c. w s Wisner c Gray
Catchpole William, gardener, h w s Wisner c Gray
Cavanagh John W. clerk, 22 Water, bds n s Gray n Main
Chapin Freeman, edge tools, h s s S Water n R R
Chapman George M. hotel, 70 Water
Chapman James, machinist, h n s Henry n R R
Chapman Joseph W. clerk, h n s Elm n S Lake
Chapman Marcia L. h w s Lake 3d door N of Third
Charf Edward, butcher, h s s E Third 4th h E of High
Chase Walter B. ambrotypist, h w s Conongue bet Church & Second
Chemung Canal Bank, n s Water n Lake
Chemung saloon, 31 Water
Cherry E. grocer, w s Baldwin opp Carroll
Cherry John, laborer, h s s Henry n R R
Christian John, shoemaker, bds Buckbee?s hotel
Chubbuck H. S. physician, h e s Baldwin 4th door S of Church
Church Thomas W. clerk, Brainard house
Churchill Thomas W. machinist, h s s First 1st door E of Mill
Churchill William, painter, s s Franklin n S Lake
Clark Charles W. (Clark & Howes), grocer, s s Water, 3d door E of Lake, h n s Cross
c Dewitt
Clark G. whip & glove maker, w s Wisner 2d door N of Church
Clark George B. h w s Conongue 4th h E of Second
Clark John, h n s Fourth c Wisner
Clark John, laborer, h w s Washington c John
Clark Mrs. J. C. bds Haight?s hotel
Clark Sanford, mason, h e s Sullivan 1st h S of Clinton
Clark Sylvanus M. carpenter & builder, n s Church n Wisner, h s s Church c Dewitt
Clark & Howes (Charles W. Clark & Ephraim W. Howes), grocers, s s Water 3d door E
of Lake
Clarke Allen S. (S. B. Hubbell & Co.), furniture, S Union block, Water, bds e s Baldwin
bet Cross & Church
Clarke Elias A. physician, h e s Main n Gray
Clary Patrick, laborer, h e s Hatch 2d h S of Washington
Classett John, piano maker, h w s Lake c Fifth
Clawson Ira, melodeon maker, bds Buckbee?s hotel
Cleeves Joshua, pattern maker, h n s Water n Mill
Cleveland J. H. carriage maker, h s s Cross 4th h E of Washington
Close R. H. (Rev.) (Pres.) h s s Partridge n S. Main
Coburn Francis G. clerk, Post Office, h e s High c John
Cochran Margaret, widow, h e s Mill 1st h N of Second
Coddington Warren R. carpenter, h s s Gray 2d h W of Columbia
Coffee James, laborer, h e s Spring n Water
Coffin ---- h n s Broadway n Mill
Coin Henry, h s s S Water n S Lake
Coke Levi, baker, h e s Main 3d door S of Gray
Colborn Asa, lumber merchant, h e s Baldwin 6th door N of Cross
Cole Andrew N. dentist, bds n s Cross c Harris
Cole Charles, R R, h n s Fourth 1st h E of Main
Cole Clinton, clerk, N Y & E R R, bds American hotel
Cole C. B. clerk, N Y & E R R, h n s Fourth c Magee
Cole James, boatbuilder, h e s High 2d h S of Jay
Cole Myron H. conductor, bds Haight?s hotel
Cole Platt, hardware &c, 14 Water, h w s Baldwin 4th h N of Gray
Coleman A. K. carpenter, h s s Water 2d h W of Grove
Coleman John, sash & blinds, h n s First c Mill
Coleman Joseph S. harnessmaker, h n s E Second n Washington
Coleman Philetus, carpenter, s s Water 4th h E of Grove
Collingwood Elizabeth, wid Francis, h s s John 2d h W of Conongue
Collingwood Emily R. teacher, Elmira Female College, h s s John 2d h W of Conongue
Collingwood Francis, watchmaker, h s s John 2d h W of Conongue
Colman John, agt sash and blind manuf, e s Wisner n Water, h n s First c Mill
Colp Orlando, boatman, h s s S Water n S Lake
Compton Norris, clerk, 5 Union block, h n s Gray n Elm
Comstock Heman N. lawyer, 11 Water h n s Gray 2d h E of Davis
