Directories of Chemung County, New York
Chemung County NY
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1872 Directory Table of Contents
FOR 1872.

Westbrook William, stonemason, h 60 S Main

WESTCOT ARTHUR, pianos, &c., Baldwin ab Market,h do


Westlake Arthur M., salesman 209 Water, bds 27 Columbia

Westlake Ellis, J.,clerk Hathaway House

Westlake Henry S., (Strock & Westlake) Hathaway House

Westley Charles H., barber, 188 Water, bds do

Wetherell James, mason, h 11 Orchard

Wetherell William H., mason, h 17 Clinton

WEY WILLIAM C., physician 68 Water, h do

Weyer J Philip, (Weyer & Walzer) h 55 William

Weyer & Walzer (J P Weyer and Peter N Walzer) brick makers, Sullivan cor Pattinson

Whalen Patrick, laborer, bds 105 Railroad av

Wheeler A. Monroe, law student 149 Water, bds 12 Main

WHEELER EDWARD R., president Elmira Slate Company 12 Baldwin, h 221 Church

Wheeler Eli, pig iron dealer, h 45 William

Wheeler Maria T. Mrs., nursing syrup, &c., h 185 Church

WHEELER ORRIN H., book and job printer and flour sack manufacturer 26 Carroll, h 241 Church

Wheeler William, laborer, h 112 Baldwin

Whipfler George, segarmaker, h 107 Church

Whitcomb Cyrus , shoemaker, bds Pattison House

White Calvin S., foreman, h 94 Church

White Charles W., iron worker, h 27 Davis

White Charles W., watchmaker 99 Water, h 119 Church

White Cyrus W., wool dryer, h 4 Jay

White H G., brakeman, h 20 First

WHITE JEROME B., lawyer 4 Opera Block, bds 190 Water

White John, laborer, h Washington av cor Railroad

White Mary, domestic Hathaway House

White Mary E., widow William, h 30 E Second

White Merritt P., book-keeper 11 Railroad av, h 61 Gray

White Peter, porter, bds 25 Dickinson

White Spencer H. (White & Barron) h 56 Washington av

White & Barron, (S H White and J H Barron) boots and shoes 3 Third

Whiting Sarah F. Mrs., h 40 Baldwin

Whitley John H., (Whitley & Denton) h 6 Baldwin

WHITLEY & DENTON, (John H Whitley and Morris B. Denton) photographers, 10 and 12 Baldwin

