Seeley Creek Cemetery, Town
of Southport, Chemung County, NY
Southport, Chemung County, New York
Submitted by and printed with permission of
J. Kelsey Jones
Located in the Town of Southport, Chemung County, New York at Seeley
Creek west of Route 328 and north of Sagetown Road behind the meat plant
(former milk plant along railroad). No known markers now exist. There are
houses behind the meat plant and the cemetery was where these houses were
built. Older residents of the area knew of its existence, but it has long
since disappeared. John Jones, Sr., was requested to plow the area sometime
in the 1930?s and while plowing realized he was into a cemetery. The cemetery
was not large and evidently it had long been neglected. George Hudson who
resided on Sagetown Road near there informed me (J. Kelsey Jones) that
when he was playing there as a boy he remembers less than a half dozen
markers and the markers contained the name BARTHOLOMEW. The Bartholomew
family were early settlers there and perhaps this was a Bartholomew family
cemetery where interments were made before the establishment of the Webb
Mills Cemetery in the late 1840?s where several early members of the Bartholomew
family are now buried.
J. Kelsey Jones
Published OnSite On 19 JAN 1998
By Joyce M. Tice
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