Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts by Isabel Ridall
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Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts
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This photo from a stereoscopic view card loaned by Norma Jenkins dates to 1859.
This is from "A Ramble through the Southern Tier on the Route of the Erie Rail Road. No. 670" This one is "At Elmira. View on the Chemung, Looking up the River.
Published by E. Anthony, 501 Broadway, New York

Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts of Isabel Ridall

Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts 1838
From Marriages and Deaths Elmira Republican, Elmira Gazette, Elmira NY Abstracted by Isabell Rydel and retyped by Diane Bender

M Name Notice
1838 25-Aug M Ardensinger, John m on the 19th inst by J.W. Wisner, Esq, Mr. John Ardensinger to Miss Elizabeth Hugg, both of Elmira.
1838 20-Jan M Austin, Emerett T. m in Fairport on the 15th inst by Rev. O. Catlin, Mr. Elijah Backus, formerly of Montrose PA to Miss Emerett T. Austin of the former place.
1838 20-Jan M Backus, Elijah m in Fairport on the 15th inst by Rev. O. Catlin, Mr. Elijah Backus, formerly of Montrose PA to Miss Emerett T. Austin of the former place.
1838 14-Jul D Baldwin, Almira d in this village on the 14th inst at the house of Robert Covell, Almira Baldwin, aged 18 years.
1838 17-Feb D Baldwin, Mary d in this village on the 9th inst Mr. Mary Baldwin, dau of Mr. Morgan Baldwin, formerly of this town, aged about 15 yrs.
1838 1-Dec M Beckwith, Clarissa m in this town on Thurs the 20th ult by the Rev. Mr. Jackson, Mr. Ebenezer Mathews to Miss Clarissa Beckwith, dau of Richard Beckwith.
1838 17-Feb D Beckwith, Daniel d in Elmira on the 9th inst, Daniel Beckwith, son of Henry Beckwith, aged 29 yrs, 5 mos & 23 das.
1838 8-Sep M Beers, Eliza M. m on the 6th inst by the Rev. J. Dodge, Mr. Edwin C. Oliver of Troy, PA to Miss Eliza M. Beers of this village.
1838 23-Jun M Beidleman, Henry m in Chemung on the 14th inst by Mr. Griswold, Esq, Mr. Henry Beidleman to Miss Sally Ann Kent, both of that town.
1838 14-Apr d Bennett, Cynthia d in the town of Dix on Mon the 9th inst, Mrs. Cynthia Bennet, wife of Col. Green Bennet, after a lingering illness.
1838 6-Oct M Benson, Julia Ann m in this village on the 4th inst by the Rev. J.H. Wallace, Mr. W.R. Reynolds of Troy PA to Miss Julia Ann Benson of this village.
1838 20-Oct M Blackwell, E. m on the 3rd inst in Wells, Bradford Co. PA by the Rev. V. Mapes, Mr. E. Blackwell to Miss Mary Knapp, dau of W.R. Knapp.
1838 23-Jun M Booth, George W. T. m in this village on the 5th inst by Elder Jackson, Mr. George W. T. Booth to Miss A. S. Crandall.
1838 31-Mar M Bovier, Hilah m in Southport on the 22nd inst by Elder John Brown, Mr. Albert Tozer of Athens PA to Miss Hilah Bovier of the former place.
1838 26-May M Buck, Silas m in Veteran on the 16th inst by Elder Jackson, Mr. Silas Buck of Elmira to Miss Phebe Miles of Veteran.
1838 28-Apr M Bundy, Emma m on the 22d inst by James Robinson, Esq., Mr. James Glass to Miss Emma Bundy, all of this village.
1838 21-Jul M Camp, Abigail m at Owego on the 10th inst by the Rev. Marcus Ford of Newark, the Hon. Stephen Strong, First Judge of the County of Tioga, to Mrs. Abigail Camp, of the same place.
1838 20-Oct M Carpenter, William T. m on the 14th inst by the Rev. Simeon R. Jones, Mr. William T. Carpenter to Miss Caroline Wade, both of Fairport.
1838 24-Nov D Carr, Almira see Dumars, Almira (married name)
1838 3-Mar M Carr, Almira H. m in this village on Thurs evening last by the Rev. Mr. Woodworth, Mr. Joseph Dumas to Miss Almira H. Carr, all of this place.
1838 17-Feb M Churchill, Elizabeth m in Chemung on the 28th ult by S.G. Stage, Esq, Mr. John Stage 3d to Miss Elizabeth Churchill, all of the former town.
