Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts by Isabel Ridall
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At left - An Elmira Street Scene from 
Joyce's Postcard Collection
Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts of Isabel Ridall
Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts Elmira Daily Advertiser 1855/56 From Marriages and Deaths Elmira Republican, Elmira Gazette, Elmira NY Abstracted by Isabell Rydel and retyped by Ruth Bryan

Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 27-Nov A MISER'S EPITAPH: "At rest beneath the Church-yard stone, Lies stingy Jimmy Wyatt; He died one morning just at ten, And saved a dinner by it."
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 26-Jul Althouse, Mr. M in this village on the 23d inst., by the Rev. H. Hickok, Mr. Althouse of Wilmington, Ill., to Miss Maria V. Shaw, of Mansfield, Penn.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 05-Jul Ashdown, Caroline M by the Rev. C.C. Carr on the 3d inst., Mr. John W. Dankam (?) of Caton and Miss Caroline Ashdown of Southport.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 24-Oct Atman, Walter B. M on Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 23d, by the same (Rev. Thos. K. Beecher), Walter B. Atman and Marcia V. Manley.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 24-Oct Baldwin, Elisha G. M at the residence of C.G. Fairman, on the morning of the 23d inst., by the Rev. Thos. K. Beecher, Mr. Elisha G. Baldwin of Elmira, to Miss Elizabeth Curtis of Albion, N.Y.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 15-Nov Bechtol, Rachel M in Caton, Steuben County, on the 14th inst., by Rev. H. Hickok, Mr. G. W. Trout of Elmira, to Miss Rachel Bechtol, of Caton.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 29-Jun Benn, Benjamin F. M at the Water Cure on Wednesday afternoon, 27th inst., by Rev. Thos. K. Beecher, Benjamin F. Benn and Emma C. Freeman.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 11-Sep Booth, Jr., Edwin D in Elmira on the 31st ult., Edwin, Jr., infant son of Edwin and Sarah J. Booth, aged 7 months and 3 days.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1856 31-Jan Buley, Joseph M. M in this village on the 30th inst., by Rev. D.D. Buck, Mr. Joseph M. Buley, to Miss Sarah A. McWhorter, all of this place.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 23-Oct Carter, Elihu P. D in Southport on the 22d inst., Elihu P. Carter, in the 35th year of his age.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 21-Dec Chapman, Horace Teal D on the 18th inst., Horace Teal, oldest son of J.W. & Susan A. Chapman, aged 9 years.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1856 29-Jan Chase, Emily P. D in this town on Saturday evening, the 26th inst., Mrs. Emily P., wife of Rufus P. Chase, aged 51 years. Funeral service at her husband's residence on Conongue this afternoon at 2 o'clock, where friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1856 02-Feb Chubb, Jane D at the residence of N.L. Higgins, corner Cross & Dewitt Sts., in this village, yesterday morning, of Consumption, Miss Jane Chubb. The funeral services of the deceased will be held at the above mentioned residence, at 3 o'clock.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 27-Jul Coffin, Robert B. M on the 25th inst., by the Rev. A. Hull, at the residence of the late Enos S. Mandeville, Mr. Robert B. Coffin to Miss Abigail T. Mandeville, both of Elmira.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 08-Jun Cole, Platt ADVERTISEMENT: Platt Cole, Cash dealer in all kinds of Staple and Fancy Hardware. No. 14 Water St., Elmira, N.Y. (Cutlery, agricultural instruments…)
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1856 10-Jan Coleman, Henry O. M in Elmira, January 9th, by the Rev. A.E. Chubbuck, Mr. Henry O. Coleman, of Belona, Yates Co., to Miss Laura Miles, of Elmira.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 13-Jul Coulton, Sarah D in this village on Tuesday evening, the 10th inst., Mrs. Sarah Coulton, wife of E.Y. Coulton, Esq., aged about 56 years.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1856 12-Feb Covell, A.C. M at Elmira, February 10, by Rev. Wm. Bement, Mr. John Ransom, of Williamsport, Pa., to Mrs. A.C. Covell, of Elmira.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 27-Dec Covell, Lizzie D in this village on the 25th inst., Lizzie, daughter of Robert Covell, Jr., aged two years. The funeral will be attended at the family residence at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 24-Oct Curtis, Elizabeth M at the residence of C.G. Fairman, on the morning of the 23d inst., by the Rev. Thos. K. Beecher, Mr. Elisha G. Baldwin of Elmira, to Miss Elizabeth Curtis of Albion, N.Y.