Directories of Chemung County, New York
Chemung County NY
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FOR 1857.
See Also: 1860 Elmira Census
Business Directory Appendix
You can see this and other Elmira Directories at Steele Memorial Library in Elmira. Thanks to Steele for letting us scan these pages. 

acc?t accountant, al alley, av avenue, AME African Methodist Episcopal, Bap. Baptist, bd boards, bet between, c or cor corner, col?d colored, Cong. Congregational, D R Dutch Reformed, E east, e s east side, h house, la lane, M E Methodist Episcopal, mkr make, N North, n near, n a north side, opp opposite, Presb Presbyterian, P E Protestant Episcopal, P O Post Office, R C Roman Catholic, R P Reformed Protestant, S south, sq square, s s south side, W west, w a west side, W M Wesleyan Methodist


Abbey A. J. music dealer, h e s Mill bet Gray & Church

Abbott ----, bootmaker, h w s Baldwin 1st house S of Fifth

Adams William, refreshments, w s Wisner 5th door N or Second

Advertiser Office, e s Lake n Water

AHRENFELDT HENRY, feathers, bedding &c., 49 Vesey, N. Y. (see advertisement)

Albrecht Joseph, shoemaker, h s s S Water n R R

Alexander H. h s s John 3d house W of Conongue

Alexander Jacob, pedler, h s s John 3d house W of Conongue

Alexander John, tailor, bds n s Water n Columbia

Allen E. Marshall, clerk, 5 Union block, Water st

Allen John S. printer, h s s Cross n Sullivan

Allen Joseph, carpenter, h n s Hudson n R R

Allen Robert, fireman, W & E R R, bds Forest house

Allerton George, machinist, h w s Dickinson 6th house S of Fourth

Alliston Nathaniel, barrel maker, bds Forest house

Alvord Hila, wid Nathan, h n s First 3d house W of Mill

American Express Office, s s Water 1st door E of Lake

American Hotel, w s Wisner c Third

Anderson George (col?d), laborer, h n s E Third c Conongue

ANDERSON HIRAM, carpets &c., 99 Bowery, N. Y. (see advertisement)

Anderson H. G. tinsmith, bds Forest house

Anderson John (?), (?), (M E), h e s Dickinson 6th house N of Fourth

Anderson W. boardinghouse, s s Second 2d house E of Main

Andrews Emanuel (Andrews, Burbage & Co.), saw manuf, w s Wisner n Water, h n s E

Union 1st house N of Third

Andrews John (Andrews, Burbage & Co.), saw manuf. w s Wisner n Water, h w s Cross

2nd house W of Wisner

Andrews William H. saw maker, h s s Cross n Wisner

ANDREWS, BURBAGE & CO. (Emanuel Andrews, Joseph Burbage & John Andrews),

saw manuf., w s Wisner n Water (see advertisement)

Andrus Sylvester G. lumber, h w s Main C First

Ansell Jane, wid Stephen, h n s Factory

Anthony Peer, axe maker, bds e s William 3d house N of Cross

Appleton Charles, laborer, h e s Baldwin c Fifth

Appleton David, h s s Jay 2d house W of Oak

Appleton R. K. carpenter, h e s Perry n Clinton

Appleton William, carrier, h w s Wisner N of Washington av

Arbor saloon, 9 lake

Arms George W. clerk, 22 Lake bds Haight?s hotel

Armstrong E. T. currier, h s s Water 2d house E of Elm

Armstrong Joseph, baggage master, N Y & E R R, h n s Third 1st door of Main

Armstrong Maria, dressmaker, h n Clinton 2d house E of Lake

Armstrong Reuben W. (col?d), h e s Baldwin c Fifth

Arnot John, cashier Chemung Canal Bank, h w s Lake 2d house S of Church

Arnot John jr., vice-pres and notary Chemung Canal Bank, h w s Lake n Church

ARNOT S. T. sec. and supt. Elmira Gas Light Co., n s Water n Lake, bds Haight?s hotel

Aspinwall Nathaniel P. h s s First n Columbia

Ashdown John, flour mill, on e s Basin n Water, h n s Cross 2d house W of Wisner

Assauer Christian, grocer, w s E Union c Clinton, h same

Atkins Christopher C. tailor, 19 Water, h n s Water n Columbia

Atwood Abner, h e s High c Church

Audenried Lewis (Audenried, Langdon & Co.), coal, Brainard block w s Baldwin, h Phila.