1838 25-Aug M Coats, Sarah m on the 21st inst by the J.W. Wisner, Esq, Mr. William H. Longhurst of Geneva to Miss Sarah Coats of this village.
1838 8-Dec M Conklin, P. E. m at Poughkeepsie by the Rev. H.C. Vogel on the 20th ult, P.E. Conklin, M.D. of Elmira, to Miss Sarah Slater of the former place.
1838 1-Sep D Cook, Eliza N. d in this village on the 25th inst, Eliza N., wife of Miles Cook, aged 32 years.
1838 15-Sep M Cooley, Chester m in Southport on Sun the 9th inst by Wm. McClure, Esq, Mr. Seth Cooley to Miss Hannah Livins, both of that town [see correction to "Chester" in 22 Sep notice]
1838 23-Jun M Crandall, A. S. m in this village on the 5th inst by Elder Jackson, Mr. George W. T. Booth to Miss A. S. Crandall.
1838 14-Apr M Dalrymple, Mary Ann m in Jackson, Tioga Co. PA on Thurs the 12th inst by the Rev. S.R. Jones, Mr. William S. Johnston to Miss Mary Ann Dalrymple, both of the above place.
1838 7-Apr M Decker, Julia m in Chemung on the 34d ins by the Rev. C. Greatsinger, Mr. Reuben Ovit of Reading, Stebuen Co. NY to Miss Julia Decker of the former place.
1838 24-Mar D D'Labar, Jacob d in Stroudsburg on the 27th ult after a protracted illness, which he bore with Christian resignation, Mr. Jacob D'Labar, a citizen of this place, in the 64th year of his age.
1838 24-Nov D Dumars, Almira d in this village on the 21st inst, Almira, wife of Mr. Joseph Dumars and dau of Wyatt Carr, Esq, in the 23rd year of her age.
1838 3-Mar M Dumas, Josph m in this village on Thurs evening last by the Rev. Mr. Woodworth, Mr. Joseph Dumas to Miss Almira H. Carr, all of this place.
1838 20-Oct M Elliott, Mary Ann A. m in this town on the 13th inst by the Rev. B. Shipman, agent of the G.W. Seminary, Mr. Harris R. Terwilliger to Miss Mary Ann A. Elliott, dau of J. Elliott, Esq.
1838 31-Mar M French, George W. m in Starkey on the 25th inst by the Rev. Mr. Davis, Mr. George W. French of Bradford Co. PA to Miss Lactitia Reeder of the former place.
1838 20-Jan M Fry, Mary m in Wellsburgh on the 26th ult by Rev. G. spalding, Mr. Claudius T. Thompson to Miss Mary Fry, eldest dau of Henry L. Fry, Esq, all of the same place.
1838 24-Mar M Gardner, C. Lewis m in Big Flatt on the 16th inst by Rev. Mr. Perry, Mr. C. Lewis Gardner to Miss Jane Reynolds.
1838 28-Apr M Glass, James m on the 22d inst by James Robinson, Esq., Mr. James Glass to Miss Emma Bundy, all of this village.
1838 21-Jul D Gray, John d in Havana, Chemung Co. on the 18th inst, of consumption, Mr. John Gray, aged 25 years.
1838 30-Jun M Greek, Margaret m on the 30th inst by J. W. Wisner, Esq, Mr. Elisha Lillie to Miss Margaret Greek[?], both of this village.
1838 30-Jun M Gulick, Eliza m in Romulus on Tues the 26th inst by Rev. Thomas Lounsbury, Mr. J.O. Morse, of this village, to Miss Eliza Gulick of Romulus.
1838 6-Oct M Hagerman, Lucinda m in Trinity Church in this village on the evening of the 2d instant by the Rev. Mr. Winslow, Jacob R. How to Miss Lucinda, eldest dau of John I. Hagerman, all of Auburn.
1838 15-Dec M Hall, William F. m in this town on the 13th inst by the Rev. Mr. Coats, Mr. William F. Hall of Fair Port to Miss Rachel Thompson of this town.
1838 20-Oct M Hammond, William m in Southport on Wed 10th inst by the Rev. G. Spalding, Mr. William Hammond to Miss Mary Ann Reed, both of Chemung.
1838 3-Nov M Harris, Mr. m on the 18th inst by the Rev. C. Greatsinger, Mr. Harris, Esq, to Miss Amy Inman, both of Chemung.