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 05-Jul Dankam (?), John W. M by the Rev. C.C. Carr on the 3d inst., Mr. John W. Dankam (?) of Caton and Miss Caroline Ashdown of Southport.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 13-Sep Davis, Charles W. D in this village, Wednesday morning, Charles W., son of John and Almira Davis, aged 10 months. Funeral will be held to day at 2 P.M.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 05-Jul Davis, Henriette M on the 3d inst., by the Rev. Thos. K. Beecher, William C. Tompkins of Orange Co., and Henriette Davis.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 06-Nov Davis, Maria D in Elmira on the 4th inst., Mrs. Maria Davis, in the 56th year of her age. The funeral will take place at 10 o'clock this morning at her late residence in 2nd street. Papers in Orange County please copy.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 06-Sep Deland, Julia M at Waverly, on the evening of the 4th, and on the morning of the 5th inst., by J.M. Peebles and Thos. K. Beecher, Thomas C. Deland and Harriet S. Matthewson at the time and by the minister first named; also Geo. C. Walker and Julia Deland at the time and by the minister last named above.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 06-Sep Deland, Thomas C. M at Waverly, on the evening of the 4th, and on the morning of the 5th inst., by J.M. Peebles and Thos. K. Beecher, Thomas C. Deland and Harriet S. Matthewson at the time and by the minister first named; also Geo. C. Walker and Julia Deland at the time and by the minister last named above.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 15-Jun Drake, F.F. M on the 14th inst., by Rev. D.D. Buck, Mr. F.F. Drake and Miss Angeline Gould, all of this village.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 09-Aug Drake, William M in this village on the 7th inst., by Thos. E. Beecher, William Drake and Mary E. Smith.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 12-Sep Dunn, Thompson M at Burdett, Schuyler Co., on Tuesday morning by the Rev. Mr. Fellows, Thompson Dunn, Esq., of the firm of Dunn & Cass, Elmira, to Miss Mary E. Tuthill, daughter of C.C. Tuthill, Esq., of the former place. (To the happy couple our best wishes for their future well being and prosperity..."Two souls with but a single thought, Two souls that beat as one.")
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 07-Jul Edwards, Daniel W. M in this village on the 3rd inst., by the Rev. Dr. Murdock, Daniel W. Edwards, Esq., of New York, to Miss Augusta Gregory, of this place.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 05-Jul Emhoff, M.J. M by the Rev. C.C. Carr, on the 2d inst., Mr. M.J. Emhoff and Miss Susan Reel (?), both of Elmira.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 03-Oct Fairman, Mary Eliza D in this village on Tuesday, October 2d, Mrs. Mary Eliza Fairman, wife of Mr. S.B. Fairman, in the 31st (?) year of her age. The funeral will take place at the family residence in the 2d Ward at 4 o'clock to-morrow.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 27-Aug Fitch, Lucina D in this village, July 13 of stone cancer, at the residence of her son, M.P. Fitch, Mrs. Lucina Fitch, relict of the late Ezra Fitch, aged 71 years.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 15-Jun Frange (?), J M at Westfield, N.Y., on Tues., June 12th by Rev. Charles E. Mussey, Mr. J. Frange (?), of Elmira, and Miss Mary M. Harrington, of the former place.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 29-Jun Freeman, Emma C. M at the Water Cure on Wednesday afternoon, 27th inst., by Rev. Thos. K. Beecher, Benjamin F. Benn and Emma C. Freeman.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 02-Jul Goodman, Calvin D in this village on the 30th inst. (ult. - June 30?) Mr. Calvin Goodman, age 25 years.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 15-Jun Gould, Angeline M on the 14th inst., by Rev. D.D. Buck, Mr. F.F. Drake and Miss Angeline Gould, all of this village.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 21-Jun Gregg, John H. M by the Rev. Dr. Murdock on the 20th inst., John H. Gregg, Esq., to Miss Eliza Jane Walling, both of this place. Well done John! "Better late than never. We wish yourself and lady "much joy", a thousand times and many more long years of the realms of connubial felicity."