Audenried, Langdon & Co. (Lewis Audenried, Jervis Langdon & Hale Remington), coal

dealers, Brainard block w s Baldwin st

Averill Talma F. painter, h s s First E of Davis

Avery Charles, stoves, h s s S Water n S Lake

Ayres John T. blacksmith, h w s E Union 1st door S of Third

Ayres Martha M. dressmaker, h s s Carroll n Lake

AYRES SOCRATES, watchmaker & jeweler, s s Water c Lake, h e s Lake c E Second


Babcock A. F. lawyer, bds Brainard house

Babcock Casper M. clerk, 34 Water, bds n s Church c Lake

Babcock George, R R, h w s Columbia 2d house N of Clinton

Bacon Calvin, refreshments, s s Water n Sucker lock

Bacon Henry, clerk, N Y & E R R, bds Delavan house

Bacon William, axe grinder, h s s Church 3d house E of Washington

Backus Clinton, h s s Water 3d house E of Elm

Badger Herwood, farmer, h n s Factory n wool factory

Badger R.M. h w s Mill c Fourth

Bagley William A. blacksmith, h s s Fourth bet Main & Columbia

Bailey Columbia, carpenter, h n s Gray 2d house W of Davis

Bailey Francis J. (col?d), barber & billiard saloon, 13 Lake, h s s Jay 3d house E of Oak

Bailey Newell, painter, h n s Gray 2d door W of Wisner

Bain B. H. lawyer, h e s Lake c Church

Baker ----, h e s Columbia 2d house W of First

Baker Benoni, butcher, n s Water n Wisner, h n s Hudson n S Main

Baker C. Hamilton, clerk, Co clerk?s office, bds Haight?s hotel

Baker Charles S. student, bds n s Church n Wisner

Baker James M. butcher, h s s Water 3d house W of Hoffman

Baker John T. ticket agent, E & C R R, h e s Main bet Second & Third

Baker Leroy A. clerk, Co clerk?s office, h s s Hudson n Main

Baker Nathan, marble worker, s s Water opp Chemung Canal Bank, h n s Water 3d house

E of Conongue

Baker Richard, county clerk, h s s Hudson c Harmon

Baker Samuel, butcher, bds Buckbee?s hotel

Baldwin Alexander, h e s Lake 3d door S of Church

Baldwin E. G. printer, h s s S Water bet Main & R R

Baldwin John D. (Baldwin & Post), coal, n s Cross c Wisner, h w s Main c Sixth

Baldwin L. jr., editor, e s Lake c Water, h s s S Water 5th house W of R R

Baldwin Patrick, laborer, h e s Erin n Franklin

Baldwin & Post (John D. Baldwin & William T. Post) coal dealers, n s Cross c Wisner

Ball J. h e s W Union c Fourth

Ballard William W. (Sampson & Ballard), lumber mer. Brainard block w s Baldwin st,

h s s Church c Baldwin

Baltimon Isaac N. (col?d), boatman, h s s Franklin

Baltz John F. cooper, h w s Lake c Clinton

Bank of Chemung, 32 Water

Baptist Church, s s Church bet Main & Wisner

Barber Abbott, mason, h s s First n Grove

Barber James W. mason, h w s Sullivan 2d house N of John

Barnes David, carpenter, h s s Water 4th house W of Walnut

Barnes W. S. oyster dealer, bds Brainard house

Barney J. H. student, h n s Broadway c Mill

Barrett ----, farmer, h n Water cure

Barock Obadiah, cartman, h n s Henry n S Lake

Barry David, laborer, h w s Hudson n Hine

Barry John, laborer, h n s Henry n R R

Barry Thomas, waiter, h n s Cross 2d house W of High

Bartholf H. P. livery, h s s Gray c Davis

Bartholomew Josiah, carpenter, s s Water opp Conongue, h s s Water 6th house W of


Battell F. bonnet bleacher, 31 Water, h s s Water opp Franklin house

Batz john F. cooper, h w s Lake 1st house N of Clinton

BEACH WILLIAM, clothier 22 Lake, h e s William 1st house N of Church (see


Beadle Tracy, cashier Bank of Chemung, 32 Water, h e s Lake c E Second

Beardsley Bononi P. (Beardsley & Tyler), axes &c. e s Lake c Cross, h n s Cross 2d

house E of Lake

Beardsley & Tyler (Bononi P. Beardsley & J. A. Tyler), axe & edge tool manufs., e s Lake

c Cross

Beckwith John G. painter, h n s Ann n S Lake

Beehan Michael, shoemaker, h n s Mount Zoar n S Lake

Beers William H. carpenter, h s s Water 1st house E of Elm

Behen John, laborer, h e s Washington 3d house S of Cross

BELKNAP CHAUNCEY, wholesale grocer & provision merchant, 173 West st. N. Y.

(see advertisement)

Bell Austin M. carpenter s s Water 3d house E of Main, h n s Church 3d house W of Mill

Belton Samuel, switchman, h e s High 2d h N of E Second

Bement William (Rev.) (Cong.), (Bement & Konkle), coal, e s Wisner c Gray, h n s

Washington av bet Main & Magee

Bement & Konkle (William Bement & William P. Konkle), coal dealers, e s Wisner c Gray

