Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts by Isabel Ridall
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Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts of Isabel Ridall

Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts Elmira Gazette - 1844-A
From Marriages and Deaths Elmira Republican, Elmira Gazette, Elmira NY Abstracted by Isabell Rydel and retyped by Diane Bender
M Name Notice
1844 9-May M Andrew, Orpha A. m in this place on the 1st inst by the Rev. Z. Grinnell, Mr. John F. Wheeler of Millport to Miss Orpha A. Andrew of Dix.
1844 11-Jan D Andrus, Thomas N. d in the town of Erin on the 2d inst of bilious fever, Mr. Thomas N. Andrus, aged about 38.
1844 11-Apr M Annick, Jacob m in Southport on the 8th inst by B.B. Payne, Esq, Jacob Annick of Elmira to Ellen Carter, both of Southport [sic].
1844 9-May M Atkins, Theodore m in Southport on the 1st inst by Rev. E. Hebbard, Mr. Theodore Atkins to Miss Rebecca Ann Johnson, both of Southport.
1844 11-Jan D Atwater, David d in Catharine on the 28th ult, Dr. David Atwater, aged about 27 years.
1844 18-Jan D Baker, Mary d in Wells, Bradford co. PA on the 1st inst, Mrs. Mary Baker, aged 67 years. Obituary will appear next week. [see Jan 25]
1844 25-Jan D Baker, Mary d in Wells, Bradford co. PA on the 1st inst, Mrs. Mary Baker, aged 67 years. She was a native of Boston and the dau of Capt. Stephen Hall, late of that city… [long poetic tribute written by a son]
1844 13-Jun M Banks, Sarah m at Millport on the 6th inst by the Rev. W. Van Zandt, E.P. McAllister of this village to Miss Sarah, dau of Judge Banks, of the former place.
1844 21-Mar M Beardsley, Irad L. m in Newbury OH on the 4th inst by Rev. M.A. Fox, Mr. Irad L. Beardsley, formerly of this place, to Mrs. Eliza Loomis, both of the city of Cleveland.
1844 23-May M Beck, Caroline m on the 16th inst at Milton PA, Mr. J____ Jones, printer of the Danville "Intelligencer", to Miss Caroline Beck, both of Danville PA.
1844 14-Mar D Beers, Elizabeth d in Southport on the 5th inst after a painful and protracted illness, Elizabeth, consort of Col. John N. Beers, aged 28 yrs, 5 mos & 1 week.
1844 22-Feb D Berry, Georgiana d in Southport on the 16th inst, after one week's illness, Georgiana, only dau of Thomas and Phebe McD. Berry, of Tioga PA, aged 4 mos & 4 das.
1844 2-May M Bingham, Almira L. m in Christ's Church, Cooperstown, Otsego co. on the 17th ult by the Rev. F.T. Tiffany, Mr. James I. Hendryx, editor of the "Democratic Citizen," at Jefferson, to Miss Almira L. Bingham of the former place.
1844 9-May M Brees, Sophrona J. m in Fairport on the 28th ult by Elder P.D. Gilett, Mr. Warren Kiser to Miss Sophrona J., dau of Azariah Brees, Esq, all of Elmira.
1844 18-Jan D Breese, Hannah d in Fairport on Mon the 15th inst, Mrs. Hannah Breese, relict of John Breese, deceased in the 94th year of her age. Mrs. Breese was one of the first settlers of this county, having emigrated here from the state of New Jersey, about the year 1786.
1844 18-Jan M Breese, Henry V. m on the ___ ult in Aurora, Kane Co. IL, Mr. Henry V. Breese, late of this village, to Miss Loretta Breese, of the former place.
1844 18-Jan M Breese, Loretta m on the ___ ult in Aurora, Kane Co. IL, Mr. Henry V. Breese, late of this village, to Miss Loretta Breese, of the former place.
1844 4-Jan M Brown, Charles m in South Creek PA on the 21st ult by the Rev. S.R. Jones, Mr. Charles Brown of Rutland PA to Miss Susan C. Hildreth of the former place.
1844 25-Jan M Brown, David F. m in Big Flats on the 23rd inst by the Rev. J.M. Brown, Mr. David F. Brown to Miss Eliza Jane Farr, both of Big Flats (our thanks for that nice lot of cake).