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 07-Jul Gregory, Augusta M in this village on the 3rd inst., by the Rev. Dr. Murdock, Daniel W. Edwards, Esq., of New York, to Miss Augusta Gregory, of this place.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 20-Aug Hall, Carrie M on Monday evening, 20th inst., at the residence of Dr. D.A. Towner, by Rev. D. Murdock, Mr. James Haviland and Miss Carrie Hall, both of Cleveland.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 15-Jun Harrington, Mary M. M at Westfield, N.Y., on Tues., June 12th by Rev. Charles E. Mussey, Mr. J. Frange (?), of Elmira, and Miss Mary M. Harrington, of the former place.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 21-Jul Hart, Elizabeth M. D in this village on Friday morning, 20th inst., Elizabeth M., wife of Wm. E. Hart, age 32 years. Funeral from the house of Mr. Hart on Gray Street on Sunday at 3 o'clock P.M.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 20-Aug Haviland, James M on Monday evening, 20th inst., at the residence of Dr. D.A. Towner, by Rev. D. Murdock, Mr. James Haviland and Miss Carrie Hall, both of Cleveland.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 03-Jul Heggie, Elizabeth D on Sunday morning, 1st inst., Mrs. Elizabeth Heggie, wife of Archibald Heggie, Esq., of this village, of consumption, aged 50 years. The funeral will be attended at the residence of Mr. Heggie, corner Main & Cross Sts, this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 07-Dec Heller, Esther D in Elmira on the 10th inst., Esther, daughter of Michael Heller, aged 39 years. The funeral will be attended at the residence of Mr. Heller this forenoon at 11 o'clock.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 12-Jun Hoffman, William D in this town on Sunday afternoon, William, only son of John S. and Lydia Hoffman, aged 13 years. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral at his father's residence on this afternoon (Tuesday) at 3 o'clock. His remains will be brought to the village for interment.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 15-Jun Hudson, Harriet M. M in Jackson, Pa., on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Toby, Mr. Elber Kemp and Miss Harriet M. Hudson, all of Jackson.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1856 13-Feb Hudson, Serepta D in Jackson, Pa., Serepta Hudson, aged 6 years and 9 months.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 23-Nov Jadwin, Rachel D in this village on the 22d inst., Rachel, wife of Joseph Jadwin, in the 52d year of her life. The funeral of the deceased will take place at the residence of Joseph Jadwin this (Fri.) 23d inst., at two o'clock P.M. on Gray Street near the corner of Gray and Elm. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 16-Jun Jefferson, Huldah Miranda M by Rev. C.C. Carr, on the 15th inst., Mr Charles L. Tompkins of Horseheads, and Miss Huldah Miranda Jefferson of Port Jervis.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 15-Jun Kemp, Elber M in Jackson, Pa., on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Toby, Mr. Elber Kemp and Miss Harriet M. Hudson, all of Jackson.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 25-Aug Langdon, Ellen M. M by Thos. K. Beecher on Tuesday evening, August 21st, George W. Woodward and Ellen M. Langdon, daughter of LeDroit Langdon, Esq.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 27-Jul Mandeville, Abigail T. M on the 25th inst., by the Rev. A. Hull, at the residence of the late Enos S. Mandeville, Mr. Robert B. Coffin to Miss Abigail T. Mandeville, both of Elmira.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 24-Oct Manley, Marcia V. M on Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 23d, by the same (Rev. Thos. K. Beecher), Walter B. Atman and Marcia V. Manley.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 06-Sep Mathewson, Harriet S. M at Waverly, on the evening of the 4th, and on the morning of the 5th inst., by J.M. Peebles and Thos. K. Beecher, Thomas C. Deland and Harriet S. Matthewson at the time and by the minister first named; also Geo. C. Walker and Julia Deland at the time and by the minister last named above.