Bemmeham Michael, laborer, h w s Monroe on the river

Benedict G. R. engineer, E & C R R, bds Forest house

Benedict John, laborer, h w s Mill 1st house N of Water

Benedict Olive, wid Ezra, h n s Cross c Dewitt

Benjamin George, R R, h w s Main 3d house S of Sixth

Benjamin Simeon, pres. Bank of Chemung, 32 Water, h e s Lake c E Third

Benjamin William F. clerk, h e s Lake 1st door S of Clinton

Benn Erastus II. (Hart & Benn), lawyer, 20 Lake, h e s Lake c Church

Bennet Solomon (Bennet, Randall & Co.), lumber, on the canal N of Second, h w s Main

bet Second & Third

Bennet, Randall & Co. (Solomon Bennet & John M. & John Randall), lumber, on the

canal N of Second

Bennitt W. W. h w s Lake 4th door S of Second

Benson J. W. carpenter, h w s S Main c Hudson

Bently H. S. conductor, bds Brainard house

Benton George, axe maker, bds e s Fox n Cross

Benton Henry P. bookkeeper 2 Water, h s s Church 2d door W of Davis

Berhalter Joseph, boots & shoes, s s Water n R R bridge, bds Franklin house

Berner Adam, barber, h e s High c Water

Berner John, barber, American Hotel

Berry David, carpenter, h e s Sullivan 1st house N of John

Berry William B. shoemaker, h West hill

Berthol Elizabeth, h s s First 3d door W of Main

Bertrope George, refreshments, s s Second 2d house W of Wisner

Bessey Hiram, conductor, h n s E Second 2d house W of Sullivan

Bethel Church (AME), w s Dickinson n Fifth

Bigelow William A. boots & shoes, 29 Lake, h Orchard c Church

Biggs Peter (Kelly, Biggs & Co.), chandler, n s Fifth c Canal, h w s Baldwin 5th door S

of Clinton

Bignam George, late grocer, h s s Water 3d door W of Fox

Billette Joseph (Thompson & Billette), grocer 72 Water, bds w s Baldwin c Gray

Billette Theodore, moulder, h e s Wisner 2d door N of Church

Billings D. T. h w s W Union 1st house N of Clinton

Billings Rachel S. wid Silas, h n s Water n Main

Billings Silas X. farmer, h n s Water n Main

Billings & Walker (Charles F. Billings & William E. Walker), boots & shoes, 43 Water

Bingham Almerin, hatter, h w s Harmon n S Water

Birch ----, n s Fourth 1st house W of Mill

Brimingham John, laborer, h n s Fourth c Columbia

Birmingham Patrick, laborer, h s s E Third 3d house E of High

Bishop Mary, wid James M. h s s Factory n wool factory

Bishop Volney R. (V. R. Bishop & Co), wines & liquors, n s Carroll 2d door E of

Baldwin, h n s First 3d house W of Wisner

Bishop V. R. & Co. (Volney R Bishop & Richard Fitzgerald), wines & liquors, n s Carroll

2d door E of Baldwin

Bishop & Hudson (Volney R. Bishop & Adelbert Hudson), segars & tobacco, 23 Lake

Black W. H. mer, h s s S Water n S Lake

Blaisdell William, engineer, h s s Fifth 2d house E of Columbia

Blampied Joshua, tailor s s Water opp Chemung Canal Bank, h e s Fox 1st house N of


Blauvelt Samuel (A. J. Drake & Co.), carriage maker, s s Water 2d door E of R R, h e s

Mill c Fifth

Bliven Asa, Phoenix foundry, s s Church c Wisner, h w s Wisner 3d house N of Gray

BLYE NORMAN, teller & notary, Bank of Chemung, bds Brainard house

Boardley Catharine (col?d), h e s Perry n E Third

Bodine Daniel S. carriage maker, bds e s High c First

Booth Raymond, flour mill, ---Chemung, bds American hotel

Bosley George (Rev.) (M E), h w s Dickinson 2 d house N of Fifth

Botsford Augustus (Caleb, Bradshaw & Co.), provisions 31 Water, h Millport

Botts Adeline, wid Andrew, bds n s Ann n S Lake

Bouchet Caroline, dressmaker, h s s Gray 1st door E of Main

Bouchet Prospere, piano maker, h s s Gray 1st door E of Main

Bourcher Catharine, h n s John n Harriet

Bowen Abijah, shoemaker, h s s First n Davis

Bowers George, tailor, bds w s Columbia c Gray

Bowles L. conductor, h n s Fifth c Main

Bowman Henry, tanner s s Water opp Davis, h s s Water 1st house E of Davis

Boylan Catharine, wid Daniel, h e s Mill bet Third & Clinton

Boyle John (Rev.) (R C), h n s Cross c High

Boynton Austin, lumber dealer, h e s Sullivan 1st house N of E Second

Boynton Nathan, physician, h s s Water 3d house W of Walnut

Bradford A. G. bds Brainard house

Bradley John, mason, h w s S Lake c Hudson

Bradshaw Edwin D. (Caleb, Bradshaw & Co.), provisions, 31 Water, h s s Main 2d

house S of Fifth

Bradshaw Henry, laborer, h e s S Lake n tollgate

Brainard Block, n s Water W of Baldwin

BRAINARD HOUSE, n s Water c Baldwin

Brandt Sandy (col?d), laborer, h n s Clinton 2d house E of Baldwin

Bratt John B. (Dyer & Bratt), blacksmith, n s Water c Wisner, h n s Water n Wisner

