Elmira, Chemung County, NY
Chemung County NY
Names Changes of Streets
in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY
(no dates given)

by Joyce M. Tice

Photo from collection of Frank Patterson

Top chart compiled by Ruth WOLFE Fleming
Lower chart compiled by Sharron BRONSON Vossoughi

Abbott St. was Elm St.
Ann St. to Maple Ave.(Penn. Ave.-Sly St.
Birch St. was Cusick Pl.
Badger Brook Dr. to Jacob Rohde Dr.
Bloomer Ave.. was Broadway
Basin St. to Exchange Pl.
Boardman St. was South Elm St.
Benton St. to Grand Central Ave.
Brand St. was James St.
Billings St. to Sunset Dr.
Broadway was Bulkhead Rd., South Broadway
Broad St. to S. Main St.
Canton St. was Smith St.
Broadway to Bloomer Ave.
Chemung Pl. was South Water St.
Bulkhead Rd. to Broadway
Chester St. was Magnolia St., Flood St.
Carr St. to Hillcrest Rd.
Church St. was Second St.
Center St. to Collin St.
Cieri St. was Cotton St.
City Line Ave. to Park Ave.
Clemons Center Pkwy was State St.
Clinton Pl. to Gradwell Pl.
Collin St. was Center St.
Conklin St.(Copley-City Line) to Gordon Circle
College Ave. was Mill St., West St.
Cononque St. to Madison Ave.
Connelly Ave. was South Walnut St.
Cotton St. to Cieri St.
Cresent Ave. was Cresent St.
Cresent Ave. to Edgewood Ave.
Crete Ave. was Reformatory Ave.
Cresent St. to Cresent Ave.
Davis St. was Washington St.
Cross St. to Market St.
Delaware Ave. was Giltanann St.
Cusick Pl. to Birch St.
Dewitt Ave.(E. Water-E. Market) was Ewart St.; Jackson St.
David St. to Pomeroy St.
Dininny Pl. was Morgan St.
Day St. to Linden Pl.
East Ave.. was Factory St.
Depot St. to W. Third St.(N. Main-Railroad Ave.)
Edgewood Ave.. was Cresent Ave.
East St. to Railroad Ave.
Elm St. was West St.
East Oak St. to German St.
Euclid Ave.. was Euclid Pl.
East Union St. to Union Pl., Lake St.(E. Clinton-City Line)
Exchange Pl. was Basin St.
Elm St. to Abbott St.
Fairway Ave. was Way St.
Euclid Pl. to Euclid Ave..
Falck St. was Lake Ave., Lake Terrace
Ewart St. to Dewitt Ave.(E. Water-E. Market St.)
Fassett Rd. was W. Fifth St.(Hoffman-City Line)
Factory St. to East Ave.
Front St. was Park St.
Fifth St., W.(Hoffman-City Line) to Fassett Rd.
Garden Rd. was W. Fourth St.
First Ave.. to George St.
George St. was First Ave.
First St. to Gray St.
German St. was East Oak St.
Fitch's Park St. to Welles St.
Gordon Circle was Conklin St.(Copley St.-City Line)
Flood St. to Chester St.
Gradwell Pl. was Clinton Pl.
Fourth St., W. to Garden Rd.
Grand Central Ave. was Benton St.
Gail Dr. to Lena Pl.
Gray St. was First St.
Giltanann St. to Delaware Ave.
Guinnip Ave. was Randall Ave.
Gardiner Ave. to S. Walnut St.
Harmon St. was Harmony St.
Gardiners St. to S. Walnut St.
Hillcrest Rd. was Carr St.
Harmony St. to Harmon St.
Howard St. was South St.
Heller Rd. to Lena Pl.
Jacob Rohde Dr. was Badger Brook Dr.
Hine St. to West Ave.
Johnson St. was McDonald St.
Holdridge Pl. to Mackey Pl.
Ind. Park Blvd.(Sullivan St.-Newtown Creek) was Prechtel St.
Howard St. to Taylor St.
Juanita St. was Vine St.
Jackson St. to Dewitt Ave.(Water-Market)
Lackawanna Ave. was Maxwell Ave.
Jacob St. to South Ave.
LaFrance St., W. was South Second St.
James St. to Brand St.
Lake St.(E. Clinton-City Line was East Union St.
Jones St. to Liberty St.
Lena Pl. was Gail Dr., Heller Rd.
Josephine St. to Winsor Ave.
Liberty St. was Jones St.
Lake Ave. to Falck St.