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 01-Sep McNamee, John D at Haight's Hotel in this village, of Brain Fever, John McNamee, British Mail Agent, of Toronto, aged 31 years and six months.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1856 31-Jan McWhorter, Sarah A. M in this village on the 30th inst., by Rev. D.D. Buck, Mr. Joseph M. Buley, to Miss Sarah A. McWhorter, all of this place.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1856 10-Jan Miles, Laura M in Elmira, January 9th, by the Rev. A.E. Chubbuck, Mr. Henry O. Coleman, of Belona, Yates Co., to Miss Laura Miles, of Elmira.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 28-Nov Miller, Abraham D at Southport on Thursday morning, 22d inst., after a few months illness, Abraham Miller, aged 38 years, 9 months, and 27 days.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1856 08-Feb Myers, Ann E. D in this village, on the 7th inst., Mrs. Ann E. Myers, wife of Gilbert Myers, aged 24 years.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 12-Dec NEW YEAR'S BALL AT HORSEHEADS: A grand opening Ball is to transpire on New Year's night at the popular old stand in Horseheads, known as DeGroff's Hotel, under the auspices and in compliment to the new propriator, N. VanDusen. Canham's full Band will be there, and it will, without a doubt, be what is sometimes called a "rouser" as Van's friends are of themselves a legion.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 30-Jun Northrup, Mary C. D in this village about 7 o'clock, on Thursday evening, 28th inst., Mrs. Mary C., wife of Gen. E. Northrup, in the 21st year of her age. The friends and relatives of the deceased are invited to attend the funeral, which will take place this afternoon (Saturday) at 2 o'clock, from the family residence on Columbia Street.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 15-Sep Nye, Grove A. D at Unionville, Conn., Tuesday September 11th, Grove A. Nye, of Elmira, aged 31 years.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 21-Jul OBITUARY POETRY: "No real sorrow is displayed by the tacking of doggeral to funeral announcements. Such poetical grief is merely disgusting, although vulgar minds may regard it as "touching" and impressive. The grave is not the place for the display of extravagant nonsense, and those who indulge in the latter over the dead bodies of their relatives, are justly to be suspected of harboring more vanity than anguish." New York Ledger.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 20-Sep Parmenter, Edward L. M in Athens Township, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. R.L. Stilwell, Mr. Edward L. Parmenter of this village, to Miss Mary G. Wright, daughter of J.K. Wright, Esq.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 24-Jul PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: Morriage notices will hereafter be charged 25 cents. (Complier's comment: There are noticibly fewer notices after this date).
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1856 12-Feb Ransom, John M at Elmira, February 10, by Rev. Wm. Bement, Mr. John Ransom, of Williamsport, Pa., to Mrs. A.C. Covell, of Elmira.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 05-Jul Reel (?), Susan M by the Rev. C.C. Carr, on the 2d inst., Mr. M.J. Emhoff and Miss Susan Reel (?), both of Elmira.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 03-Aug Roberts, Delphine S. M in this village on Thursday evening, 2d inst., by Rev. C.C. Carr, Mr. Henry C. Thorne of Horseheads, to Miss Delphine S. Roberts of Elmira.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 16-Oct Roberts, Samuel D in this village, yesterday, Mr. Samuel Roberts, in the 77th year of his age.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 16-Oct Roosa, Robert D in this village on Sunday evening, 14th inst., Rev. Robert Roosa, aged 68 years. The funeral will take place at his late residence in Water Street at 9 o'clock P.M. to-day. A sermon will also be delivered at the Congregational Church by Rev. Dr. Murdock after the close of the service in the house. (Note by compiler: Gravestone in 2nd Street Cemetery names Rev. Egbert Roosa.)