Breckwedde F. tinsmith, bds Temperance house

Breckwedde Henry, tinsmith, bds Temperance house

Breen Thomas, laborer, h s s John c Conongue

Bretzner Otto, cutter, bds n s Carroll c Lake

Brewer Lucas, hotel, n s Water c Main

Briggs Isaac P. blacksmith s s Water n Mill, h opp Mill

Briggs Jesse, laborer, h w s Lake 6th house S of Fifth

Briggs Smith, foreman, h e s Magee 3d door S of Third

Brigham Phineas, clerk 5 Union block, h n s Gray 3d house W of Elm

Broader George, laborer, h e s Hoffman n Water

Brooklayer John, blacksmith, s s Cross c Fox

Brooks Caleb B. (C. B. Brooks & Bro.), grocer, s s Water 3d door W of Fox, bds e s

Mill n Water

Brooks Elijah P. (Brooks & Tomlinson), lawyer, 12 Water, h w s Mill 1st house W of


Brooks Henry B. (C. B. Brooks & Bro.), grocer, s s Water 3d door W of Fox, h s s

Church c Orchard

Brooks Roxanna, wid Theseus, h n s Water c Mill

Brooks C. B. & Brother (Caleb B. & Henry B. Brooks), grocers, s s Water 3d door W

of Fox

Brooks & Tomlinson (Elijah P. Brooks & S. B. Tomlinson), lawyers, 12 Water

Brophy Michael, axe maker, bds e s William 3d house N of Cross

Brosius Amos, miller, bds Buckbee?s hotel

Brower John, grocer, e s Wisner 1st door S of First

Brown ----, h s s Broadway n Hine

Brown ----, h e s Hatch 2d house N of Fifth

Brown Charles, miller, n s Water n Arnott?s mill

Brown Daniel, boatman, h w s Dickson c Fifth

BROWN DAVID B. grocer 6 Union block, Water st, h n s Water c Columbia

Brown Ebenezer G. clerk 24 Water, h w s Lake c Second

Brown Guy, butcher, bds n s Ann n S Lake

Brown G. P. butcher, b --Washington

Brown Henrietta, wid Silas, h e s Mill bet Water & Gray

Brown Isaac M. clerk, 6 Union block, h n s Water c Columbia

Brown Jefferson (col?d), h e s Perry c E Second

Brown John, hatter, h w s Monroe 2d house E of Water

Brown John (col?d), boatman, h e s Dickinson 2d house N of Fourth

Brown John M. (Noyes & Brown), drygoods, 34 Water, bds Brainard house

Brown Josiah, flour & feed, 29 Water, h n s Water n Arnott?s mills

Brown Lewis M. carpenter, h w s William 4th door S of Clinton

Brown Samuel, h e s Columbia 3d house S of Gray

Brown Silas C. books & newspapers, 28 Lake, h Orange co.

Brown Sophia A. wid John M. h w s William 2d door N of Church

Brown William, telegraph operator, W & E R R, h w s Baldwin 2d house S of Second

Brown William (col?d), boatman, h w s Lake 3d house S of Fifth

Brown William H. (col?d), laborer, h s s Fourth 1st house W of Lake

Brownall Charlotte S. h e s Lake c Sly

Brune Charles, wagonmaker, e s Baldwin n Clinton, h w s Dickinson c Fifth

Brush George A. lawyer, 61 Water

Buck George, engineer, W & E R R, bds Forest house

Buck Jerome, sashmaker, h s s Cross 2d house W of Orchard

Buckbee Daniel, bds Buckbee?s hotel

Buckbee J. M. hackman, h 72 Water

BUCKBEE SAMUEL P. hotel, w s Baldwin c Cross

BUCKBEE?S HOTEL, w s Baldwin c Cross

Buckley Mary, wid James, h e s Fulton n S Water

Bullock Robert, h n s Church c Mill

Bulmer David, dry goods, 10 Water, bds Brainard house

Bulmer George A. clerk, 10 Water, bds n s Church bet Baldwin & Wisner

Bunnell ---, widow, h s s Clinton c W Union

Burbage Joseph (Andrews, Burbage & Co.), saw manufacturer, w s Wisner n Water,

h s s Cross 1st h W of Wisner

Burchard Arthur, laborer, h e s Washington c E Second

BURDICK O. R. editor, 28 Lake, h s s Church c Orchard

Burgess Barzillai, barrel maker, h n s Washington av 1st h E R R

Burgess Benjamin S. machinist, h s s Cross c Sullivan

Burns Patrick, laborer, h e s Spring n Water

Burns Phillip, laborer, h w s Wisner 2d h N of Seventh

Burns Thomas, clerk, 24 Lake, h S Water

Burt G. A. (S. B. Hubbell & Co.), furniture, 8 Union block Water st, bds Elmira hotel

Bush Dewitt C. engineer, h w s Wisner c Gray

Bushnell Anna, wid William, h n s Church c William

Butcher ---, shoemaker, h w s Gregg 3d h S of Church

Butcher Thomas, carpenter, h n s Hudson n Harmon

Butler Barzillai, late hatter, h e s Sullivan 2d h N of Church

Butler John, laborer, h e s Davis, 1st h S of Willow

Butler Martin, hackman, h n s Hudson n R R

Butler Thomas, laborer, h w s Monroe 4th h S of Water

Butterly Michael, laborer, h e s Main N of the College


Cahill Thomas, laborer, h w s Wisner 6th h N of Fifth

Caleb Elijah H. (Caleb, Bradshaw & Co.), provisions, 31 Water, h n s Second 3d h W of