1838 21-Jul D Hoffman, Minerva d in this village on the 18th inst, Mrs. Minerva Hoffman, consort of J.S. Hoffman, aged 22 years.
1838 6-Oct M How, Jacob R. m in Trinity Church in this village on the evening of the 2d instant by the Rev. Mr. Winslow, Jacob R. How to Miss Lucinda, eldest dau of John I. Hagerman, all of Auburn.
1838 25-Aug M Hugg, Elizabeth m on the 19th inst by J.W. Wisner, Esq, Mr. John Ardensinger to Miss Elizabeth Hugg, both of Elmira.
1838 15-Dec M Hurlburt, George m in this town on the 13th inst by J.W. Wisner, Esq, Mr. George Hurlburt to Miss Nancy Strouse.
1838 3-Nov M Inman, Amy m on the 18th inst by the Rev. C. Greatsinger, Mr. Harris, Esq, to Miss Amy Inman, both of Chemung.
1838 7-Apr D Jenkins, Wilkes d in this town on Sunday night last, Wilkes Jenkins, aged about 71 years, one of the oldest inhabitants of this town.
1838 2-Jun M Jenkins, William m in Chemung on the 24th ult by Elder John Brown, Mr. William Jenkins to Miss Keziah Squire, dau of Daniel Squire.
1838 14-Apr M Johnston, William S. m in Jackson, Tioga Co. PA on Thurs the 12th inst by the Rev. S.R. Jones, Mr. William S. Johnston to Miss Mary Ann Dalrymple, both of the above place.
1838 23-Jun M Kent, Sally Ann m in Chemung on the 14th inst by Mr. Griswold, Esq, Mr. Henry Beidleman to Miss Sally Ann Kent, both of that town.
1838 20-Oct M Knapp, Mary m on the 3rd inst in Wells, Bradford Co. PA by the Rev. V. Mapes, Mr. E. Blackwell to Miss Mary Knapp, dau of W.R. Knapp.
1838 3-Mar M Knapp, William R. m in Charleston, Tioga co. PA on the 15th ult by the Rev. Mr. Dodge, Mr. William R. Knapp of Southport to Mrs. Irene Wilson of the former place.
1838 26-May M Lawrence, Jonathan S. m in Springfield, Cayuga Co. on the 22nd inst by the Rev. Mr. Lucas of Auburn, Mr. Jonathan S. Lawrence of Elmira, to Mary, dau of Samuel Richardson, Esq., of the former place.
1838 7-Apr D Lefler, Christopher FATAL ACCIDENT: Mr. Christopher Lefler of Seely Creek was killed on the 2d inst. He was thrown from his wagon, the wheels of which passed over his body, and caused his death in a few hours. His age was about 53.
1838 30-Jun M Lillie, Elisha m on the 30th inst by J. W. Wisner, Esq, Mr. Elisha Lillie to Miss Margaret Greek[?], both of this village.
1838 15-Sep M Livins, Hannah m in Southport on Sun the 9th inst by Wm. McClure, Esq, Mr. Seth Cooley to Miss Hannah Livins, both of that town [see correction to "Chester" in 22 Sep notice]
1838 25-Aug M Longhurst, William H. m on the 21st inst by the J.W. Wisner, Esq, Mr. William H. Longhurst of Geneva to Miss Sarah Coats of this village.
1838 24-Nov M Mason, Stevens T. m at New York on the 1st inst by the Rev. Dr. Phillips, his excellency Stevens T. Mason, governor of Michigan, to Miss Julia Elizabeth, dau of Thaddeus Phelps of New York.
1838 1-Dec M Mathews, Ebenezer m in this town on Thurs the 20th ult by the Rev. Mr. Jackson, Mr. Ebenezer Mathews to Miss Clarissa Beckwith, dau of Richard Beckwith.
1838 11-Aug D McNulty, Caroline E. d in Big Flatt on the 3rd inst, Caroline E. McNulty, dau of the late Andrew McNulty, Esq, aged about 12 years.
1838 17-Feb D McNulty, Judith d in Big Flatt on the 7th inst after a protracted illness, Mr. Judith McNulty, widow of the late Andrew McNulty, Esq, aged 46 years.
1838 26-May M Miles, Phebe m in Veteran on the 16th inst by Elder Jackson, Mr. Silas Buck of Elmira to Miss Phebe Miles of Veteran.
1838 25-Aug D Miller, Tracy d in this village on the 21st inst, Mrs. Tracy Miller, aged 73 years
1838 30-Jun M Morse, J. O. m in Romulus on Tues the 26th inst by Rev. Thomas Lounsbury, Mr. J.O. Morse, of this village, to Miss Eliza Gulick of Romulus.