COMSTOCK SAMUEL G. hats, caps &c., 2 Brainard block Water st, bds e s Baldwin
bet Cross & Church (see advertisement)
Conant J. E. auction & commission, 4 Lake, h s s Water n Elm
Concert hall, 9 Lake
Condel William H. farmer, h w s Lake 2d house S of Third
Congdon B. S. car inspector, h w s Wisner 3d h N of Sixth
Congregational church, Church c Main
Conkle Aaron, lawyer, h e s High c Cross
Conklin ---, widow, h e s Columbia 2d h S of Fifth
Conklin Walter W. axefinisher, h s s Hudson n R R
Conly Daniel, laborer, h n s Hudson n Fulton
Conly John, laborer, h s s Hudson n S Main
Conly John laborer, h s s S Water n Harman
Conly Timothy, laborer, h n s Hudson n Fulton
Connoly Patrick, laborer, h n s Clinton n W Union
Converse Maximilian M. teacher of music, h w s Lake 3d door S of Second
Cook Elisha H. (R. Watrous & Co.), hardware, 1 & 3 Water, bds s s Church
n Lake
Cook G. J. h s s Gray c Davis
Cook Salomon B. clerk, s s Water c R R bridge, h s s Water 3d door W of R R
Cook Sidney S. machinist, h n s First 4th h W of Mill
Cooley Jesse L. (Harris & Cooley), lumber, Gray on the canal, h s s Church c
Cooley Levi J. lumber, h e s Lake N of the canal
Copeland Mary E. teacher, Elmira Female College
Copley Lauren, street com. h e s S Main c S Water
Corbin A. lumber yard, h n s Cross c Washington
Corcoran I. J. clerk, E & C R R, bds w s Mill c Fifth
Corcoran Robert, freight office, bds w s Mill c Fifth
Cord Primus (col?d), laborer, h e s Dickinson 4th h N o Fourth
Cordan Thomas Laborer, h w s Canal n Washington av
Corey Augustus F. steward, Fem. Coll. h e s Mill 2d h S of Fifth
Corey Jane W. teacher, Elmira Female College
Corey W. F. acct., machine co, w s Wisner c Fifth
Cortright Joseph, butcher, w s Wisner 2d door N of Second, h s s Second 2d
h E of Mill
Corwin J. C. h w s Clinton 4th h W of Mill
Cotton George, later brushmaker, h w s S Lake n Bridge
Cotton J. H. h w s S Lake n Bridge
Cottrell Stephen H. carpenter, bds w s Mill c Fifth
Coulton Edward V. architect, 2 S Lake, h w s Lake 2d h S of Fifth
COUNTY CLERK?S office, e s Lake n Cross
COURT HOUSE, e s Lake n Cross
Courtwright Mark, axemaker, bds e s William 3d h N of Cross
Covell Almina, wid Miles, h n s Water 2d door W of Fox
Covell Edward (R. & E. Covell), drygoods, s Water, h w s William c E Second
Covell Henry C. clerk, Chemung Canal Bank, h n s Water 2d door W of Fox
Covell Jacob M. clerk, Chemung Canal Bank, h n s Water 2d door W of Fox
Covell James, clerk, S Water, bds e s Lake n Court house
Covell Lyman, n s Water 2d h W of Fox
Covell Matthew, clerk, 1 Water, bds n s Water c Fox
Covell Robert, h w s Mill 1st h N of Washington av
COVELL S. T. telegraph operator, N Y & E R R Depot, h Water
COVELL R. & E. (Robert jr. & Edward Covell), drygoods, 8 Water
Cowen T. C. patent rights, h n s Gray c Elm
Crane Abijah, mason, h s s First n Grove
Crane Ann, widow, h w s Lake 2d door N of Third
Crane Theodore W. lumber, s s Second 1st door E of Canal bridge, h w s Lake
Crane Thomas S. clerk, Brainard block w s Baldwin st, h w s Lake
Crawford Charlotte (col?d), h e s Perry c E Third
Cread James A. constable, h n s Cross c Harriet
Creegan Jeffrey, cooper, h e s Baldwin 3d door S of Clinton
Creelman Matthew, tailor, h e s Monroe 2d h S of Water