Whitlock George, drug clerk 157 Water, bd Water cor Sullivan

Whitman Albert G., engineer, h 13 Penna av

Whitmore George,clerk 132 Water, bds 92 Market

Whitston Thomas, laborer, h 7 Standish

Whitney George G., carpenter, h 11 Gregg

Whitney G. W., shoemaker, bds 202 Water

Whitney John J., carpenter, h 11 Gregg

Whitney Samuel A., shoemaker, John n Harriet

Whiton George L., postal clerk, h First c Elm

Wickham Kate, domestic Hathaway House

Wickhan Thomas, carpenter, h Broadway ab Fulton

Whitson Charles, book-keeper, bds Pennsylvania House

Weiner Felix, barber 85 Railroad av, h John n Orchard

Wilber William E., clerk 21 Lake, h 19 Lake

Wilbur Sybil, widow John R.,bds Penna av n City limits

Wilcox Debby J., dressmaker, bds William c E Third

Wilcox Enos, carpenter, bds 74 Gray

Wilcox Fred, shoemaker, h Main c Water

Wilcox George, painter, h 105 Church

Wilcox John, cooper, h 68 Main

Wilcox John C., shoemaker, h 3 Penna av

Wilcox Robert B., train dispatcher E R R Pass depot, bds 30 Park Place

Wilcox________, carpenter, bds 78 John

Wilds Abram R., cutter 21 Lake, bds Elmira House

Wilkey James A.,policeman, h 23 Market

Wilkin Moses B., carpenter, h Davis c Roe av

William Henry, laborer, 98 Baldwin

William Sarah, domestic Baldwin cor Clinton

Williams Benjamin, puddler, h Market ab Sixth

Williams Charles, shoemaker, h 236 Church

Williams Charles H., shoemaker, bds 364 Water

Williams Daniel F., shoemaker, h 61 Second

Williams Devere W., clerk 38 Lake, bds 15 William

Williams Emery, shoemaker, bds 61 Second

Williams George, barber, h 126 Baldwin

Williams Grant, clerk 110 Water, h 23 Conongue

Williams James, puddler, h Stowell n Washington av

Williams James W., clerk, h 364 Water

Williams John, laborer, bds 31 Dickinson

Williams John, laborer, h E Third c Conongue

Williams John, puddler, bds 36 Hatch

Williams John, teamster, h 114 Lake

Williams John D., book-keeper Elmira Rolling Mill, h 111 Lake

Williams John H., laborer, h 73 Washington

Williams Levi, office boy, Rathbun House

Williams Llewellyn, puddler, h Fifth ab Davis

Williams Nathan, laborer, h Sullivan n Washington av

Williams Richard, carriage painter, 253 Water, h 77 First

Williams Rodney P., printer Advertiser, h 21 Market

Williams Samuel, gardener, h Washington av n Oak

Williams Samuel, laborer, h Dickinson ab Fifth

Williams Sophia, domestic 221 Main

Williams Susan, saleslady 163 Water, bds Sullivan n Harper

Williams Thomas, spinner, h 5 Clinton

Williams William, student, bds 364 Water

Willihan Mary, domestic 65 Lake

Willis Charles A., trunks &c., 5 Baldwin, h 68 College av

Wilmot Thomas, heater, h Washington av n Stowell

Wills Henry B., carpenter, bds Canal bel Washington av

Willsey Andrew, laborer, bds Sullivan n Creek

Willsey Judson, laborer, h Sullivan n Creek

Wilsey W Kelsey, painter, bds 68 Baldwin

Wilson Delarane, carpenter, h 10 Orchard

Wilson Emily Y., teacher, bds 35 S Water

Wilson George, hostler, 336 Water

Wilson Harriet B., teacher, bds 35 S Water

Wilson Humphrey, carpenter, h 38 Penna av

Wilson J D., (Hopkins & Wilson) bds 122 Market

Wilson J M., carpenter, h 253 Water

Wilson James, laborer, h 38 Conongue

Wilson James, watchman. H 105 Second

Wilson John L., hostler, 332 Water

Wilson Samuel, clerk Frasier House, bds do

Wilson Sarah, domestic 9 Columbia

Wilson Sarah, widow Joseph, h E Union ab Church

Wilson Robert, stableman, Pattison House, bds do

Wilson Mrs., bds Rathbun House

WINANS WILLIAM, intelligence office, 134 Water, h do

Windsor Lloyd D., insurance agent. 120 Water, h 259 Church

Winecke Ferdinand, cabinetmaker, h 3 N Oak

Winfield William, printer, bds 197 Church

Wing Edson W., baggage master E R W Pass depot, h 68 Baldwin

Wing John A., book-keeper 28 Lake, bds 73 Lake

Wing Lorenzo, carpenter, h 4 Beach

Wing Maria S., dressmaker, bds 4 Beach

Winn Alfred, laborer, h Baldwin opp Bark Works