Linden Pl. was Day St.
Lake St. to Pennsylvania Ave.(Hudson St.-River)
Luce St.(Maple-Spaulding) was Lemon St.
Lake Terrace to Falck St.
Mackey Pl. was Holdridge Pl.
Lemon St.(Maple-Spaulding) to Luce St.
Madison Ave. was Cononque St.
Magnolia St. to Chester St.
Main St., S. was Broad St., Miller St.
Maiden Lane to W. Market St.
Maple Ave..(Penn. Ave. -Sly St.) was Ann St.
Maxwell Ave. to Lackawanna Ave.
Market St. was Cross St.
McDonald St. to Johnson St.
Market St., W. was Maiden Lane
Mill St. to College Ave.
Michigan Ave. was North Canal St.
Miller St. to S. Main St.
Miller St. was Railroad St.
Moore St. to Parkside Dr.
Ogden Ave. was Teniente St.
Morgan St. to Dininny Pl.
Park Pl. was West Union St.
New St. to Westside Ave.
Park Ave. was City Line Ave.
North Canal St. to Michigan Ave.
Parkside Dr. was Moore St.
North St. to Roe Ave.
Partridge St.(Fulton St.-City Line) was South Elm St.
Orange St. to Pulaski St.
Pennsylvania Ave.(Hudson St.-Bulkhead) was Plank Rd.
Orchard Pl. to Sylvester Pl.
Pennsylvania Ave.(Hudson St.-River) was Lake St.
Park St. to Front St.
Pomeroy St. was Davis St.
Patterson St. to E. Third St.
Pulaski St. was Orange St.
Plank Rd. to Penna. Ave.(South Ave.-Bulkhead)
Railroad Ave. was East St.
Prechtel St. to Ind. Park Blvd.(Sullivan St.-Newtown Creek)
Roe Ave. was North St.
Railroad Ave. to Wisner St.
Seneca Pl. was South Division St.
Randall Ave. to Guinnip Ave.
South Ave. was Jacob St.
Reformatory Ave. to Crete Ave.
Sunset Dr. was Billings St.
Reformatory St. to W. Thurston St.
Sylvester Pl. was Orchard Pl.
River St. to Water St.
Taylor St. was Howard St.
Second St. to Church St.
Third St., E. was Patterson St.
Smith St. to Canton St.
Third St., W.(N. Main-Railroad Ave.) was Depot St.
South Broadway to Broadway
Thurston St., W. was Reformatory St.
South Division St. to Seneca Pl.
Union Pl. was East Union St.
South Elm St. to Boardman St.; Partridge St.(Fulton St.-City Line)
Walnut St., S. was Gardiner Ave., Gardiner St.
South Second St. to W. LaFrance St.
Water St. was River St.
South St. to Howard St.
Welles St. was Fitch's Park St.
South Walnut St. to Connelly Ave.
West Ave. was Hine St.
South Water St. to Chemung Pl.
Westside Ave. was New St.
State St. to Clemons Center Pkwy.
Winsor Ave. was Josephine St.
Teniente St. to Ogden Ave.
Wisner St. was Railroad Ave.
Vine St. to Juanita St.

Washington St. to Davis St.

Way St. to Fairway Ave.

West St. to College Ave.; Elm St.

West Union St. to Park Pl.

Published On Site On 9/26/99
By Joyce M. Tice

Sharron Bronson Vossoughi Modesto, CA Rsvossoughi@worldnet.att.net submitted this
Canal North Became Michigan Avenue
Clinton Place Became Gradwell Place
Elm St Became Abbot Street
Elm St Became Boardman St.
Elm South Became Partridge St.
Davis Place Became Pomroy Place
Giltanin Became Delaware Ave.
Lake St. South Became Falck St.
Maxwell Became Lackawanna
North St. Became Roe Ave. between College & RR
Oak St. Became German St.
Park St. Became Front St.
Reformatory Ave  Became Thurston St.
Second South Became LaFrance
Walnut South Became Connelly Ave.
Water South Became Chemung Place
Jones St. Became Liberty St.
Josephine  Became Foster Avenue & West Avenue
Plank Road Became Pennsylvania Ave.
Hine Became West Ave.
Broadway Became Bloomer
Benton Became Central

Published On Site 12/27/98
By Joyce M. Tice