Crittenden Richard, blacksmith, h s s Church 1st door E of Mill
Croger George, laborer, h w s Baldwin n the canal
Cromwell Edward, baggage master, N Y & E R R, bds n s Third 1st door E of Main
Croney James, laborer, h w s High 3d h N of Church
Crooker R. refreshments, n s Water n Wisner, h same
Crow John, laborer, h s s Water, 2d h W of High
Crowell Grover, shoemaker, h n s Church 2d door W of Main
Crowl Abraham, blacksmith, h w s Washington 2d h N of Cross
Crummell Edward, baggage master N Y & E R R
Cuddihy Patrick, grocer, 2d h e Dewitt h 2d h E of Dewitt
Culp Harriet, h e s Fox 2d h N of Water
Culp James, blacksmith, h s s Cross 1st h E of Lake
Cummings James, mason, h n s First 2d door W of Wisner
Cunion John, trackman, W & E R R
Cunningham Porter, h e s Mill 3d h N of Fifth
Curly John, laborer, h e s S Lake n Mt Zoar
Currington Peter B. tanner, h n s Factory n wool factory
Curry Michael, laborer, h n s First 2d door W of Wisner
Curtin Dennis, laborer, h w s High opp Jay
Curtis James, fireman, E & C R R, bds Forest house
Curtiss Eliza (col?d), h e s Dickinson 2d h S of Clinton
Dabs Jacob, butcher, h s s Cross 1st h E of Dewitt
Daily Gazette, 28 Lake
Daily Republican, s s Water c Lake
Dale Phebe, dressmaker, h n s First 3d h W of Mill
Daly Catharine, wid Patrick, h n s Franklin n Pickaway
Daly Dennis, laborer, h e s Washington 2d h S of John
Daniels Everard, boatbuilder, h e s Washington 3d h S of E Second
Daniels William H. boatbuilder, h n s Church c Washington
Davenport Ephraim (Gridley & Davenport), stoves &c., 9 Water, h w s Baldwin 6th h S
of Second
Davis Alvin, painter, h s s Fourth 2d h E of Davis
Davis Cingesmar, clerk, 14 Lake, bds n s Water bet Davis & Columbia
Davis George, laborer, h n s Water n Arnott?s mill
Davis George L. lawyer & justice peace, 3 Water h e s William 2d h N of Church
Davis Henry A. clerk, h w s Hine n Mt Zoar
Davis Henry E. farmer, h s s Second n Davis
Davis James, teamster, h s s Second 1st h W of Mill
Davis John (Davis & McKindley), hardware, 14 & 16 Lake, h n s Church c Columbia
Davis John, shoemaker, h w s Washington c E Second
Davis Samuel, cutter, 36 Water, h e s E Union c Second
Davis William, h n s Church 4th h W of Columbia
Davis William, (col?d), laborer, h e s Baldwin 5th h N of Fourth
Davis William R. silverplate, h n s Church c Orchard
Davis & McKindley (John Davis & James W. McKindley), hardware &c., 14 & 16 Lake
Davison Sally C. wid Jeremiah, h w s Canal n Washington av
Davison Solomon, h s s S Water n S Lake
Davison Thomas, mason, h s s Water 3d h E of Grove
Day Ralph R. (Farrat & Day), agricultural warehouse, 7 Lake, bds n s Cross
Dean Nathan, boatman, h n s Cross 1st h S of Clinton
Decker David, h w s Mill c Clinton
Decker Peter, tavern, e s Wisner c Second
Decker Samuel, turner, h e s Mill bet Second & Third
Degroff David A. (T. Lewis & Co.), grocer, 21 Lake h s s Church c Dewitt
Delany Jane, dressmaker, h s s Water c Canal lock
Delavan house, w s Wisner c Clinton
Demarest George W. furnaceman, h w s Lake 3d h S of Fourth
De Mott John P. lawyer, 16 Water h w s Lake c Church
Dempsey Barthelomew, shoemaker, h s s Hudson n S Main
Dempsey Fenton, laborer, h n s Hudson n the river
Dempsey James, laborer, h e s Wisner 4th door S of Second
Demun Aaron L. traveling agent, bds Buckbee?s hotel