Caleb, Bradshaw & Co. (Elijah H. Caleb, Edwin D. Bradshaw & Augustus Botsford).

flour & provisions, 31 Water

CALHOUN ANDREW H. proprietor & editor Elmira Republican, e s Lake c Water, h n

s E Second c Oak

Calhoun William B. printer, h n s E Second c Oak

Call Purinten, carriage trimmer, bds e s High c Church

Callahan Cornelius, laborer, h s s Water n Fox

Callahan Daniel, laborer, h e s Erin n Franklin

Campbell C. A. teacher, h w s Orchard c Church

Campbell Gabriel, laborer, h s s Water 2d h W of High

Campbell Gabriel, laborer, h e s Perry n Clinton

Campbell Henry, laborer, h s s Clinton c Cross

Campbell James, cabinet maker, h w s E Union 3d door S of Clinton

Campbell James B. boiler maker, h s s Gray 3d door W of Wisner

Campbell John, laborer, h w s Canal 6th h N of Fifth

Campbell John, shoemaker, h e s Sullivan 1st h N of John

Campbell Mary, wid. Pearl, h w s Orchard c Church

Campbell Michael, laborer, h n s Jay 5th h W of Oak

Campbell Michael, laborer, h n s S Water n S Main

Canada David, boat builder, h s s Fifth 1st h W of Lake

Canada Sarah, wid. Daniel, h s s Fifth 1st h W of Lake

Canney Thomas, laborer, h s s Elm n S Lake

Carl Edward A. printer, h s s S Water n S Lake

Carl Rebecca, widow (col?d), h n s Cross c Sullivan

Carpenter Bononi G. (B. G. Carpenter & Co.), dry goods, 3 Union block Water st, h e s

Main bet Second & Third

Carpenter Calvin, lawyer & justice, 11 Water, h w s Columbia 2 doors N of Clinton

Carpenter Delos, builder, h n s River n S. Main

Carpenter G. E. h e s William c E. Second

Carpenter Hiram W. watchman, bds Delavan house

CARPENTER B. G. & CO. (Bononi G. Carpenter & James Reed), dry goods 3 Union

block Water st

Carr Barney, laborer, h e s Hatch 3d h S of Sixth

Carr Elizabeth, wid Austin, h w s Baldwin 2d door S of Third

Carr James laborer, h w s Canal n Washington av

Carr Peter, laborer, h e s Hatch 2d h S of Sixth

Carr Silas T. carriage maker, n s Water n Wisner, h s s First 1st h W of Main

Carr Stephen, laborer, h w s Hatch 6th h S of Washington av

Carrier Joseph, carpenter, h e s Lake 2d door S of Clinton

Carrigan James, laborer, h w s Canal 3d h N of Fifth

Carroll Joseph, cutter, h e s Conongue 3d h N of Cross

Carroll William, tailor, w s Lake next Haight?s hotel, bds Haight?s hotel

Carter Alvah S. printer, bds w s Baldwin c Gray

Carter Eilhu, printer, bds w s Baldwin c Gray

Carter Levi (col?d), h e s Baldwin c Fifth

Carter Sarah, wid E. P. h n s Gray 2d h W of Mill

Cass John (Dunn & Cass), dry goods, e s Lake c Water, h n s Water 5th h W of Columbus

Casson Martin, laborer, h w s Sullivan 2d h S of Clinton

Casterline James, carpenter, h e s Mill n Third

Catchpole Rachel, wid William, washing &c. w s Wisner c Gray

Catchpole William, gardener, h w s Wisner c Gray

Cavanagh John W. clerk, 22 Water, bds n s Gray n Main

Chapin Freeman, edge tools, h s s S Water n R R

Chapman George M. hotel, 70 Water

Chapman James, machinist, h n s Henry n R R

Chapman Joseph W. clerk, h n s Elm n S Lake

Chapman Marcia L. h w s Lake 3d door N of Third

Charf Edward, butcher, h s s E Third 4th h E of High

Chase Walter B. ambrotypist, h w s Conongue bet Church & Second

Chemung Canal Bank, n s Water n Lake

Chemung saloon, 31 Water

Cherry E. grocer, w s Baldwin opp Carroll

Cherry John, laborer, h s s Henry n R R

Christian John, shoemaker, bds Buckbee?s hotel

Chubbuck H. S. physician, h e s Baldwin 4th door S of Church

Church Thomas W. clerk, Brainard house

Churchill Thomas W. machinist, h s s First 1st door E of Mill

Churchill William, painter, s s Franklin n S Lake

Clark Charles W. (Clark & Howes), grocer, s s Water, 3d door E of Lake, h n s Cross

c Dewitt

Clark G. whip & glove maker, w s Wisner 2d door N of Church

Clark George B. h w s Conongue 4th h E of Second

Clark John, h n s Fourth c Wisner

Clark John, laborer, h w s Washington c John

Clark Mrs. J. C. bds Haight?s hotel

Clark Sanford, mason, h e s Sullivan 1st h S of Clinton

Clark Sylvanus M. carpenter & builder, n s Church n Wisner, h s s Church c Dewitt