Winslow John T., Central Hotel, Baldwin c Market

Winsor N S., farmer, h Water ab Hoffman

Winters George, laborer, bds 4 Standish

Winterstein Dennis T., carpenter, bds 11 Fox

Winterstone Solomon, peddler, bds 140 Railroad av

Winton Henry C., cough medicine, 27 Railroad av, h do

Woolsey Daniel, laborer, h Hall n Norton

Wise Ambrose, tobacconist 25 Lake, h 7 Conongue

Wise Fred H., clerk 25 Lake, bds 5 Conongue

Wiseman Edward, agent N C R W Fifth, h 77 Columbia

Wisner Jeffery A., conductor, h Sullivan c E Second

Wisner Maria, widow Harry, bds 31 Main

Wisner Mary A., widow John W., bds 45 Washington

Wisner William H., harness maker, h 96 Church

Wiswell Clara, dressmaker, bds 147 Second

Witman Wentzel, laborer, h 3 Dickinson

Witt John, patternmaker, h 7 Davis

Wittenberg Rosa, widow Charles, h 8 Conongue

Wittenberg Joseph (Guttenberg , Rosenbaum & Co) h 202 Church

Wixon Onesimus M., book-keeper 45 Lake, bds 99 Fifth

Wolcott Ella L., h East Hill, Factory

Wolcott Lyman, shoemaker, bds 205 Water

Wolf Richard, carver, h 5 Magee

Wollheim Aaron (Wollheim & Son) bds 45 Railroad av

Woolheim Simon, clothing 47 Railroad av, h do

Wollheim S. & Son. (Simon and Aaron) clothiers 197 Water

Wooley Thomas, grocer, bds 108 Lake

Wolverton William G., butcher, Clinton c Main, h 43 Main

Wood Alvah, conductor, bds Fourth c College av

Wood A. Jackson, engineer, bds 10 Oak

Wood Charles, carriage smith, bds 76 Church

Wood George, brakeman, bds Fourth c College av

Wood Henry, carriage builder, h 76 Church

Wood John, laborer, h 18 Dickinson

Wood Joseph, cabinet maker, h 22 E Second

Wood Michael, machinist, 22 College av

Wood Morgan L., conductor, h Fourth c College av

Wood Seymour B., tinsmith, h 25 South Water

Wood William, plasterer, h 71 Davis

Woodcock Sarah, widow Edward, h 77 Sullivan

Woodford Charles N., bds 64 Baldwin

Woodford James F., printer "Advertiser", bds 16 Hudson

Woodford Joseph, carpenter, h 16 Hudson

Woodhill James, hair cutter, 97 Water, bds 202 do

Woodhill William, hair dresser, bds 202 Water

Woodring Samuel, saloon, 83 Railroad av

Woodruff Albert, carpenter, 241 Water, h 10 College av

Woodruff Fred L., clerk Main c Water, bds 10 College av

Woods James L., lawyer, 151 Water, h 304 do

Woods John, laborer, bds 3 Jones Lane

Woods John A., hostler, bds 32 Dickinson

Woodward Emeline, widow William, h 73 Baldwin

Woodward Maurion, painter, bds 68 Baldwin

Woofter Royal, expressman, h High n Main

Woolley Thomas T., (Sergeant & Woolley) bds 108 Lake

Wormley Henry T., cooper, h 9 Ann

Wormley John, cooper, h 9 Ann

Worrall George, merchant at Pittston, Pa, h 49 William

Wratson Eliza, domestic Rathbun House

Wright Ann E., widow Nelson, h Ann n Penna av

Wright A.M.carriage trimmer, h 253 Water

Wright Daniel, h Broadway ab Fulton

Wright George B., conductor, h 56 Fourth

Wright James. Clerk, 145 Water

Wright James, lawyer 145 Water, bds Lake

Wright James A., carpenter, h 24 DeWitt

Wright John, porer, bds Elmira House

Wrigley John, railroader, h 37 Fourth

Wright John S., brakeman, bds Dickinson ab Fourth

Wright Martha E., widow William, h Dickinson ab Fourth

Wright Peter, carriage manufacturer 251 Water, h 329 do

Wright Thomas S., h 55 Fourth

Wright Wallace, brakeman, bds 24 DeWitt

Wyckoff Albert P., shoemaker, bds 50 S Water

Wyckoff Arcalous, prop Wyckoff pavement 198 Water, bds 8 S Water

Wyckoff Charles W., (Mosher & Wyckoff) h Water bel College av

Wyckoff C. Wesley, grocer, Water, h 9 S Water

Wyckoff Elias, wooden water pipe 10 Railroad av, h 50 S Water

Wyckoff E.L. book-keeper 198 Water, bds 8 S Water

Wyckoff G.W., (Wyckoff Paving Co) 198 Water, bds 8 S Water

Wyckoff John P., machinist, h Conongue n Clinton

Wyckoff William H.,pipe maker, bds 50 S Water

WYCOFF PAVING CO., 198 Water, agencies established in Pittsburg, Pa., Detroit, Mich., Buffalo, NY., and Lawrence, Kansas