Densmore Joseph, painter, h n foot Cross s s
Denton S. B., R R, h w s Clinton 5th h W of Mill
Derby Reuben, grocer, n s Second c Baldwin, h s s E Union 1st h N of Second
De Voe Frederick A. (Fairman & Co.) publisher, 6 Lake h w s S Lake n S Water
Devoe John, blacksmith, n s S Ann d S Lake
Dewitt A. M. flour & feed, w s Baldwin opp Carroll
Dewitt James, dep. sheriff, Court house
Dewitt William H. clerk, n s Carroll 2d door E of Baldwin, h w s Dewitt 4th house s of
Dewitt William P. gunsmith, s s Water opp Chemung Canal Bank, h e s Conongue 2d
door N of Cross
Dexter Aaron, late mer, h w s Mill c Gray
DIBBLEE H F. agricultural depot, 100 Murray st, N. Y. (see advertisement)
Dickinson Henry B. harnessmaker, h w s Lake c Third
Dickinson Mrs. h w s Lake c Third
Dikeman Barnard, refreshments, w s Wisner opp depot
Dildine Lydia, widow h s s Hudson n S Lake
Dingleday William, upholsterer, bds American hotel
Dinin Thomas, machinist, h s s Cross 1st h E of Orchard
Diven Alexander S. (Diven, Hathaway & Woods), lawyer, 57 Water, h Willow brook
Horseheads road
Divine Christianna (col?d), h w s Lake 5th h S of Fifth
Dolan Michael, laborer, h w s Canal n Washington av
Donnell Archibald, carman, h s s Mt Zoar n Fulton
Donohoe Mrs. h e s Sullivan n Clinton
Dorr David, blacksmith, w s Fox c Cross, h e s Sullivan 5th h N of Second
Dounce William J. clerk, Brainard block w s Baldwin, h s s Church 2d h E of Davis
Downing Loughlin, mason, h e s Fulton n Mt Zoar
Doyle David T. tinsmith, h w s W Union 2d h N of Fifth
Doyle Henry, axegrinder, h s s Jay c Oak
Drake Andrew J. (A. J. Drake & Co.), carriage maker, s s Water 2d door E. of R R
bridge, h s s Church 1st h W of Elm
Drake Asa, chairmaker, h e s Lake opp Fourth
Drake Benjamin, teamster, h n s Church 7th h W of Columbia
Drake David, tinsmith, s s Water c Canal lock
Drake James H. car inspector, h w s Davis 1st h N of Willow
Drake Norman B. wagonmaker, h s s Church 1st W of Elm
Drake A. J. & Co. (Andrew J. Drake & Samuel Blavelt), carriagemakers, s s Water 2d
door E of R R bridge
Dubois Mary A. h w s Magee 1st door N of Third
Dudley William L. clerk, 10 Water bds n s Church c Lake
DUMARS ROBERT R. R. editor, 6 Lake h s s Church c Davis
Dumpsey Patrick, laborer h n s Hudson n the river
Dunlap A. B. (Rev.), h Elmira Female College
Dunlap M. A. W. v pres. Elmira Female College
Dunn C. W. real estate broker, Haight?s hotel, Lake c Cross
Dunn D. Thompson (Dunn & Cass), drygoods, e s Lake c Water
Dunn James, lawyer, h n s Cross c William
DUNN J. DAVIS, justice, 61 Water, h e s Conongue 4th h N Cross
Dunn Patrick, laborer, h e s Dewitt 2d h S of Cross
Dunn Thomas, late mer. h e s Dewitt 4th h S of Cross
Dunn & Cass (D. Thompson Dunn & John Cass), drygoods, e s Lake c Water
Dunn?s block, 51 to 61 Water
Durbon K. L. teacher, h s s Gray 2d house W of Davis
Durland Charles, clerk, 51 Water, bds n s Water n Main
Dusenberry Sylvanus B. h e s William 2d house S of Clinton
Dusenbury Lancastor, mail agent, h w s W Union 4th house N of Fourth
Dwyer George, druggist & grocer, 24 Lake, bds Haight?s hotel
Dyer Morgan (Dyer & Bratt), blacksmith, n s Water c Wisner, h n s S Water n S Main
DYER & BRATT (Morgan Dyer & John B. Bratt), blacksmiths, n s Water c Wisner
Dyke William (col?d), laborer, h w s Dickinson 3d house S of Fifth