1844 9-May M Bundy, Abby m in this village on the 2d inst by Rev. P.H. Fowler, Mr. Thomas B. Covell to Miss Abby Bundy, all of this village.
1844 4-Apr M Bunto, Peter m by B.B. Payne, Esq, on the 30th ult in the town of Elmira, Mr. Peter Bunto to Miss Sarah Bunto, of the aforesaid town.
1844 4-Apr M Bunto, Sarah m by B.B. Payne, Esq, on the 30th ult in the town of Elmira, Mr. Peter Bunto to Miss Sarah Bunto, of the aforesaid town.
1844 7-Mar M Burt, Martha m in Chemung on Sun last by M. Griswold, Esq, Mr. Morris Hetfield to Miss Martha Burt, all of that town.
1844 8-Feb M Carpenter, James m in Fairport on the 7th inst by Rev. C.C. Carr, Mr. James Carpenter to Miss Martha E. Carpenter, all of Fairport.
1844 8-Feb M Carpenter, Martha E. m in Fairport on the 7th inst by Rev. C.C. Carr, Mr. James Carpenter to Miss Martha E. Carpenter, all of Fairport.
1844 11-Apr M Carter, Ellen m in Southport on the 8th inst by B.B. Payne, Esq, Jacob Annick of Elmira to Ellen Carter, both of Southport [sic].
1844 23-May D Chandler, Joseph d in Bigflats on the 10th inst of an apoplectic fit, Mr. Joseph Chandler, aged 75 years.
1844 22-Feb D Chapman, John d in Southport on the 15th inst, John Chapman, aged 24 years…a native of New Hampshire...emigrated to this county with his father...hemorrage of the lungs of illness of but a few hours.
1844 9-May M Chemberlain, Elizabeth m in Factoryville on the 20th ult by the Rev. Mr. Huston, Mr. S.C. Parks of Athens to Miss Elizabeth Chemberlain of the former place.
1844 28-Mar M Chrysler, Margaret m on the 21st inst by G.W. Miller, Esq, Mr. Wm. Yelverton to Miss Margaret Chrysler, all of Elmira.
1844 30-May M Collman, Joseph R. m in the town of Elmira on the 23d inst by the Rev. E. Pratt, Mr. Joseph R. Collman to Miss Mary Ann Fenner, both of Corning.
1844 20-Jun M Comstock, H. Stanley m in this village on Wed the 19th inst by the Rev. W. Van Zandt, Mr. H. Stanley Comstock of Athens PA to Miss Clarissa Kingsbury of this village.
1844 14-Mar M Cornwall, Catharine m by the Rev. S.R. Jones on the 2d inst, Mr. Reuben Updike to Miss Catharine Cornwall, both of Jackson PA.
1844 9-May M Covell, Thomas B. m in this village on the 2d inst by Rev. P.H. Fowler, Mr. Thomas B. Covell to Miss Abby Bundy, all of this village.
1844 9-May M Davis, Pamiela P. m in Erin on the 29th ult by Peter Blauvelt, Esq, Mr. James W. Williams to Miss Pamiela P. Davis, both of this place.
1844 2-May M Decker, Thomas m in Southport on Sun last by Elder J.H. Noble, Mr. Thomas Decker 2d to Miss Ruth Maria, dau of Moses Hetfield of Elmira. [see 9 May]
1844 9-May M Decker, Thomas The marriage of Mr. Decker to Miss Hetfield, published in our last, we have been informed by the same individual that handed in the notice that the Marriage has not yet taken place. [see notice]
1844 9-May N Dodge, Jonas DONATION VISIT: The friends of the Rev. Jonas Dodge will meet at his residence, in Elmira, on the afternoon and evening of Wed the 15th inst.
1844 14-Mar M Dunham, Mercy m on the 17th ult by the Rev. S.R. Jones at his residence, Mr. Denison Kenyon to Miss Mercy Dunham, dau of Col. H. Dunham, all of Southport.
1844 2-May M Evans, Charles m in Southport on Tues last by Elder J. Dodge, Mr. Charles Evans to Miss Jemima Stroud, eldest dau of the late Abraham Miller of that town.