1838 8-Sep M Oliver, Edwin C. m on the 6th inst by the Rev. J. Dodge, Mr. Edwin C. Oliver of Troy, PA to Miss Eliza M. Beers of this village.
1838 7-Apr M Ovit, Reuben m in Chemung on the 34d ins by the Rev. C. Greatsinger, Mr. Reuben Ovit of Reading, Stebuen Co. NY to Miss Julia Decker of the former place.
1838 30-Jun M Paine, Olive G. m in Ithaca on the 27th inst by the Rev. Samuel Parker, the Rev. Ethan Pratt of this village to Mrs. Olive G. Paine, relict of the late Rev. Elijah Paine of Mass.
1838 10-Nov D Partridge, Clarissa d in this town on the 31st ult, Clarissa Partridge, consort of Samuel Partridge, in the 42nd year of her age.
1838 6-Oct M Peterson, John B. m in this village on the 2d inst by the Rev. Mr. Robnson, Mr. John B. Peterson to Miss J. O. Willard, all of this place.
1838 24-Nov M Phelps, Julia Elizabeth m at New York on the 1st inst by the Rev. Dr. Phillips, his excellency Stevens T. Mason, governor of Michigan, to Miss Julia Elizabeth, dau of Thaddeus Phelps of New York.
1838 30-Jun M Pratt, Ethan m in Ithaca on the 27th inst by the Rev. Samuel Parker, the Rev. Ethan Pratt of this village to Mrs. Olive G. Paine, relict of the late Rev. Elijah Paine of Mass.
1838 20-Oct M Reed, Mary Ann m in Southport on Wed 10th inst by the Rev. G. Spalding, Mr. William Hammond to Miss Mary Ann Reed, both of Chemung.
1838 31-Mar M Reeder, Lactitia m in Starkey on the 25th inst by the Rev. Mr. Davis, Mr. George W. French of Bradford Co. PA to Miss Lactitia Reeder of the former place.
1838 24-Mar D Reeve, James d at Middle Island, Suffolk Co., NY of scarlet fever, James, son of James and Hannah Reeve, of this village, age 2 years.
1838 24-Mar M Reynolds, Jane m in Big Flatt on the 16th inst by Rev. Mr. Perry, Mr. C. Lewis Gardner to Miss Jane Reynolds.
1838 6-Oct M Reynolds, W. R. m in this village on the 4th inst by the Rev. J.H. Wallace, Mr. W.R. Reynolds of Troy PA to Miss Julia Ann Benson of this village.
1838 26-May M Richardson, Samuel m in Springfield, Cayuga Co. on the 22nd inst by the Rev. Mr. Lucas of Auburn, Mr. Jonathan S. Lawrence of Elmira, to Mary, dau of Samuel Richardson, Esq., of the former place.
1838 26-May D Riker, Susan d in this town on the 29th ult, Mrs. Susan Riker, consort of Abraham Riker, aged 39 years.
1838 26-May M Roberts, Abner m in Chemung on Thurs last by Elder John Brown, Mr. Abner Roberts to Miss Elizabeth Squire, all of that town.
1838 25-Aug M Robinson, Damon m in Plainfield on the 16th inst by Elder David Cutler, Elder Damon Robinson, Pastor of the Baptist Church in this village, to Miss Cornelia A. Walker, youngest dau of W.W. Walker.
1838 12-May M Scarborough, Daniel E. m in Newtown, Adams Co., IL on the 11th of April by the Rev. Mr. Cole, Mr. Daniel E. Scarborough, of Payson, Ill., to Miss Mary H. Strong, dau of Maj. Samuel Strong of Southport.
1838 8-Dec M Selover, Cornelia m on the 20th ult by the Rev. George Spalding of Southport, Mr. David Young of Romulus to Miss Cornelia Selover of Auburn.
1838 13-Oct D Shoemaker, Elizabeth d in Catlin on Wed evening last, Mrs. Elizabeth Shoemaker, wife of Capt. Samuel Shoemaker, aged 73 yrs, 4 mos, 27 das.
1838 8-Dec M Slater, Sarah m at Poughkeepsie by the Rev. H.C. Vogel on the 20th ult, P.E. Conklin, M.D. of Elmira, to Miss Sarah Slater of the former place.