Clark & Howes (Charles W. Clark & Ephraim W. Howes), grocers, s s Water 3d door E

of Lake

Clarke Allen S. (S. B. Hubbell & Co.), furniture, S Union block, Water, bds e s Baldwin

bet Cross & Church

Clarke Elias A. physician, h e s Main n Gray

Clary Patrick, laborer, h e s Hatch 2d h S of Washington

Classett John, piano maker, h w s Lake c Fifth

Clawson Ira, melodeon maker, bds Buckbee?s hotel

Cleeves Joshua, pattern maker, h n s Water n Mill

Cleveland J. H. carriage maker, h s s Cross 4th h E of Washington

Close R. H. (Rev.) (Pres.) h s s Partridge n S. Main

Coburn Francis G. clerk, Post Office, h e s High c John

Cochran Margaret, widow, h e s Mill 1st h N of Second

Coddington Warren R. carpenter, h s s Gray 2d h W of Columbia

Coffee James, laborer, h e s Spring n Water

Coffin ---- h n s Broadway n Mill

Coin Henry, h s s S Water n S Lake

Coke Levi, baker, h e s Main 3d door S of Gray

Colborn Asa, lumber merchant, h e s Baldwin 6th door N of Cross

Cole Andrew N. dentist, bds n s Cross c Harris

Cole Charles, R R, h n s Fourth 1st h E of Main

Cole Clinton, clerk, N Y & E R R, bds American hotel

Cole C. B. clerk, N Y & E R R, h n s Fourth c Magee

Cole James, boatbuilder, h e s High 2d h S of Jay

Cole Myron H. conductor, bds Haight?s hotel

Cole Platt, hardware &c, 14 Water, h w s Baldwin 4th h N of Gray

Coleman A. K. carpenter, h s s Water 2d h W of Grove

Coleman John, sash & blinds, h n s First c Mill

Coleman Joseph S. harnessmaker, h n s E Second n Washington

Coleman Philetus, carpenter, s s Water 4th h E of Grove

Collingwood Elizabeth, wid Francis, h s s John 2d h W of Conongue

Collingwood Emily R. teacher, Elmira Female College, h s s John 2d h W of Conongue

Collingwood Francis, watchmaker, h s s John 2d h W of Conongue

Colman John, agt sash and blind manuf, e s Wisner n Water, h n s First c Mill

Colp Orlando, boatman, h s s S Water n S Lake

Compton Norris, clerk, 5 Union block, h n s Gray n Elm

Comstock Heman N. lawyer, 11 Water h n s Gray 2d h E of Davis

COMSTOCK SAMUEL G. hats, caps &c., 2 Brainard block Water st, bds e s Baldwin

bet Cross & Church (see advertisement)