1844 8-Feb M Everett, Arminda m in Chemung on Wed morning the 7th inst by the Rev. E. Pratt, Mr. George N. Francis of New York City to Miss Arminda Everett, of the former place.
1844 21-Mar D Fairman, Charles Grandison d in this village on Sun morning 17th inst, Charles Grandison, son of Franklin F. and Matilda Fairman, aged 6 mos.
1844 28-Mar M Fenderson, George m on the 17th inst by the Rev. Elijah Hebard, Mr. George Fenderson of Owego to Miss Amanda Young of Elmira.
1844 30-May M Fenner, Mary Ann m in the town of Elmira on the 23d inst by the Rev. E. Pratt, Mr. Joseph R. Collman to Miss Mary Ann Fenner, both of Corning.
1844 25-Jan D Fincher, Orville d in Chemung on the 22d inst, Orville, infant son of John Fincher, aged 5 mos & 21 das.
1844 8-Feb M Francis, George N. m in Chemung on Wed morning the 7th inst by the Rev. E. Pratt, Mr. George N. Francis of New York City to Miss Arminda Everett, of the former place.
1844 13-Jun D Frost, Joseph d in Catharine on the 24th ult, Joseph Frost, a Revolutionary pensioner, in the 90th year of his age. He was one of the first settlers of the town of Catharine, having resided in it 41 years.
1844 2-May M Graham, Nicholas R. m in Jefferson on the 12th ult by the Rev. J.P. Stryker, Mr. Nicholas R. Graham, Esq, to Miss Julia Whitney, all of that village.
1844 23-May M Grenell, Julia A. m in Elmira on the 20th inst by the Rev. Z. Grenell, Mr. A. St. John Mills, of the city of New York, to Miss Julia A., dau of the Rev. Grenell, of the former place.
1844 4-Jan M Gue, Sarah m at the residence of Daniel Gue in Elmira on the 28th ult by B.B. Payne, Esq, Mr. George Westlake to Miss Sarah Gue, all of Elmira.
1844 25-Jan D Hall, Mary see Baker, Mary (married name)
1844 22-Feb M Hammond, Sibyl m in Southport on the 13th inst by Elder J.H. Noble, Mr. George Roberts of Chemung and Miss Sibyl, dau of Jared Hammond, of Ridgebury PA.
1844 14-Mar D Hatch, Dorastus d in this village on the 12th inst, Doct. Dorastus Hatch, late of Otsego Co., aged 84 years. The funeral takes place this morning at half past 10 o'clock at Trinity Church.
1844 2-May M Hendryx, James I. m in Christ's Church, Cooperstown, Otsego co. on the 17th ult by the Rev. F.T. Tiffany, Mr. James I. Hendryx, editor of the "Democratic Citizen," at Jefferson, to Miss Almira L. Bingham of the former place.
1844 7-Mar M Hetfield, Morris m in Chemung on Sun last by M. Griswold, Esq, Mr. Morris Hetfield to Miss Martha Burt, all of that town.
1844 2-May M Hetfield, Ruth Maria m in Southport on Sun last by Elder J.H. Noble, Mr. Thomas Decker 2d to Miss Ruth Maria, dau of Moses Hetfield of Elmira. [see 9 May]
1844 9-May M Hetfield, Ruth Maria The marriage of Mr. Decker to Miss Hetfield, published in our last, we have been informed by the same individual that handed in the notice that the Marriage has not yet taken place. [see notice]
1844 4-Jan M Hildreth, Susan C. m in South Creek PA on the 21st ult by the Rev. S.R. Jones, Mr. Charles Brown of Rutland PA to Miss Susan C. Hildreth of the former place.
1844 28-Mar M Hillman, Orpha m in Southport on Sat last by G.W. Miller, Esq, Mr. Clark Howard to Miss Orpha, dau of Samuel Hillman, both of Chemung.
1844 8-Feb M Hopkins, Mary Salisbury m in Chemung on Fri last by Elder J.H. Noble, Mr. Zapher Teed to Miss Mary Salisbury, dau of Dr. Warren K. Hopkins, all of Southport.
1844 28-Mar M Howard, Clark m in Southport on Sat last by G.W. Miller, Esq, Mr. Clark Howard to Miss Orpha, dau of Samuel Hillman, both of Chemung.