1838 27-Jan M Smith, Huldah H. m in this town on the 18th inst by Rev. Mr. Catlin, Mr. Orr Smith to Miss Huldah H. Smith, both of Southport.
1838 27-Jan M Smith, Orr m in this town on the 18th inst by Rev. Mr. Catlin, Mr. Orr Smith to Miss Huldah H. Smith, both of Southport.
1838 21-Jul M Sparks, Adaline m in Versailles, KY, on the 2d inst by the Rev. Joseph C. Stiles, Mr. Joseph W. Williams of Vicksburg, Missouri, to Miss Adaline Sparks, formerly of Elmira.
1838 26-May M Squire, Elizabeth m in Chemung on Thurs last by Elder John Brown, Mr. Abner Roberts to Miss Elizabeth Squire, all of that town.
1838 2-Jun M Squire, Keziah m in Chemung on the 24th ult by Elder John Brown, Mr. William Jenkins to Miss Keziah Squire, dau of Daniel Squire.
1838 17-Feb M Stage, John m in Chemung on the 28th ult by S.G. Stage, Esq, Mr. John Stage 3d to Miss Elizabeth Churchill, all of the former town.
1838 12-May M Strong, Mary H. m in Newtown, Adams Co., IL on the 11th of April by the Rev. Mr. Cole, Mr. Daniel E. Scarborough, of Payson, Ill., to Miss Mary H. Strong, dau of Maj. Samuel Strong of Southport.
1838 21-Jul M Strong, Stephen m at Owego on the 10th inst by the Rev. Marcus Ford of Newark, the Hon. Stephen Strong, First Judge of the County of Tioga, to Mrs. Abigail Camp, of the same place.
1838 15-Dec M Strouse, Nancy m in this town on the 13th inst by J.W. Wisner, Esq, Mr. George Hurlburt to Miss Nancy Strouse.
1838 20-Oct M Terwilliger, Harris R. m in this town on the 13th inst by the Rev. B. Shipman, agent of the G.W. Seminary, Mr. Harris R. Terwilliger to Miss Mary Ann A. Elliott, dau of J. Elliott, Esq.
1838 20-Jan M Thompson, Claudius T. m in Wellsburgh on the 26th ult by Rev. G. spalding, Mr. Claudius T. Thompson to Miss Mary Fry, eldest dau of Henry L. Fry, Esq, all of the same place.
1838 15-Dec M Thompson, Rachel m in this town on the 13th inst by the Rev. Mr. Coats, Mr. William F. Hall of Fair Port to Miss Rachel Thompson of this town.
1838 22-Dec D Towner, Daniel Akin d in this village on the 18th inst, Daniel Akin, infant son of Daniel & Maria Towner.
1838 31-Mar M Tozer, Albert m in Southport on the 22nd inst by Elder John Brown, Mr. Albert Tozer of Athens PA to Miss Hilah Bovier of the former place.
1838 20-Oct M Wade, Caroline m on the 14th inst by the Rev. Simeon R. Jones, Mr. William T. Carpenter to Miss Caroline Wade, both of Fairport.
1838 10-Mar D Waeir, John d in Southport on Wed last, Mr. John Waeir, Sen., one of the first settlers of this county, aged about 75 years.
1838 25-Aug M Walker, Cornelia A. m in Plainfield on the 16th inst by Elder David Cutler, Elder Damon Robinson, Pastor of the Baptist Church in this village, to Miss Cornelia A. Walker, youngest dau of W.W. Walker.
1838 21-Jul D Wells, Keturah d in Wellsburg on the 5th inst, Mrs. Keturah Wells, relict of the late Capt. Abner Wells, aged 75 years.
1838 6-Oct M Willard, J. O. m in this village on the 2d inst by the Rev. Mr. Robnson, Mr. John B. Peterson to Miss J. O. Willard, all of this place.
1838 21-Jul M Williams, Joseph W. m in Versailles, KY, on the 2d inst by the Rev. Joseph C. Stiles, Mr. Joseph W. Williams of Vicksburg, Missouri, to Miss Adaline Sparks, formerly of Elmira.
1838 3-Mar M Wilson, Irene m in Charleston, Tioga co. PA on the 15th ult by the Rev. Mr. Dodge, Mr. William R. Knapp of Southport to Mrs. Irene Wilson of the former place.
1838 8-Dec M Young, David m on the 20th ult by the Rev. George Spalding of Southport, Mr. David Young of Romulus to Miss Cornelia Selover of Auburn.

Published On Site 1/23/99
By Joyce M. Tice