Conant J. E. auction & commission, 4 Lake, h s s Water n Elm

Concert hall, 9 Lake

Condel William H. farmer, h w s Lake 2d house S of Third

Congdon B. S. car inspector, h w s Wisner 3d h N of Sixth

Congregational church, Church c Main

Conkle Aaron, lawyer, h e s High c Cross

Conklin ---, widow, h e s Columbia 2d h S of Fifth

Conklin Walter W. axefinisher, h s s Hudson n R R

Conly Daniel, laborer, h n s Hudson n Fulton

Conly John, laborer, h s s Hudson n S Main

Conly John laborer, h s s S Water n Harman

Conly Timothy, laborer, h n s Hudson n Fulton

Connoly Patrick, laborer, h n s Clinton n W Union

Converse Maximilian M. teacher of music, h w s Lake 3d door S of Second

Cook Elisha H. (R. Watrous & Co.), hardware, 1 & 3 Water, bds s s Church

n Lake

Cook G. J. h s s Gray c Davis

Cook Salomon B. clerk, s s Water c R R bridge, h s s Water 3d door W of R R


Cook Sidney S. machinist, h n s First 4th h W of Mill

Cooley Jesse L. (Harris & Cooley), lumber, Gray on the canal, h s s Church c


Cooley Levi J. lumber, h e s Lake N of the canal

Copeland Mary E. teacher, Elmira Female College

Copley Lauren, street com. h e s S Main c S Water

Corbin A. lumber yard, h n s Cross c Washington

Corcoran I. J. clerk, E & C R R, bds w s Mill c Fifth

Corcoran Robert, freight office, bds w s Mill c Fifth

Cord Primus (col?d), laborer, h e s Dickinson 4th h N o Fourth

Cordan Thomas Laborer, h w s Canal n Washington av

Corey Augustus F. steward, Fem. Coll. h e s Mill 2d h S of Fifth

Corey Jane W. teacher, Elmira Female College

Corey W. F. acct., machine co, w s Wisner c Fifth

Cortright Joseph, butcher, w s Wisner 2d door N of Second, h s s Second 2d

h E of Mill

Corwin J. C. h w s Clinton 4th h W of Mill

Cotton George, later brushmaker, h w s S Lake n Bridge

Cotton J. H. h w s S Lake n Bridge

Cottrell Stephen H. carpenter, bds w s Mill c Fifth

Coulton Edward V. architect, 2 S Lake, h w s Lake 2d h S of Fifth

COUNTY CLERK?S office, e s Lake n Cross

COURT HOUSE, e s Lake n Cross

Courtwright Mark, axemaker, bds e s William 3d h N of Cross

Covell Almina, wid Miles, h n s Water 2d door W of Fox

Covell Edward (R. & E. Covell), drygoods, s Water, h w s William c E Second

Covell Henry C. clerk, Chemung Canal Bank, h n s Water 2d door W of Fox

Covell Jacob M. clerk, Chemung Canal Bank, h n s Water 2d door W of Fox

Covell James, clerk, S Water, bds e s Lake n Court house

Covell Lyman, n s Water 2d h W of Fox

Covell Matthew, clerk, 1 Water, bds n s Water c Fox

Covell Robert, h w s Mill 1st h N of Washington av

COVELL S. T. telegraph operator, N Y & E R R Depot, h Water

COVELL R. & E. (Robert jr. & Edward Covell), drygoods, 8 Water

Cowen T. C. patent rights, h n s Gray c Elm

Crane Abijah, mason, h s s First n Grove

Crane Ann, widow, h w s Lake 2d door N of Third

Crane Theodore W. lumber, s s Second 1st door E of Canal bridge, h w s Lake

Crane Thomas S. clerk, Brainard block w s Baldwin st, h w s Lake

Crawford Charlotte (col?d), h e s Perry c E Third

Cread James A. constable, h n s Cross c Harriet

Creegan Jeffrey, cooper, h e s Baldwin 3d door S of Clinton

Creelman Matthew, tailor, h e s Monroe 2d h S of Water

Crittenden Richard, blacksmith, h s s Church 1st door E of Mill

Croger George, laborer, h w s Baldwin n the canal

Cromwell Edward, baggage master, N Y & E R R, bds n s Third 1st door E of Main

Croney James, laborer, h w s High 3d h N of Church

Crooker R. refreshments, n s Water n Wisner, h same

Crow John, laborer, h s s Water, 2d h W of High

Crowell Grover, shoemaker, h n s Church 2d door W of Main

Crowl Abraham, blacksmith, h w s Washington 2d h N of Cross

Crummell Edward, baggage master N Y & E R R

Cuddihy Patrick, grocer, 2d h e Dewitt h 2d h E of Dewitt

Culp Harriet, h e s Fox 2d h N of Water

Culp James, blacksmith, h s s Cross 1st h E of Lake

Cummings James, mason, h n s First 2d door W of Wisner

Cunion John, trackman, W & E R R

Cunningham Porter, h e s Mill 3d h N of Fifth

Curly John, laborer, h e s S Lake n Mt Zoar

Currington Peter B. tanner, h n s Factory n wool factory

Curry Michael, laborer, h n s First 2d door W of Wisner

Curtin Dennis, laborer, h w s High opp Jay

Curtis James, fireman, E & C R R, bds Forest house

Curtiss Eliza (col?d), h e s Dickinson 2d h S of Clinton


Dabs Jacob, butcher, h s s Cross 1st h E of Dewitt

Daily Gazette, 28 Lake

Daily Republican, s s Water c Lake

Dale Phebe, dressmaker, h n s First 3d h W of Mill

Daly Catharine, wid Patrick, h n s Franklin n Pickaway

Daly Dennis, laborer, h e s Washington 2d h S of John

Daniels Everard, boatbuilder, h e s Washington 3d h S of E Second

Daniels William H. boatbuilder, h n s Church c Washington

Davenport Ephraim (Gridley & Davenport), stoves &c., 9 Water, h w s Baldwin 6th h S