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 26-Jul Shaw, Maria V. M in this village on the 23d inst., by the Rev. H. Hickok, Mr. Althouse of Wilmington, Ill., to Miss Maria V. Shaw, of Mansfield, Penn.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 18-Jul Sheardon, T.S. M on the 17th inst., by the Rev. C.N. Chandler at his residence, Rev. T.S. Sheardon of Southport, and Miss Lorine Soper of Covington, Pa.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 18-Jun Sly, Mary D in this village on the 10th inst., Miss Mary Sly, aged 51 years.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 09-Aug Smith, Mary E. M in this village on the 7th inst., by Thos. E. Beecher, William Drake and Mary E. Smith.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 18-Jul Soper, Lorine M on the 17th inst., by the Rev. C.N. Chandler at his residence, Rev. T.S. Sheardon of Southport, and Miss Lorine Soper of Covington, Pa.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 08-Nov Stagg, Anna D on the 6th inst., at 3 P.M., Anna, eldest daughter of William E. and Cornelia Stagg, aged 13 years.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 20-Sep Stagg, Cornelia D on Tuesday evening of Scarlet Fever, Cornelia, youngest child of William E. and Cornelia Stagg, aged three years and 4 months.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 27-Aug Sturgess, Hattie C. D on Friday morning, August 24th, Hattie C., daughter of W.R. and L.A. Sturgess, aged 4 mo's.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 03-Aug Thorne, Henry C. M in this village on Thursday evening, 2d inst., by Rev. C.C. Carr, Mr. Henry C. Thorne of Horseheads, to Miss Delphine S. Roberts of Elmira.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 16-Jun Tompkins, Charles L. M by Rev. C.C. Carr, on the 15th inst., Mr Charles L. Tompkins of Horseheads, and Miss Huldah Miranda Jefferson of Port Jervis.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 05-Jul Tompkins, William C. M on the 3d inst., by the Rev. Thos. K. Beecher, William C. Tompkis of Orange Co., and Henriette Davis.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 15-Nov Trout, G.W. M in Caton, Steuben County, on the 14th inst., by Rev. H. Hickok, Mr. G. W. Trout of Elmira, to Miss Rachel Bechtol, of Caton.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 17-Nov Tubbs, Nathan D on Friday morning, November 16th, Nathan Tubbs, in the 81st year of his age. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock from his late residence on Gray Street, between Baldwin street and the Canal.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 12-Sep Tuthill, Mary E. M at Burdett, Schuyler Co., on Tuesday morning by the Rev. Mr. Fellows, Thompson Dunn, Esq., of the firm of Dunn & Cass, Elmira, to Miss Mary E. Tuthill, daughter of C.C. Tuthill, Esq., of the former place. (To the happy couple our best wishes for their future well being and prospertiy..."Two souls with but a single thought, Two souls that beat as one.")
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 06-Sep Walker, George C. M at Waverly, on the evening of the 4th, and on the morning of the 5th inst., by J.M. Peebles and Thos. K. Beecher, Thomas C. Deland and Harriet S. Matthewson at the time and by the minister first named; also Geo. C. Walker and Julia Deland at the time and by the minister last named above.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 14-Jul Wallace, Susan Jane D in this village on the 6th inst., Miss Susan Jane Wallace, daughter of William & Ella Wallace, aged 19 years.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 21-Jun Walling, Eliza Jane M by the Rev. Dr. Murdock on the 20th inst., John H. Gregg, Esq., to Miss Eliza Jane Walling, both of this place. Well done John! "Better late than never. We wish yourself and lady "much joy", a thousand times and many more long years of the realms of
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 04-Dec WANTED: A few new planks in the side walk of the Plank Road Bridge, a number of the old ones having become altogether too holey for the well being and safety of grown people, and absolutely dangerous to children. Will the "Proper Authority" see that they are supplied.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 17-Jul Whiton, Julia F. D at the residence of her uncle, Benjamin Starbuck, Miss Julia F. Whiton, daughter of Milo J. Whiton of Burlington, Vt., in the eighteenth year of her age. Dansville papers please copy.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1856 10-Jan Wilcox, Leonard H. D "A public man gone - Leonard H. Wilcox (familiarly known as Len) died yesterday morning. (Had been employed at the Water Cure)"
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 25-Aug Woodward, George W. M by Thos. K. Beecher on Tuesday evening, August 21st, George W. Woodward and Ellen M. Langdon, daughter of LeDroit Langdon, Esq.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 29-Nov Woodward, Harriet D at Big Flats, on the 23d inst., Harriet, wife of William Woodward, M.D., and daughter of John King of Elmira.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 06-Sep Wooster, Geo. B. D at the residence of George Steele in this village, on the 4th inst., Geo. B. Wooster, twin son of B.W. and Catharine Wooster, of the city of Albany, aged 21 months. The funeral will take place at the home of Mr. Steele at 11 o'clock this forenoon.
Elmira Daily Advertizer 1855 20-Sep Wright, Mary G. M in Athens Township, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. R.L. Stilwell, Mr. Edward L. Parmenter of this village, to Miss Mary G. Wright, daughter of J.K. Wright, Esq.
(END OF MICROFILM REEL: June 4, 1855-Feb. 16, 1856)

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 02/19/2001
By Joyce M. Tice