1844 9-May M Johnson, Rebecca Ann m in Southport on the 1st inst by Rev. E. Hebbard, Mr. Theodore Atkins to Miss Rebecca Ann Johnson, both of Southport.
1844 23-May M Jones, J. m on the 16th inst at Milton PA, Mr. J____ Jones, printer of the Danville "Intelligencer", to Miss Caroline Beck, both of Danville PA.
1844 25-Jan N Jones, Simeon DONATION: The friends of the Rev. Simeon Jones will pay him a visit at his residence on Seely Creek on Friday afternoon and evening next.
1844 6-Jun M Kelly, Hannah J. m on the 2d inst by the Rev. S.R. Jones, Mr. James R. Sparke of Vicksburg MS to Miss Hannah J. Kelly of Southport, Chemung co.
1844 14-Mar M Kenyon, Denison m on the 17th ult by the Rev. S.R. Jones at his residence, Mr. Denison Kenyon to Miss Mercy Dunham, dau of Col. H. Dunham, all of Southport.
1844 20-Jun M Kingsbury, Clarissa m in this village on Wed the 19th inst by the Rev. W. Van Zandt, Mr. H. Stanley Comstock of Athens PA to Miss Clarissa Kingsbury of this village.
1844 9-May M Kiser, Warren m in Fairport on the 28th ult by Elder P.D. Gilett, Mr. Warren Kiser to Miss Sophrona J., dau of Azariah Brees, Esq, all of Elmira.
1844 1-Feb M Knapp, Jane B. m on the 24th ult by the Rev. S.R. Jones, Mr. Samuel Miller, jr., of Jackson PA to Miss Jane B., dau of William B. Knapp, Esq, of Southport.
1844 8-Feb M Lawrence, Morris m in Rutland, Tioga co. PA on the 19th inst by the Rev. Mr. Sanders, Mr. Norris Lawrence to Miss Belviet Lewis, all of the above place.
1844 8-Feb D Leal, Robert A. d at Oxford, Chenango co. on Thurs last, Mr. Robert A. Leal, Editor and proprietor of the Oxford Republican, in the 23rd year of his age.
1844 11-Apr D Lefler, John d in Jackson PA on the 31st ult, Mr. John Lefler, a Soldier of the Revolution and a pensioner, in the 90th year of his age.
1844 8-Feb M Lewis, Belviet m in Rutland, Tioga co. PA on the 19th inst by the Rev. Mr. Sanders, Mr. Norris Lawrence to Miss Belviet Lewis, all of the above place.
1844 16-May M Lewis, Esther m in Daggett's Mills PA on the 9th by J.G. Spencer, Esq, Mr. James M. Pettingell of Rutland, Tioga co. PA to Miss Esther Lewis of Wells, Bradford co. PA.
1844 21-Mar M Loomis, Eliza m in Newbury OH on the 4th inst by Rev. M.A. Fox, Mr. Irad L. Beardsley, formerly of this place, to Mrs. Eliza Loomis, both of the city of Cleveland.
1844 13-Jun M McAllister, E. P. m at Millport on the 6th inst by the Rev. W. Van Zandt, E.P. McAllister of this village to Miss Sarah, dau of Judge Banks, of the former place.
1844 11-Apr M McKibbin, Adaline m in Elmira on the 4th inst by the Rev. Mr. Grinnell, Mr. Josiah S. Townsend to Miss Adaline McKibbin, both of Southport.
1844 20-Jun M McLawrin, James m in the village of Marshall MI on the 23d inst by Rev. C. Clark, Rev. James McLawrin of Paw Paw, Van Buren co., to Miss Sarah H. Bostock, formerly preceptress of the Elmira Academy, of the former place.
1844 4-Apr D Miles, Huldah d in Jackson, Tioga co. PA on the 29th ult, Huldah Miles, wife of Henry Miles and dau of Joshua G. Spencer, Esq, aged 23 years.
1844 2-May M Miller, Jemima Stroud m in Southport on Tues last by Elder J. Dodge, Mr. Charles Evans to Miss Jemima Stroud, eldest dau of the late Abraham Miller of that town.
1844 4-Jan M Miller, Mary Elizabeth m by the Rev. S.R. Jones on the 1st inst, Mr. Orin Stone, late of Broome co. NY to Mary Elizabeth, eldest dau of James Miller of Jackson PA.