of Second

Davis Alvin, painter, h s s Fourth 2d h E of Davis

Davis Cingesmar, clerk, 14 Lake, bds n s Water bet Davis & Columbia

Davis George, laborer, h n s Water n Arnott?s mill

Davis George L. lawyer & justice peace, 3 Water h e s William 2d h N of Church

Davis Henry A. clerk, h w s Hine n Mt Zoar

Davis Henry E. farmer, h s s Second n Davis

Davis James, teamster, h s s Second 1st h W of Mill

Davis John (Davis & McKindley), hardware, 14 & 16 Lake, h n s Church c Columbia

Davis John, shoemaker, h w s Washington c E Second

Davis Samuel, cutter, 36 Water, h e s E Union c Second

Davis William, h n s Church 4th h W of Columbia

Davis William, (col?d), laborer, h e s Baldwin 5th h N of Fourth

Davis William R. silverplate, h n s Church c Orchard

Davis & McKindley (John Davis & James W. McKindley), hardware &c., 14 & 16 Lake

Davison Sally C. wid Jeremiah, h w s Canal n Washington av

Davison Solomon, h s s S Water n S Lake

Davison Thomas, mason, h s s Water 3d h E of Grove

Day Ralph R. (Farrat & Day), agricultural warehouse, 7 Lake, bds n s Cross

Dean Nathan, boatman, h n s Cross 1st h S of Clinton

Decker David, h w s Mill c Clinton

Decker Peter, tavern, e s Wisner c Second

Decker Samuel, turner, h e s Mill bet Second & Third

Degroff David A. (T. Lewis & Co.), grocer, 21 Lake h s s Church c Dewitt

Delany Jane, dressmaker, h s s Water c Canal lock

Delavan house, w s Wisner c Clinton

Demarest George W. furnaceman, h w s Lake 3d h S of Fourth

De Mott John P. lawyer, 16 Water h w s Lake c Church

Dempsey Barthelomew, shoemaker, h s s Hudson n S Main

Dempsey Fenton, laborer, h n s Hudson n the river

Dempsey James, laborer, h e s Wisner 4th door S of Second

Demun Aaron L. traveling agent, bds Buckbee?s hotel

Densmore Joseph, painter, h n foot Cross s s

Denton S. B., R R, h w s Clinton 5th h W of Mill

Derby Reuben, grocer, n s Second c Baldwin, h s s E Union 1st h N of Second

De Voe Frederick A. (Fairman & Co.) publisher, 6 Lake h w s S Lake n S Water

Devoe John, blacksmith, n s S Ann d S Lake

Dewitt A. M. flour & feed, w s Baldwin opp Carroll

Dewitt James, dep. sheriff, Court house

Dewitt William H. clerk, n s Carroll 2d door E of Baldwin, h w s Dewitt 4th house s of


Dewitt William P. gunsmith, s s Water opp Chemung Canal Bank, h e s Conongue 2d

door N of Cross

Dexter Aaron, late mer, h w s Mill c Gray

DIBBLEE H F. agricultural depot, 100 Murray st, N. Y. (see advertisement)

Dickinson Henry B. harnessmaker, h w s Lake c Third

Dickinson Mrs. h w s Lake c Third

Dikeman Barnard, refreshments, w s Wisner opp depot

Dildine Lydia, widow h s s Hudson n S Lake

Dingleday William, upholsterer, bds American hotel

Dinin Thomas, machinist, h s s Cross 1st h E of Orchard

Diven Alexander S. (Diven, Hathaway & Woods), lawyer, 57 Water, h Willow brook

Horseheads road

Divine Christianna (col?d), h w s Lake 5th h S of Fifth

Dolan Michael, laborer, h w s Canal n Washington av

Donnell Archibald, carman, h s s Mt Zoar n Fulton

Donohoe Mrs. h e s Sullivan n Clinton

Dorr David, blacksmith, w s Fox c Cross, h e s Sullivan 5th h N of Second

Dounce William J. clerk, Brainard block w s Baldwin, h s s Church 2d h E of Davis

Downing Loughlin, mason, h e s Fulton n Mt Zoar

Doyle David T. tinsmith, h w s W Union 2d h N of Fifth

Doyle Henry, axegrinder, h s s Jay c Oak

Drake Andrew J. (A. J. Drake & Co.), carriage maker, s s Water 2d door E. of R R

bridge, h s s Church 1st h W of Elm

Drake Asa, chairmaker, h e s Lake opp Fourth

Drake Benjamin, teamster, h n s Church 7th h W of Columbia

Drake David, tinsmith, s s Water c Canal lock

Drake James H. car inspector, h w s Davis 1st h N of Willow

Drake Norman B. wagonmaker, h s s Church 1st W of Elm

Drake A. J. & Co. (Andrew J. Drake & Samuel Blavelt), carriagemakers, s s Water 2d

door E of R R bridge

Dubois Mary A. h w s Magee 1st door N of Third

Dudley William L. clerk, 10 Water bds n s Church c Lake

DUMARS ROBERT R. R. editor, 6 Lake h s s Church c Davis

Dumpsey Patrick, laborer h n s Hudson n the river

Dunlap A. B. (Rev.), h Elmira Female College

Dunlap M. A. W. v pres. Elmira Female College

Dunn C. W. real estate broker, Haight?s hotel, Lake c Cross

Dunn D. Thompson (Dunn & Cass), drygoods, e s Lake c Water

Dunn James, lawyer, h n s Cross c William

DUNN J. DAVIS, justice, 61 Water, h e s Conongue 4th h N Cross

Dunn Patrick, laborer, h e s Dewitt 2d h S of Cross

Dunn Thomas, late mer. h e s Dewitt 4th h S of Cross

Dunn & Cass (D. Thompson Dunn & John Cass), drygoods, e s Lake c Water

Dunn?s block, 51 to 61 Water

Durbon K. L. teacher, h s s Gray 2d house W of Davis

Durland Charles, clerk, 51 Water, bds n s Water n Main

Dusenberry Sylvanus B. h e s William 2d house S of Clinton

Dusenbury Lancastor, mail agent, h w s W Union 4th house N of Fourth

Dwyer George, druggist & grocer, 24 Lake, bds Haight?s hotel

Dyer Morgan (Dyer & Bratt), blacksmith, n s Water c Wisner, h n s S Water n S Main

DYER & BRATT (Morgan Dyer & John B. Bratt), blacksmiths, n s Water c Wisner

Dyke William (col?d), laborer, h w s Dickinson 3d house S of Fifth

Chemung County NY

Published On 3/04/2003
By Joyce M. Tice

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