Wyman John M., shoemaker, h 20 Sullivan

Wynkoop Nettie D., teacher, bds 7 S Main

Wynn Catharine, widow Dennis, bds Hatch bel Seventh

Wynn Hugh, laborer, h Canal bel Washington av

Wynn James, heater, h Hatch bel Seventh

Wynn John, heater, h Canal opp rolling mill

Wynn Thomas, roller, h Hatch bel Seventh

Wyseman Edward, passenger agent N C R W,Fifth c Railroad h Columbia c Sixth

Yarington Bradley, laborer, h Howard n Factory

Yarington Nelson, carpenter, h 7 Park Place

Yarington William, carpenter, h Woodlawn n Second

Yates Charles G., clerk, h 60 Fifth

Yates Horace G., h 228 Water

Yates William P., watchmaker, 147 Water, h 228 do

Yates ________-, coach painter, bds 111 Church

Yeager William, barber, bds 185 Water

Yontz John, baggage master, h 7 E Union

Yontz Matthew W., carpenter, h 50 Main

Yoman Milton, carpenter, S Water c Harmon, h 56 S Water

Youmans EdwardB., lawyer, 153 Water, bds 134 Church

Young Charles, barber 133 Railroad av, h 48 College av

Young Charles W., tinsmith, h 1 Esty

Young Jesse, tailor, 21 Lake h Buttonwood

Young John, tailor h Church c Harriet

Young Peter C., h 23 High

Young Samuel, pavement layer, h Davis n cemetery

Young Stewart, mason, h Oak n Lake

Young Thomas (Young & Terneur) h 147 Lake

YOUNG & TERNEUR, (Thomas Young and Henry Terneur) sash, doors and blinds and lumber Church c Canal

Zacchi Philip, bleacher, Market n Canal, h do

Zahn Hannah, domestic 51 Gray

Zeigler John, segarmaker, bds 53 Water

Zimmer Elias, laborer, h John n Harriet

Zimmer Jacob, blacksmith, h Balsam n Franklin

Zimmerman Frank, piano maker, h 87 Church


Village Officers—A.D. Loomis, President; D. Clark, R. Colwell, I.Livesay, J.S. Bowman, Trustees;

M. V. B. Bachman, Clerk

Bachman M.V.B., lawyer, Franklin c Main

Baptist Church, Church street. Rev. G.W. Abrams, pastor

Bell J. T. Mrs., millinery and ladies furnishing, Main n Orchard

BENEDICT EDWIN E., sign and carriage painter, John

Bennett Morris, planning mill, Adams

Bennett & Burch, prop’rs Burch Hotel, Main c Franklin

Bennitt & Tabers, Empire Flour Mill, Franklin n R R

Bogardus & Bennett, iron foundry & agricultural implements, Main

Boone Henry, carriage-painter, John

Bowman John S., Horseheads Woolen Mills, Eleanor

Breese LeMoyne, blacksmith, Main n Mosher block

Brown Menzo H., livery stable, John n depot

Campbell Harriet, milliner, Main n Broad

CARPENTER C. E., jeweler, Main c Franklin

Carpenter Lewis, harness maker, Main c Franklin

Cassady Mary E., cigarmaker, Church n Main

Chemung Canal Collector’s Office, Main, DeWitt c Curtis

Christie James A., lawyer, Franklin c Main

Clark D. & Son, hardware, Franklin

Colwell Robert, meat market, Main c John

Corel Alexander M., groceries and clothing, Franklin

Curtis D. W. C., lawyer 4 Mosher’s block, Main

Dailey Walter L., lawyer, 2 Mosher’s block, Main

Dailey Walter L., Mrs., dressmaker, 1 Mosher’s block, Main

Davis Harriett E., drug store, Franklin c Church

Dean & Cox, dentists, Franklin

EAGAN & GRIFFETH, groceries and provisions, Main

Egbert & Weller, groceries and boots and shoes, Franklin

Episcopal Church, Main c Steuben. Rev. Rob’t R. Gowdy, pastor

Gardner & Compton, furniture dealers and undertakers, Main

Gars Samuel, cooper, John

GREATSINGER J. L., coal dealer, baker and grocer, Main

Greenman Orlando S., physician, Main cor Franklin

Greenman & Relyra, druggists, Main cor Franklin

Groom Orlando, physician, Franklin

HERRICK ORMAN, groceries and provisions, Main cor Franklin

Hill Henry, bootmaker, John

HORSEHEADS JOURNAL, weekly published every Wednesday, Thomas J Taylor

Editor and proprietor

House Louise L., millinery 4 Mosher’s Block, Main

Kellogg Seth W., carriage painter, Main n Canal

Lawrence Thomas, groceries, Franklin

Lovell & Hibbard, stoves and tinware, Main cor John

Mahon A W., saloon, John cor Railroad

MARSHALL J. H. & CO., crockery importers and auction and commission merchants, Main cor John