1844 1-Feb M Miller, Samuel m on the 24th ult by the Rev. S.R. Jones, Mr. Samuel Miller, jr., of Jackson PA to Miss Jane B., dau of William B. Knapp, Esq, of Southport.
1844 23-May M Mills, A. St. John m in Elmira on the 20th inst by the Rev. Z. Grenell, Mr. A. St. John Mills, of the city of New York, to Miss Julia A., dau of the Rev. Grenell, of the former place.
1844 28-Mar D Monell, Charles R. d in Angelica on Mon evening, Charles R. Monell, Esq, son of Judge Monell of Greene, Chenango co. NY, in the 23rd year of his age.
1844 7-Mar M Nash, M. A. m at Columbia flats on Mon the 25th of Feb by the Rev. A. Mansfield, Mr. Royal Rose to Miss M. A. Nash.
1844 28-Mar M Parker, Antoinette M. m in Bigflatt on the 21st inst by the Rev. Mr. Whiting, B.A. Rose to Miss Antoinette M. Parker, both of Bigflatt.
1844 9-May M Parks, S. C. m in Factoryville on the 20th ult by the Rev. Mr. Huston, Mr. S.C. Parks of Athens to Miss Elizabeth Chemberlain of the former place.
1844 25-Jan D Perry, Elizabeth d in this village on Sat the 20th inst, Miss [sic] Elizabeth Perry, consort of Thomas M. Perry, deceased in the 64th year of her age.
1844 16-May M Pettingell, James M. m in Daggett's Mills PA on the 9th by J.G. Spencer, Esq, Mr. James M. Pettingell of Rutland, Tioga co. PA to Miss Esther Lewis of Wells, Bradford co. PA.
1844 7-Mar M Riggs, Charles m in Southport on Thurs last by Elder J.H. Noble, Mr. Charles Riggs of Elmira to Miss Deborah Tyley of the former place.
1844 8-Feb M Roberts, Abner m at the same time by the same, Mr. Abner Roberts to Miss Priscilla, dau of Jeremiah Roberts, all of Chemung. [Chemung on Fri last by Elder J.H. Noble - see Teed, Zapher]
1844 22-Feb M Roberts, George m in Southport on the 13th inst by Elder J.H. Noble, Mr. George Roberts of Chemung and Miss Sibyl, dau of Jared Hammond, of Ridgebury PA.
1844 8-Feb M Roberts, Priscilla m at the same time by the same, Mr. Abner Roberts to Miss Priscilla, dau of Jeremiah Roberts, all of Chemung. [Chemung on Fri last by Elder J.H. Noble - see Teed, Zapher]
1844 28-Mar M Rose, B. A. m in Bigflatt on the 21st inst by the Rev. Mr. Whiting, B.A. Rose to Miss Antoinette M. Parker, both of Bigflatt.
1844 7-Mar M Rose, Royal m at Columbia flats on Mon the 25th of Feb by the Rev. A. Mansfield, Mr. Royal Rose to Miss M. A. Nash.
1844 6-Jun D Sexton, Sylvester d in Pine Valley on Tues morning the 28th of May last, Sylvester Sexton, son of Elijah and Sophia Sexton, aged 34 years. Mr. Sexton fell a victim of pulmonary consumption…last of two sons.
1844 4-Apr M Shackleton, James m by the same on the 14th ult in the village of Elmira, Mr. James Shackleton of Elmira to Miss Rebecca Winton of Havana, after the long and tedious courtship and acquaintance of two hours.
1844 4-Jan D Smith, George Henry d on Sat the 30th ult, George Henry, only surviving child of Charles B. Smith, aged 2 yrs & 8 mos.
1844 4-Apr D Smith, Timothy d in Chemung on the 22d day of Feb last, Timothy Smith, son of Mijamin and Margaret Griswold, aged 1 yrs, 1 mo & 8 das.
1844 6-Jun M Sparke, James R. m on the 2d inst by the Rev. S.R. Jones, Mr. James R. Sparke of Vicksburg MS to Miss Hannah J. Kelly of Southport, Chemung co.