Mather Elizabeth, milliner, Main cor Orchard

McNish & Updike, stationary and sewing machines , Franklin n Main

Methodist Episcopal Church, Church, Rev. C. M. Gardiner, Pastor

Morgan Henry A., fruits and vegetables, Franklin

Morgan S. M., boot maker, Franklin

Mosher J. B. & H., dry goods and groceries, 1 Mosher’s Block, Main

Mosher W.W., clothing and gents’ furnishing goods, 2 Mosher’s Block, Main

Parker Edwin A., stoves and tinware, Main

Presbyterian Church, Broad cor Church, Rev. C.C. Carr, Pastor

Putnam & Dorn, blacksmiths, Franklin

Reynolds Bennitt & Co., bankers, Franklin

Ripsom Joseph B., wagon maker, John

Roberts A. B., groceries and provisions 3 Mosher’s Block, Main

Rockwell Edmund S., shoeing and jobbing smith, Main c Canal

Root Hiram M., groceries and provisions, Main cor John

Rose William J., carriage manufacturers, John

Royce Simeon, tailor, Main cor Franklin

Ryant House, Brougham & Trembley proprietors, Main cor North

Saunders Margaret A., dressmaker, Main n Broad

Seamans Milton B., groceries, Franklin n R R

STAMP PETER P., saloon, John

Tallmadge Solomon A., druggist, 3 Ryant’s Block, Main

TAYLOR THOMAS J., editor Horseheads Journal, John n Main

Thorne Charles E., postmaster, Church cor Franklin

Townsend David, blacksmith and carriage maker, John

Van Dusen Nathan, livery stable, Main cor John

Ward Peter J., photographer, Main cor Franklin

Warfield Edward E., harness maker, Franklin

WESTLAKE BENJAMIN, brick manufacturer, North

Whitaker Bros., groceries, dry goods, boots and shoes, Main

Whitenack Azariah B., shoemaker, John

Wilcox Martha, agent Grover & Baker sewing machines, Main

Williams Edward O., barber, John

Wilson John A., hairdresser, Main cor Franklin

Wintermute T. J. & Co., dry goods &c., Main n Franklin

Wood George, carpenter, John

Wood Isaac, jewelry and sewing machines, Franklin

Wright Leonard L., boots and shoes ,Main


Village Officers--- C. G. Denison, President; A. H. Gorton, John Ellison, James Sloan, Richard

Hill, Trustees; William White, Clerk; Jerome Maltby, Treasurer; Thomas Sullivan, Collector.

Acheson Michael, laborer, h Tioga av n Chemung

Adams John ,plumber, bds 6 W Erie av

Adams Samuel W., music teacher, h 22 E Third

Adams Walter, car inspector, h 38 Cedar

Adams W.W., book-keeper Fall Brook Coal Co., h Third c Cedar

Aegler George, laborer, h Fifth cor Walnut

African Methodist Episcopal Church, Second cor Pine

AHLE VALENTINE, grocer and saloon, Pine n Depot

Allen Calvin ,laborer, h Creek n Third

Allen William, brakeman, h Chestnut ab Erie av

Alliance Hook and Ladder Co., No. 1, Cedar n Erie av; Edward Graves foreman, W.H. Chaphe, sec’y

Anderson H. G. K., tinsmith, h Chemung ab E First

Ansorge Mark P., clothier,Pine n Depot, bds Dickinson House

Ansorge Maurice, clerk, Pine n Depot, bds Corning House

Archer George A., hotel and restaurant, 18 W Market

Argue Thomas, porter, h First ab Pine

Armstrong Abraham, machinist, h Tioga av n Columbia

Atkinson Michael, clerk, Market cor Pine, h Canal n Wall

[We are not completing Corning at this time]