1844 4-Apr D Spencer, Huldah see Miles, Hulda (married name)
1844 7-Mar M Stage, Peter m in Southport on Sun last by M. Griswold, Esq, Mr. Peter Stage to Miss Lorinda, dau of Abraham Westfall of Chemung.
1844 1-Feb M Stell, Harriet m in Fairport on Wed evening the 24th ult by Rev. D.S. Clark, Mr. John D. Thorn to Miss Harriet Stell, all of Fairport.
1844 4-Jan M Stone, Orin m by the Rev. S.R. Jones on the 1st inst, Mr. Orin Stone, late of Broome co. NY to Mary Elizabeth, eldest dau of James Miller of Jackson PA.
1844 8-Feb M Teed, Zapher m in Chemung on Fri last by Elder J.H. Noble, Mr. Zapher Teed to Miss Mary Salisbury, dau of Dr. Warren K. Hopkins, all of Southport.
1844 15-Feb D Thompson, Edward Alvan d in this town on the 11th inst, Edward Alvan, son of A.H. and Seba B. Thompson, aged 3 yrs, 1 mo & 11 das.
1844 1-Feb M Thorn, John D. m in Fairport on Wed evening the 24th ult by Rev. D.S. Clark, Mr. John D. Thorn to Miss Harriet Stell, all of Fairport.
1844 28-Feb D Townsend, Catharine Ann d in Southport Feb 1st, Catharine Ann, wife of Josiah Townsend, aged 39. [paper dated 29 Feb]
1844 11-Apr M Townsend, Josiah S. m in Elmira on the 4th inst by the Rev. Mr. Grinnell, Mr. Josiah S. Townsend to Miss Adaline McKibbin, both of Southport.
1844 7-Mar M Tyley, Deborah m in Southport on Thurs last by Elder J.H. Noble, Mr. Charles Riggs of Elmira to Miss Deborah Tyley of the former place.
1844 14-Mar M Updike, Reuben m by the Rev. S.R. Jones on the 2d inst, Mr. Reuben Updike to Miss Catharine Cornwall, both of Jackson PA.
1844 25-Jan D Wells, Oliver (Mrs.) d in this village on the 22nd inst, Mrs. Wells, wife of Oliver Wells, in the 40th year of her age.
1844 7-Mar M Westfall, Lorinda m in Southport on Sun last by M. Griswold, Esq, Mr. Peter Stage to Miss Lorinda, dau of Abraham Westfall of Chemung.
1844 4-Jan M Westlake, George m at the residence of Daniel Gue in Elmira on the 28th ult by B.B. Payne, Esq, Mr. George Westlake to Miss Sarah Gue, all of Elmira.
1844 9-May M Wheeler, John F. m in this place on the 1st inst by the Rev. Z. Grinnell, Mr. John F. Wheeler of Millport to Miss Orpha A. Andrew of Dix.
1844 2-May M Whitney, Julia m in Jefferson on the 12th ult by the Rev. J.P. Stryker, Mr. Nicholas R. Graham, Esq, to Miss Julia Whitney, all of that village.
1844 7-Mar D Williams, Eliza Ann d in Danby, Tompkins co., on the 27th inst, Eliza Ann, wife of Ziba Williams, dau of Alden Winton of Veteran.
1844 9-May M Williams, James W. m in Erin on the 29th ult by Peter Blauvelt, Esq, Mr. James W. Williams to Miss Pamiela P. Davis, both of this place.
1844 7-Mar D Winton, Eliza Ann see Williams, Eliza Ann (married name)
1844 4-Apr M Winton, Rebecca m by the same on the 14th ult in the village of Elmira, Mr. James Shackleton of Elmira to Miss Rebecca Winton of Havana, after the long and tedious courtship and acquaintance of two hours.
1844 11-Apr D Woodard, Mrs. d in Wells PA on the 1st inst, Mrs. Woodard, wife of Daniel Woodard, aged about 30 years.
1844 28-Mar M Yelverton, William m on the 21st inst by G.W. Miller, Esq, Mr. Wm. Yelverton to Miss Margaret Chrysler, all of Elmira.
1844 28-Mar M Young, Amanda m on the 17th inst by the Rev. Elijah Hebard, Mr. George Fenderson of Owego to Miss Amanda Young of Elmira.

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 2/7/99
By Joyce M. Tice